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Between 1908 and 1940, Sears Roebuck and Co. published specialty catalogs offering house plans and building materials. As sales grew, Sears expanded its production, shipping, and sales offices to locations across the U.S. To provide the materials needed for the Modern Homes division, Sears operated a lumber mill in Cairo, Illinois. Sears would be listed as the architect, and because they often gave out mortgages, you can find out if the previous owner(s) had a Sears mortgage or not. Run by experienced researcher Cindy Catanzaro (with a little help from yours truly). But Matthew has a way of pulling everything together and spitting out a coherent comparative analysis with visuals that helps us see what we hadn't noticed previously. Sears Homes 1908-1914 Newport Beach home dangling on edge after cliff collapses From 1908 to 1940, the Sears Modern Homes Program offered complete mail-order houses to the would-be homeowner what would come to be called "kit homes." Customers could select from dozens of different models in Sears Modern Homes Catalog, order blueprints, send in a check, and a few weeks later everything they needed would arrive in a train car, its door secured with a small red wax . Ruth's Beauty Parlor: A Sears No. The Sears Argyle was a small house, about 1,000 square feet, and many of them have been demolished. The suburbs of Philadelphia are not the only places where we find Sears houses, by the way. when you switch jobs, buy a house, and go on an international trip, all I-79 restrictions begin Wednesday night in Allegheny County, West Deer firefighters respond to bedroom fire, heavy smoke at Poplar Street home, Man shot dead in McKeesport the 4th slaying this week and 5th in a month, Medical examiner IDs man killed in McKeesport shooting, Report on Allegheny County Jail deaths finds no 'trends or common factors' that led to them, Historic Hempfield cemetery seeks volunteers, donors to help care for grounds, 2nd annual 'Restaurant Ramble' features 10 downtown New Kensington eateries, Tom Sizemore, Saving Private Ryan actor, dies after brain aneurysm, TV Talk: Mel Brooks History of the World, Part II belatedly arrives on Hulu, Western Pennsylvania's trusted news source, story about a 1922 Sears mail-order home in McCandless, number of those homes are featured on the organizations website. Andrew is our number-cruncher, and his blog, I joined the team shortly after Lara, Cindy and Andrew began, in earnest, to log the homes that they were finding. , such as stamped lumber in the basement or attic, shipping labels on the baseboards and other millwork, or even looking up your deed and records pertaining to the actual home purchase. Some of the most popular models were:[12], The largest and one of the most expensive Sears models was the Magnolia. I have seen articles throughout the years about Sears homes in the Pittsburgh area, she wrote after reading the Trib story. This one, too, looks pretty much like just a taller version of the Greenview/115 and the Rossville/171, from the front and porch side of the house so, it was another mystery, as to what to look for on the other side of the house. Powered by, This September 2017 article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, this short video story by the Washington Post. Search crews have rescued Californians stranded for days in multiple feet of snow after back-to-back storms plastered the state's mountain communities and trapped many in their homes. Argyles also have a tendency to hide. But what if you want something bigger than a tiny house, but not as gargantuan as the average American single family home? They came in all sizes and price points before buying a ready-made house or building kit of your choosing became relegated to the tiny house movement if you dont have the resources to, Sears Wasnt an Innovator, but They Knew Quality and Efficiency. contacting them by clicking on their name. Mrs. Lask had been a well-respected and well-known docent at the Cincinnati Historical Society, who led interesting bus tours and lectures about Cincinnati architectural history, when she embarked on this project in the 1990s (which she did while in her 70s-- a testament to the concept of life-long learning). We have three on our list in Glenside -- one on Cedar, one on Tyson, and one on Edge Hill Rd. While these features werent in every single Sears home, they still set the stage for home builders to realize what people wanted in their new digs because of how much their quality of life was improved. However, these stamps were not used on lumber shipped before 1916, when Sears first started offering pre-cut lumber. And Sears Modern Homes werent a monolith. Were most Sears Houses built by the owners? When we find a mortgage record, we're just given a buyer's name, and a legal description of a property. They kept up with it, of course, but it sure has good bones. to you on Flickr or Pinterest. website, which was published from Oct 2013 to Nov 2014. Our national database of Sears houses in the U.S. has over 13,500 homes on it, and, after Ohio and Illinois, Pennsylvania is No. 5008". How do we know another house didn't outsell the Argyle after 1931? Keep in mind, however, that even though we have found well over 200 Sears houses in the PA and NJ suburbs of Philadelphia, those are densely populated areas. 