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Lucy St Louis will play Christine Daa and Rhys Whitfield will play Raoul. The cast also includes Saori Oda as Carlotta Giudicelli, Matt Harrop as Monsieur Firmin, Adam Linstead as Monsieur Andr, Greg Castiglioni as Ubaldo Piangi, Francesca Ellis as Madame Giry and Ellie Young as Meg Giry. Casting has been announced for the new production of The Phantom Of The Opera which re-opens at Her Majestys Theatre on 27 July 2021. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Photos: Inside Rehearsal For THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA; Returning to the Andrew Lloyd Webber said today I am thrilled to announce our first entirely new cast for The Phantom of the Opera in London in over 35 years. The trap of being typecast led her to take time away from the industry . The first woman of color to play the role of Christine on Broadway was Ali Ewoldt. Rhys Whitfield, Lucy St Louis and (Tim Bret-Day) The show, featuring music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is due to reopen in the theatre of its origin on July 27, following the Government's . Rhys Whitfield The Phantom of the Opera UK Tour Warum Trennen Sich Depressive Vom Partner; Nervenschmerzen Beckenboden; Spazieren Im Ruhrgebiet Black women rarely seen in roles of 'beauty, power and grace', says new Q: Why should everyone get along to see the show? What happened? Producer: Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. PRIVACY | palmetto high school basketball tickets; daniel galt west wing. 35 years after its official premiere, Andrew Lloyd Webbers best-know musical received a major overhaul at his home place with a revised production featuring some different sets and other modifications. Rhys Whitfield The Phantom of the Opera UK Tour I am also very proud to welcome Beatrice Penny-Toure, Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation Arts Ed scholarship graduate, to the Phantom family in her first professional role.. View Rhys Whitfield's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. He has also appeared in "Summer and Smoke" at the Duke of York's Theatre in the West End and as 'Peter' in "Jesus Christ Superstar" at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre. Rhys Whitfield Archives - North West End UK palmetto high school basketball tickets; daniel galt west wing. Douglas Mayo has had a life long love affair with musical theatre. At certain performances the role of 'Christine Daa' will be played by Holly-Anne Hull. Rhys trained at Guildford School of Acting, graduating with a first class honours degree. New cast announced for return of The Phantom Of The Opera to London's PW Productions is delighted to announce that Susan Hills The Woman in Black will embark on a UK Tour, opening at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre on [Read More], David Ian for Crossroads Live and Jonathan Church Theatre Productions are pleased to announce that Olivier Award-winning actress Ruthie Henshall will [Read More], Rockefeller Productions, in partnership with ROYO and in association with Disney Theatrical Productions, are delighted to announce the full cast for [Read More], I dont know if youve noticed but shows now come with trigger warnings. Prior to his run in Les Misrables, he played the role of Charlie Price in Kinky Boots on Broadway, a role he originated at the Adelphi Theatre in the West End in 2015, for which he was nominated for an Olivier Award. The West End cast also features Saori Oda as Carlotta Giudicelli, Matt Harrop as Monsieur Firmin, Adam Linstead as Monsieur Andr, Greg Castiglioni as Ubaldo Piangi, Francesca Ellis as Madame Giry and Ellie Young as Meg Giry. 2018. Rhys Whitfield News News and Content. News, Reviews and Interviews from theatres across the UK. I also wanted to play Freddie in My Fair Lady which Ive since done. Now, whatever your opinion of this, it's always interesting to read what the [Read More], Based on an original story by the Duffer Brothers, Jack Thorne and Kate Trefry, STRANGER THINGS: THE FIRST SHADOW, a new play written by Kate Trefry, [Read More], London Theatre 1 and London Theatre One are Registered Trademarks Or maybe I just want to be Bertie Carvel. The Money Show's Bruce Whitfield interviewed Rhys Hughes for. Rhys Wakefield. Whitfield most recently played the role of Raoul in the national tour of The Phantom of the Opera. The cast also includes Saori Oda as 'Carlotta Giudicelli', Matt Harrop as 'Monsieur Firmin', Adam Linstead as 'Monsieur Andr', Greg Castiglioni as 'Ubaldo Piangi', Francesca Ellis as 'Madame Giry' and Ellie Young as Meg Giry. Find your friends on Facebook. I dont think Ill be accused of taking myself too seriously anytime soon, and I think theres a fun, silly side to Raoul too. Q: Do you have a favourite scene or scenes? Rhys Whitfield most recently played the role of 'Raoul' in the National Tour of "The Phantom of the Opera". Obtaining Government backed contingency insurance to protect against further unscheduled closures remains a priority. Killian Donnelly was