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Steven Andrew Marks will serve the bond without conviction and pay a $300 penalty and $700 towards the prosecution's costs. If elected I will work tirelessly to protect and improve our local community. See the Australian Electoral Commission website to find out which Federal electorate you live in. For too long, our town center has been neglected and permitted to become rundown. Maroondah Leader - Maroondah City Council's elections will go ahead as More recently I have been a home tutor for VCE students. My family has a police background with my father a member of the Victorian Police Force for 28 years. Consultation is something that Council already does (mostly) very well, however, many people just arent interested or dont have the time to engage. Its been an honour to represent you since 2016 and to be the Deputy Mayor this year. Maroondah council candidate fined | Local Government Inspectorate Four Oklahoma City council seats are on the ballot this February in an election where representatives will be chosen for about half of the city's residents. I will ensure the jumps at Yarrunga remain, are enhanced, and safe but away from residents. 4. Those advocacy skills ensured that at the last federal election, as Mayor, I was able to secure over $140m in funding for Maroondah. Maroondah is also represented on the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action, which provides regular reports to Council. Council needs to do its part in reducing Greenhouse emissions. Experienced Secondary School teacher currently working at Swinburne University of Technology Department of Education as the Schools Partnerships Development Officer . At the close of nominations for this election, the number of candidates was equal to the number of vacancies. It seems that all you see are more vacant shopfronts and gutted buildings. Are cars electric, LPG?, what sort of heating/cooling do they use, is passive heating part of council design? Vote 1 Peter Salloum and vote 2 Les Willmott, then other candidates in your order of choice. You can listen to Suzi Stojanovic on our podcast. Vote 1 for me, your independent candidate Mob: 0491 643 139Email: marijkegrahammaroondah@gmail.comFacebook:, Transition Towns Maroondah: Questionnaire Responses. You can apply to vote by post, or apply to vote by proxy, when you ask someone you trust to vote on your behalf. I am actively involved in the community working in organisations that include Communities of Wellbeing, Yarrunga Community Centre and National Seniors Australia. A hard-working health care worker for the last 16 years. Derelict buildings are an eyesore and attract crime. Advocating to State Government to ensure their planning laws dont ruin our amenity. More than ever we need representation on council that will listen to the community and ensure that the council during this difficult period, provides the essential services and support that we all expect. See above! The Hon Michael Sukkar MP Member for Deakin Shadow Minister for Homelessness Shadow Minister for Housing Shadow Minister for Social Services Liberal Party 5/602 Whitehorse Road Our buildings are taller and freeways wider. 20978, Notice of the preparation of an amendment - Amendment C142maro, Manage and operate MFE Cafe - EOI - Contract no.20853, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. You have a strong voice and each vote matters. I will see that the Cheong Park Pavilion and Tarralla Creek upgrades are completed. Deputy Mayor Maroondah City Council 2019-20. Our environment is important. Make a summary of each return available on Council's website until the entitlement date for the next general election in 2024. Maroondah Council Elections - HEATHMONT BUSHCARE The announcement comes just one day after a similar funding announcement by the Coalition The government announced it will spend between $850 million and $1.05 billion on redeveloping and expanding the Maroondah Hospital in Ringwood should it be returned to government in November's state election. Hello there. 2023 | New York City Campaign Finance Board - As a proud local resident of Maroondah, I understand the diverse needs and voices of our vibrant community. In my relatively short time coming from Vermont South Ive seen a lot of Ringwood, and a lot that can be improved! Therefore, council is looking to develop Eastfield park into a professional sporting area rather than a park for the people to enjoy. I am offering myself to be your Councillor for the Barngeong Ward. Mob: 0433 075 561stevekentformaroondah@gmail.comfacebook, Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Climate Council, CSIRO. Type a minimum of three characters then press UP or DOWN on the keyboard to navigate the autocompleted search results. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Working with the state government to better sort and recycle waste. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Australian Conservation Foundation, Emergency Management Australia, Climate council, fb sites, Captain Paul WatsonWhat most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?start with solar panels on council buildings, Im sure their energy provider is a coal muncher, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?with more building we need to make sure our parks are protected, make sure that wildlife corridors work, we need to plant now for the futureDo you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? We here at Connecting Maroondah, in collaboration with Transition Towns Maroondah (TTM) have noted an increase of interest in local council matters and the upcoming elections. My family and I have lived in South Croydon since I joined the Victoria Police Force in 1975. While The Council of Capital City of Lord Mayors, major Global corporations and community groups have now signed on to the Climate Emergency pledge, a lot of work needs to be done at a local council level on the protection of our environment. 