171's porch roof (when it is a partial porch) connects to the house far to the right side of that upper window and then has a wedge-shape side part to that roof, so that both models end the porch just to the edge of the front door, but with a very different treatment to the shape of the porch roof there. Sears houses could also be ordered with reversed floor plans. They produced three different product lines based on budget: the high-end Honor Bilt homes, Standard Built homes that were popular with young families, and Simplex Sectional low-budget homes that were mostly used as vacation cottages. Los Angeles Modern Stilt Home Featured in Heat (Listed for $1.599 Million), International House Flipper Alex Camacho Makes $80k Profit on One House Flip, Bugsy Siegel Murder Mansion in Beverly Hills Flats (Listed for $17 Million), Zsa Zsa Gabors Pink Palm Springs Palace (Listed for $3.8 Million), 35 Kitchen Breakfast Bars The Latest In Casual Kitchen Dining. Sales peaked in 1929, just before the Great Depression. The two-story schoolhouse was priced at $11,500 and its design included six classrooms, a library, an auditorium, and a superintendent's office. I learn all kinds of interesting stuff here; thanks! Many of the famous designs were commandeered from other sources and/or purchased from architects but given just enough change to be advertised as their own. Referred to as a gable-front-and-wing, it was a national folk style that owed much of its heritage to the earlier Greek Revival style. Jud Yoho may also have been the designer behind the popular Sears model called the Hollywood. Open to the public. hennessy privilege limited edition / what is mc hammer doing now 2020 / national database of sears homes. According to the US Census, there were about 88.7 million people living in the United States. Looking at the sorry state of Americas rail infrastructure today, this also makes me weep although today theyd just be delivered via truck. I considered putting a full chart here, but, honestly, we have found hundreds through searching the suburban PA counties outside of Philadelphia. Here is one of the eleven examples in La Porte: This early version of the No. R.L. Hunter Press: Mail Order House Research TribLIVE's Daily and Weekly email newsletters deliver the news you want and information you need, right to your inbox. Browse the list below to see if there are Modern Homes in your city or state, or to find someone who owns the same model as you. They had. Thousands of developments in cities, suburbs, and exurbs have sprung up since with a seemingly endless amount of homes that were built between World War II and today. Prefab homes arent exactly an exotic concept nowadays. Researching Historic Kit and Plan Book Homes. None of these houses are authenticated through mortgage or deed research, but they are spot-on matches for the models, and we feel certain enough of their origin, to add them to our database. It looks almost like a Sears, And, finally, we have this pretty rare model, the Sears. Its as sturdy as a house as Ive ever seen. Sarah is especially interested in searching the kit homes of Western New York State, and has found us some beautiful Sears houses, but she is especially revered by all of us for her extensive knowledge of kits from the Ray H. Bennett kit homes company, which was based out of North Tonawanda. One of the most expensive models was the Magnolia, a 10-room Colonial-style house with. Simple theme. national database of sears homes - It was built in 1917. Teen hikers rescued after days stuck in California snowstorm houses that share a name also share either a number, a floor plan or had Despite this large number, Sears houses are still, actually, rare, and only make up about 2% of the houses built in their era. Moreover, it was just more feasible to plunk down a house somewhere because there just werent as many homes on account of a smaller population. Historic Homes Images of Sears Homes Click on the associated link for a collection of images and photographs of almost all 447 house designs sold through the Sears Modern Homes program. National Database: Sears Homes in the U.S. SHORT VIDEO: What It's Like to Live in a Sears Catalog Home, SHORT VIDEO: NBC Nightly News visits Andrew & Wendy Mutch, Sears No 137 In Mendham, New Jersey, Morris County. In the companys own words, Sears didnt really innovate home building. I'm sure it was Matthew who cleared up for me that the No. 3 in U.S. with, at todays count, 1,963 Sears homes found.. 168 (Matoka): Here is the catalog image of the No. Or, perhaps we have background information about it to share with you!Judith. Sears Is Crumbling, but These 9 Sears Catalog Homes Stand Tall Simple theme. This phrase is trademarked and cannot be used without permission of Ricky Bobby, Inc. I'm not surprised that the Argyle is likely the best seller; it had a long run and was as good-looking as it was practical. 