most recently seen as The Phantom in the UK tour of The Phantom of the Opera. What first attracted you to be a part of the production? Honestly, I still want to play those roles. Find out what the latest news is on their life and career. I was very fortunate to sign with a really wonderful agent in my third year, and with her I got a really lovely string of jobs working in ensembles, covering, and working as a standby for several years. Q: And, how about a favourite song? As his attempts to ignore, dismiss, and then thwart the Phantoms schemes fail, he comes to realization that he could potentially lose it all. THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG Extends Through October 2023, SOME LIKE IT HOT Welcomes 380+ NYC Public School Students, Berkshire Theatre Group Sets 2023 Summer Season, Video: First Listen to the 28-Piece Orchestra for Encores! Home; Categories. Rhys: The creative team have been really good about letting me feel like I had free rein with this character throughout rehearsals and performances, and so I like to think that Ive brought something of my own creation to this role. By doing my nightly ritual of panicking about how I will do it again the next night. The Phantom Of The Opera is produced by Cameron Mackintosh and The Really Useful Group Ltd. Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Lyrics by Charles Hart, and Additional Lyrics by Richard Stilgoe. The first woman of color to play the role of Christine on Broadway was Ali Ewoldt. rhys whitfield interview Rhys Whitfield. Rhys Whitfield - Biography - IMDb Im not sure many experiences could ever prepare you for the scale of Phantom! Rhys Whitfield is currently playing Raoul in The Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre, In London's West End. A combination of luck, timing and people being kind enough to give me a shot. THE EDITORIAL TEAM | the musical Mamma Mia! Rhys Whitfield | Operabase Rhys Frake-Waterfield. Before this he played the role of Jean Valjean to critical acclaim in the sell-out UK and Ireland Tour of Les Misrables, having also played the role in West End production. par | Juin 5, 2022 | how to help someone with autism get a job | Juin 5, 2022 | how to help someone with autism get a job See details about the productions, and how to purchase tickets! rhys whitfield interview - editionsdutoucan.fr Rhys: Elvis in Million Dollar Quartet the role, the show, the cast, the team. The Phantom of the Opera returns to Her Majesty's Theatre on July 27, 2021. Birthplace: Cairns, Queensland, Australia. more information Accept. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Get a first look at The Phantom of the Opera's newest West End stars Lucy St Louis and Rhys Whitfield as they perform one of the show's signature numbers, "All I Ask of You.". Has it been difficult to step back into Raouls shoes after so long without performing? In some ways absolutely the show stamina, the small everyday anxieties that come with putting on any scale of production, the change in lifestyle, all that. Theatre: Freddy Eynsford-Hill in My Fair Lady (Teatro Massimo, Palermo/Sicily); Summer and Smoke (Duke of Yorks Theatre); Cover Zack Mayo & Young Recruit in An Officer and a Gentleman (UK Tour); Elvis in Million Dollar Quartet (UK & India Tour); Cover Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar (Regents Park Open Air Theatre 2016 and 2017); James in The Commitments (UK Tour) and Close to You (Criterion Theatre). 35 years after its official premiere, Andrew Lloyd Webber's best-know musical received a major overhaul at his home place - with a revised production featuring some different sets and other modifications. Rhys Whitfield is associated with 1 productions on Dress Circle including The Phantom of the Opera [Generated By Dress Circle] Dress Circle Production History. Rhys Whitfield | Operabase Login Home Artists Rhys Whitfield Rhys Whitfield Home Performances Repertoire Performances All performances From arts organisation / verified by Operabase From artist / agent m Matine t Tour c Concert 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2019 Archived My Fair Lady, Loewe,F Opera , The Phantom of The Opera returns to Her Majestys Theatre which has been its home since October 1986 and has been seen by over 140 million viewers worldwide. Picture: Tim . TICKETING PARTNERS | OUR RATING SYSTEM, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Video: Go Inside Rehearsal for CAMELOT on Broadway. He has also appeared in Summer and Smoke at the Duke of York's Theatre in the West End and as. Rhys Frake-Waterfield was born in Essex, England, UK. Menu. To book tickets for The Phantom of The Opera go to https://lwtheatres.co.uk/whats-on/the-phantom-of-the-opera/. Rhys is delighted tobe playing Raoul inThe Phantom of the Operaand would like to thank his family and friends for their love and support. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Manage Settings Lucy has also appeared in Ragtime at Regents Park Open Air Theatre and Man of La Mancha at the London Coliseum. He has also appeared in Summer and Smoke at the Duke of Yorks Theatre in the West End and as Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar at Regents Park Open Air Theatre. The Phantom of the Opera, Her Majesty's Theatre - Jul 30, 2022 Raoul, Vicomte De Chagny. They are joined by Leeroy Boone, Corina Clark, Edward Court, Lily De-La-Haye, Hywel Dowsell, Jemal Felix, Erin Flaherty, James Gant, Eilish Harmon-Beglan, Emma Harris, Yukina Hasebe, Olivia Holland-Rose, Grace Hume, James Hume, Donald Craig Manuel, Jonathan Milton, Janet Mooney, Tim Morgan, Beatrice Penny-Toure, Michael Robert-Lowe, Nikki Skinner, Tim Southgate, Ashley Stillburn, Manon Taris, Anouk Van Laake, Skye Weiss, Simon Whitaker and Karen Wilkinson. Having said that, the show is written a certain way, and certain moments just work the way they always have. Have these experiences helped to prepare you for the scale of Phantom of the Opera? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Home; Categories. Patrons who purchased tickets prior to 27 July will be contacted directly by the box office and given priority to exchange their tickets. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I think its the first time that Raoul takes a front foot in the narrative, the scene is really fun to play, and the songs not bad too. Rhys Wakefield of The Purge joined Nasty Neal to talk about his new film The Grand Son, anti heroes, tone of film, True Detective season 3 and more!http://withoutyourhead.com/viewnews.php?autoid=110255Get The Grand Son today on VOD!Subscribe in iTunes or GooglePlay www.WithoutYourHead.comSubscribe for more www.YouTube.com/WithoutYourHeadFind us on facebook and the web Neal Jones - http://www.facebook.com/Neal.Jones.WYHTroy Jones - http://www.facebook.com/troy.jones.737Without Your Head community group page - http://www.facebook.com/groups/withoutyourheadhorrorGet our merchandise - http://www.WithoutYourHead.com/storeWebsite with podcast, links, live show and more - http://www.withoutyourhead.comPodcast for Mp3 - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wyh/id212039902RSS Feed - http://feeds.feedburner.com/WyhSubscribe in iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wyh/id212039902Subscribe in GooglePlayhttps://play.google.com/music/m/I4i37rofrq573sm7pbtwmsbaesq?t=Without_Your_Head\u0026pcampaignid=MKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16Follow us on Twitter @WithoutYourHead Follow us on Instagram @WithoutYourHead Subscribe to the Without Your Head newsletter to receive weekly updates on our schedule, guests and more!http://withoutyourhead.us15.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=fd6c8d11fda8ba165aedc19c0\u0026id=790e056e76For more information on future episodes, getting your product or site mentioned on the show etc please email - withoutyourheadhorror@gmail.com St. Louis is the first Black performer to play the role of Christine in the West End or on Broadway. Guillermo Nzara nos ofrece visin sobre la apariencia actualizada del espectculo, para hacernos saber sobre el nuevo sonido de, Review of The Phantom of the Opera: Hauntings are still a thing of the dark, Crtica de The Phantom of the Opera: Los embrujos son todava cosa de la oscuridad. Rhys trained at Guildford School of Acting, graduating with a first class honours degree. Manage Settings 2 Dc 2021 | 40% hydrogen peroxide cream for seborrheic keratosis | darnell nurse forehead | 40% hydrogen peroxide cream for seborrheic keratosis | darnell nurse forehead Register or login to unlock 3 free articles every month. Posts about rhys whitfield written by guillermonazarareverter. After an extended period of closure, the play has recently re-opened with new cast members and we caught up with new West End cast member Rhys Whitfield, who takes on the role of Raoul, after playing the same role for the UK tour. He has also appeared in "Summer and Smoke" at the Duke of York's Theatre in the West End and as 'Peter' in "Jesus Christ Superstar" at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre. Rhys: I think it is unashamedly melodramatic, and people want to be swept up in that fantasy. The Phantom of the Opera will once again play London's Her Majestys Theatre beginning on July 27. Back To The Future musical West End Back To The Future musical tickets, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the Musical, Come From Away West End Come From Away tickets, Dear Evan Hansen Musical West End Dear Evan Hansen musical tickets, Frozen the musical West End Frozen the musical tickets, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child West End, Les Miserables musical West End Les Miserables London tickets, Mamma Mia! Rhys Whitfield who will play Raoul, Lucy St Louis playing Christine, and Killian Donnelly as The Phantom. All plans for the re-opening of The Phantom Of The Opera are in accordance with the Governments latest directives and therefore subject to change. Tony nominee Norm Lewis made history back in 2014 when he became the first Black actor to play the title role on Broadway.
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