20887, Notice of Tender - Floodlighting Upgrade - Contract No. I do not want another Civic Centre empty and decaying like Croydon. My qualifications focused on Urban Geography, my thesis on transport at the local government level. o Working well o Other (Please describe).. Ruskin Park residents are noticing the erosion of canopy, vegetation and open space, not only in our neighbourhood but also in adjoining areas that are in the Yarra Ranges Shire. I come from among us, as a Croydon small business owner and resident, parent of school and kinder aged children, active member of local soccer, baseball and tennis clubs, and Scouts group. These and other opportunities for community consultation need to be well publicised so that as many people as possible are aware of their opportunity to be involved. E.g. That said, I definitely believe that very substantial change can be achieved without a declaration. Question 2. 20920, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - 45, 47 and 49 Eastfield Road, Ringwood East, Golf cart path construction - Contract no.20921, Project management services - Car park redevelopment EOI - Contract no. I could go on. With the ongoing challenge of Council planning decisions being contested and declining outcomes for revegetation and canopy in the private realm, do you have any other suggestions for improving outcomes.Improving our planning control. Labor doubles Coalition funding promise for Maroondah Hospital, to be Required fields are marked *. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Climate change, replacement of canopy cover being lost to development but also due to die-back, replacement of loss of shrubs and understorey vegetation due to development, water saving initiatives on public land and incentives for new developments to implement more water sensitive urban design principals. I just think we need concrete action on climate change. Gday im David Maloney. My focus will be: To liaise with other councillors and council and see how we can support local small business back on track and create more jobs, Better elder and disability services. Ive never been a Chairman, Fundraiser, Committee President or a Board Member. Who's running for Seattle City Council in 2023 - Axios Seattle Ive seen a lot of change over the years. Many people, ignorantly, dont understand that with a declaration comes a very substantial action plan and a commitment to understanding that the climate emergency means that business as usual is not going to work if we only have 8-10 years left. I feel that we should be represented by people who live in the communities that theyre elected to represent. Community Focussed. Im asking you to please Vote 1 for Melinda Canavan for McAlpin Ward. I will ensure there will be delivery of high quality and accessible services for our residents and have a vision to develop our council into a prosperous, safe, healthy and active one. Its an important way to bring families and communities together. I have the energy and enthusiasm to make a positive contribution to our local council. We have updated Part 1 of our guidance for Candidates and Agents to reflect this. finish build & fitout? Dion Terrell McGill Teresa R. Chandler Cherli Montgomery Joseph Williams Verna M. Swan Krystal Peters Eighth District Albert "Al" Cacciottolo Mark Hamberlin Jason Huff Ninth District Erin Vogel. Vote 1 Mike Symon for Jubilee Ward, 0456 631 612email: facebook: 2. Why or why not?Yes. Endorsed by the Ratepayers Maroondah Group. I have always been a strong advocate for young people, women, and anyone in our community needing support. As your councillor I will support and champion initiatives to boost economic development for our businesses and wider community. Ive decided to run for council this year as I believe its time for change. LGiU As your community representative I have been focused on delivering for the community for 12 years and will continue to not only be a community representative for the Wonga Ward but throughout the Maroondah municipality. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. Its an established fact, I think we should persevere despite those who deny the science and not let them stand in our way. Maroondah City Council election results 2020. 1. Maroondah City Council election results 2020 . Its possible an extensive public education campaign could help, and even improved surveillance or inspections of certain properties identified as having significant vegetation (especially native vegetation) coverage requiring protection. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless Council is required or authorised to do so by law. 20928, Pavilion Redevelopment - Contract No. Sharing information provided by prospective Councillors seeking our votes is important information. Current councillors Barngeong Ward GRAHAM, Marijke Bungalook Ward DIB, Tony Jubilee Ward SYMON, Mike McAlpin Ward STOJANOVIC, Suzanne Tarralla Ward MACDONALD, Paul Wicklow Ward DAMANTE, Tasa Wombolano Ward SPEARS, Kylie Wonga Ward HANCOCK, Linda ( by-election results) Yarrunga Ward It is why I am also supporting ideas like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife, which neighbourhoods and residents can lead themselves, with the support of Council. I will continue to be a voice for lower rates, because I know how tough things are for families right now. Question 3. Day time in person and evenings on Zoom or similar perhaps. I believe in fairness and equity and will always put our community first. Selection process - Maroondah City Council I agree that globally and locally we are in the midst of a Climate Emergency and with so many prominent leaders (from Greta Thunberg to Al Gore) advocating for