4120 Adams St., Gary, IN. It's highly improbable that any model could hit the 1,700 mark. Sears Modern Homes - Home | Facebook 1916 Sears Roebuck Modern Homes. While seeing a bunch of Sears homes jammed together in a cookie cutter suburb wasnt a very common sight in the 1930s and 40s, they still got knocked together like IKEA furniture compared to building a home from scratch. : Ohio is the state with the largest number, Pennsylvania is the third- highest-ranking state, Prince George's County, MD & Montgomery County, MD. website, which was published from Oct 2013 to Nov 2014. 199 models here in La Porte, are somewhat tweaked in their design, but we still do think that they are examples of that model. Pre-cut lumber reduced construction time by up to 40%, according to Sears. From that, we have to try to connect all of that to an existing street address. However, as you can see in the photos above, that showed the sides of the house, the Rossville/No. that ranged from simple and rustic to utterly decadent. . Years later, the sales records related to home sales were destroyed during a corporate house cleaning. Our national database of Sears houses in the U.S. has over 13,600 homes on it, and, after Ohio and Illinois, Pennsylvania is #3 in U.S. states with, at today's count, 1,963 Sears homes found. Please contact me if you would like a free 4120 Adams St., Gary, IN. some ch Don't miss this never before seen catalog from Sears. You can contact Tony by email at or via Twitter . [14], In addition to houses, the 1908 Sears catalog offered a kit schoolhouse with the model name "Schoolhouse No. | Sears Modern Homes", "Sears Houses in Arlington Virginia: A Comprehensive List", "How Sears built an entire local neighborhood", "Historic Structures Crystal Lake Historical Society", "Sears Houses in Elgin Illinois arranged according to model name", "Philadelphia Inquirer: Sears Homes in the Philly Suburbs and Sears House Hunters", "Where are the rest of the Sears houses in the U.S.? Sears offered 370 models over the 32 years it sold houses by catalog. National Database: Sears Homes in the U.S. SHORT VIDEO: What It's Like to Live in a Sears Catalog Home, SHORT VIDEO: NBC Nightly News visits Andrew & Wendy Mutch. . I have the Farnum in New Brighton PA. 1929. I see you posted about the origins of Hollywood three years ago! Asphalt shingles were cheap to manufacture and ship, and easy and inexpensive to install. Andrew spotted these two houses right next to each other, on W 11th Street: a No. Depending on where you live, the thought of just building a small or medium sized house can sound totally bizarre or perhaps totally doable if youve got miles and miles of wide open space to work with. If your house was built between 1908-1940, theres a chance it might be an original Sears house. Sales slowly recovered as the United States emerged from the Great Depression until 1940. PDF See the video of my interview on the St. Louis Business Journal's website. national database of sears homescalgary police organizational chart. Walker O. Lewis (primarily before early 1930), William C. Reed (primarily from 1922 - 1929), Nicholas Wieland (sometimes spelled Weiland), Shipping labels: Often found on the back of. This table provides a Streetview link for each house (or, occasionally, a real estate listing link), and, for houses I've shown, but not provided a catalog image of, you'll find a link to a catalog image, as well. Chabot notes that Sears mail-order homes sold before 1916 did not use precut lumber that was stamped with numbers to guide construction. Powered by, Table of Sears Houses in La Porte, Indiana. *Sears Americus - Temple, PA*It's been about 3 months since the last update But the houses don't match any of the designs that Sears sold in their catalogs. We love her for giving us this to quote over and over again and for the many Sears houses that she has added to our list. If you have any authenticating source for us, we'd love to hear about it (you can email me directly at If those were the top sellers, no model could catch the Argyle at that rate. Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois in particular are your best bet for finding Sears homes although Newark, New Jersey apparently still has a couple. 3 in U.S. with, at today's count, 1,963 Sears homes. New York state is 4th, with 1,679 houses found. According to a review written by Mary Ann O'Boyle of Takoma Park, Maryland, her Sears home feels "unabashedly American, the kind of house you see in movies about the good old days" and "allows me to connect with the past". Excuse me while I openly weep thinking about how many vacation cottages today probably cost the same or even more than house houses in many parts of the country. One of the early Sears House researchers that our group still relies on for her expertise in the D.C. housing market, is D.C. realtor Catarina Bannier (Bannier & Sandalow). The new owner was a Sears House fan - even produced a short doc film about the house and how she updated it. Philadelphia Inquirer: Sears Homes In the Philly Suburbs and Sears to share their names with others who might be interested in Philadelphia Inquirer: Sears Homes In the Philly S Where are the Sears Houses - February 2023 Edition, The Strange Case of the Wandering Bungalow, DC House Cat Chiming In - Historic Mail-Order Homes, Same Name, Different House Part 2 - From Aurora to the Elmwood, 1926 Sears Special Supplement from Tailor the data to your community to help preserve your local assets or explore national data to better understand the need for affordable housing and the dynamics of the publicly supported housing market. In 1906, Frank W. Kushel, a Sears manager, was given responsibility for the catalog company's unwieldy, unprofitable building-materials department. But, as of this date in 2021, here are leading areas in the U.S. with high numbers of Sears houses. The mortgage program was also a PR disaster, as many of the families Sears foreclosed upon refused to do further business with the company. Other companies such as Aladdin sold mail-order homes, but thats all they sold, Chabot said. If you are a Historical Society interested in awarding plaques for specific homes understood to be Sears houses, please feel free to contact us to verify for you that the house does match a model offered in the Sears Modern Homes catalogs. One final note about our list: as I've mentioned, our list includes, for the most part, homes that we have located, ourselves, but also those that we have learned about from other people. Images are available Click on any of the linked house listings to view a picture . Lara Solonickne, who writes the blog. Marie gives the perfect explanation of our Sears House hunt, in this. [7] Early mortgage loans were typically for 5 to 15 years at 6% to 7% interest. Documented Sears houses have been found across the United States and in a few locations in Canada. Marie's great-grandfather, Freeman Pretzinger, built this Sears. Home - National Housing Preservation Database (NHPD) Sears has opened the doors to its vast archival collection and invited the public to peek inside. Originally marketed as the. Instead, shipping labels were affixed to the backside of trim that identified properties. Rebecca lives in Elgin, Illinois, and undertook a huge research project, to find, and document, kit houses in that town. Sears Modern Homes are something we totally need to bring back from the past for this. According to the catalog image, both models have only a partial porch at the front of the house. Sadly, surviving Argyles do tend to be heavily altered there are probably lots more hiding in plain sight. Because the various kit home companies often copied plan elements or designs from each other, there are a number of catalog and kit models from different manufacturers that look similar or identical to models offered by Sears. [17] Later on in the Modern Homes timeline, Sears had in-office designers but titled them as "experts" rather than actual architects.[17]. Sears Houses in Elgin, Illinois (Rebecca L. Hunter), BOOK:Houses By Mail -- published by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, BOOK: History and Field Guide to Wardway Homes, Rosemary Thornton's Sears Modern Homes website (use to search for models), Beatrice Lask Thesis: Summary list (Cincinnati Sears Homes). Simply put, life was rougher. This is a complete list of Sears houses in Aurora (and two in Montgomery that were originally in Aurora). Hi, Lauren! Several Sears Modern Homes are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Dover, Chateau, and Lexington models are particularly plentiful there! catalogs for all central and satellite halos down to 10^06 MSun. Asbury Methodist Village Communications Dept. Moreover, it was just more feasible to plunk down a house somewhere because there just werent as many homes on account of a smaller population. Andrew Mutch ran across that same article in the American Lumberman, and posted in our group, asking if anyone was interested in looking for some of the old models that might be around. Sears is estimated to have sold about 70,000 of their home building kits from 1908-1940 and its currently estimated that. In this case, the problem was that we couldn't see the left side of these models, just by looking at the catalog and the floor plans. As I detailed in the account of the rise and fall of the Sears empire, this literally led them to become the largest retailer in America because they had so many burners going at onceand their Modern Homes kits, and even the home buying process itself, were part of that in addition to catalog and retail sales. The House that Came in the Mail - 99% Invisible There were less people, but quality housing that could get built easily was a must for the quickly-growing population as World War I veterans came home and started families, and an immigration boom was taking place.

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national database of sears homes