change in the way were looking after our planet. Candidates: Ry Armstrong Andrew Ashiofu Joy Hollingsworth Alex Hudson Asukaa Jaxx District 4 Neighborhood: Northeast Seattle, including the University District and Wallingford State of play: Incumbent Alex Pedersen says he isn't running for re-election. Candidate statements are not verified or endorsed by the Election Manager, Connecting Maroondah, or TTM. We need responsible development of community infrastructure and to ensure that new developments are appropriate to the area, of a high quality and meet high sustainability benchmarks. Cutting red tape, fast-tracking small business applications, and fixing day today issues that matter. I kindly ask for your vote. o Working well o Other (Please describe).. Understanding that the 2014 scheme was reviewed and reformed in 2017 and 2018 by the state government, the scheme works to a degree and gives Council and residents some latitude; however, VCAT does not always share the views of Council and ultimately it has the final judgement. I cherish the fact that local sports and recreation, which has played such a big role in my life, is now being taken up by my kids. With your vote, Ill prioritise the repair and installation of new footpaths. Promote and uphold the Neighbourhood Character Review report (2019)b. Protecting our unique biodiversity. I would be honoured to be re-elected. 20990, Notice of Intention to Amend Road Management Plan, Waste disposal services - contract no. 7. 20939, Gym equipment - cardio - Contract no. This includes working with the community and developing solutions around terrestrial ecosystems and thematic issues covering climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation. 20919, Line marking services - contract no. Council can take a lead role in creating an environment that promotes happy healthy living for our elderly. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Please click on your ward, to jump to your local candidate information. I will advocate for more local, state and federal government funding to support youth focused counselling and welfare programs, family support programs and initiatives, and resilience and mindfulness programs for those who need it. It has been my honour to represent the residents and ratepayers of Arrabri Ward as a Councillor for the past four years and to have been Deputy Mayor in 2019. Mullum Ward (3 vacancies) A fresh voice for Maroondah. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Food waste and reducing landfill are probably the easiest issues to resolve so we could start there. Ringwood VIC 3134 Like you, I believe in the need to protect our leafy open space, our recreation reserves, and balance new residential and commercial areas. I grew up in Ringwood. I now live in Heathmont with my 3 amazing children. Maroondah City Council election results | Mirage News In Ward 5 which encompasses southwest Oklahoma City largely between Interstate 44 and S Santa Fe Avenue Councilman David Greenwell stepped aside to make way for four candidates to run for his seat held since 2011. Find your current ward Find out your ward, councillors, and see the parks and facilities near you by entering your address in My Maroondah: Introduce a new notification system to alert neighbours when a permit is being applied for to remove a canopy tree.Other (Please describe). Now, more than ever, experience counts. Please vote 1 Christy Youssef so I can address all issues for the needs of all community. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. Registration is free. Local government can directly improve the lives of residents. 20914, Design services for Karralyka redevelopment - Contract no.20900, Pavilion design and construct - Contract no. Remember to fill in all the boxes on your ballot paper to make sure your vote counts. Im standing for Maroondah Council because Im passionate about caring for others and my community. I support canopy and habitat corridor tree protection. Already, weve achieved so much together. Mob: 0433 447 818As yet this candidate has not responded to the Transition Towns Maroondah Questionnaire. 20878, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2018/19 Update) and Budget 2018/2019, Ringwood East Shopping Centre Proposed Declaration of Special Rate Scheme, Draft Maroondah Affordable and Social Housing Policy & Draft Maroondah Gambling Policy, Maroondah City Council Extraordinary Vacancy - Maroondah Leader - 3 July 2018, Notice of Tender - Pool Boiler Replacement - Contract No. Parliamentary Representatives - Maroondah City Council I strongly believe in serving our community by collaborating and consulting with the community and working towards resolving needs and issues facing them. Im an owner operator of a plumbing business that employs 10 local workers. For a fresh face on council who will represent this community with rigour and will not be afraid to support what matters most, I seek your vote. Maroondah | Rainbow Local Government Protecting and enhancing the green spaces that we all enjoy is important for our wellbeing, as is providing the many services that enrich our community, from the elderly, working families, and the vulnerable. 20964, Carpark lighting installation - contract no. Over the past two years, I have been your independent voice on council championing safer local roads and footpaths; inclusive community services and facilities, particularly for migrant groups and those with varying abilities and special needs; improving and protecting our parks and reserves, and defending against inappropriate development; investments in youth and seniors programs and services; ongoing support for families, parents and careers; and support to lift local trade and commerce.Vote 1 Cr Tasa Damante.

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maroondah council election candidates