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Soon, Clyde also started believing in the superstition, refusing to even acknowledge me unless I wore the suit, claiming that my family is right, and that he doesn't wanna be with someone who's bad luck. Ronnie Anne: *teary eyed, shows Bobby the text Lincoln sent her*. Lola: *depressed* I wonder what't taking Luna so long? Lincoln: *crying into her hoodie, beginning to calm down*. Lincoln Loud Dressed As Jam Boree by Blackrhinoranger on DeviantArt Luan: (crying) Lincoln: Shhhh It's okay Luan I'm here. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. FOR ALL WE KNOW, HE COULD BE SLEEPING IN A DUMPSTER, OR WHAT IF HE GETS SICK, OR GOT HURT, OR or.. *breaks down*, Clyde: *runs away from the Loud House, angrily crying*. *sees her sleeping big brother* Winky stiww sweeping. *sees for himself, lowers his head*. Lincoln: *sighs, knowing he has no choice* Okay, Lily. Our expertly trained hospitality team has 10+ years experience in the concierge industry, meaning youre in safe hands. Based off of Clyde's furious break down yesterday on top of Bobby breaking up with Lori, there is no doubt Lincoln has told them what happened, and considering what Clyde said, even he didn't appear to know the whereabouts of our male sibling, which could mean that Lincoln has either called them or sent them a message, so it could be logical that the Santiagos also may not know where he is, which would be a good reason for them to look for him. *breaks down* I felt so scared, so lonely, so upset, that it felt like my own birth was nothing but bad luck on my parents end. After I had gotten to New York and managed to get a hotel room, even if it was for 1 day, I gave Ronnie an update, letting her know where I was staying for the day and that I was safe. It's ok. Lincoln: *gets off the bed and opens the door*. Lincoln: *still hugging Lily, soothing voice* Shh-shh, it's ok Lily. *, The Louds, with the exception of Luna and Leni, all feel a lot more guiltier after having heard Lincoln's description of the nightmare*, Lincoln was mad at most of his family, but not Lily. * *driving Vanzilla, hoping to find Lincoln*, Maria: *glances into the rear-view mirror at Lincoln, feeling bad for what the poor kid's been through and seeing how hesitant he was at first to come back to Royal Woods*, Lincoln: *having fallen asleep against Ronnie's shoulder, mentally drained due to his mixed emotions of returning to Royal Woods, knowing his so called family is there after the way he's been treated, even if he will be with the Santiagos*, Ronnie Anne: *looking at her sleeping boyfriend, feeling awful for the way he was treated by his so called family, knowing she couldn't have done anything about it because she was with her extended family*, Lincoln: *eyes start leaking tears as he sleep, due to having a bad dream of having to relive everything he's been through in the past few weeks, but only this time, he couldn't flee and his close friends even started believing in the superstition*. Luna: *tears flowing* I was trying to stop it! Librados a su suerte y sus decisiones, los seres humanos son capaces de lo mejor. Ronnie Anne: *sits down next to Lincoln* *rubs his back* Would you like to go to Dairyland with us tomorrow since we couldn't go today? I'm so sorry for how we treated you! As a result, the girls who once picked on her would leave her alone and the few girls she did seem to try to get to know better, they were too afraid of her. Bobby: *smiles, puts his hand on his little sister's shoulder*. Lincoln: *smiling, teary-eyed* Oh Lily! The day bad luck became good luck, Chapter 6. Lynn: *tearing up "lucky" jerseys, angrily crying of guilt* *screaming to herself* STUPID LUCK!!! The important thing is that you're safe. Lola: Well, maybe he sent the Santiago's a message telling them where he was so they could pick him up, maybe to throw us off. Okay? *leads Lincoln to the table*, Maria, Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and Lincoln: *sitting at the table*. Lynn: *tears in her eyes* And I was stupid enough to start all this. Lincoln: *tears beginning to fall down his face, hearing the truth from Luna finally*. Baby Lincoln: *hugs his big sister* Y-y-Luna! Bobby: *smiles at the memory* How could I forget? Rita hands out breakfast, then notices Lincoln isn't there. Maria: No, my daughter is his girlfriend. It takes them the rest of the day to get back home, and once they finally do, they go in. I also told you so that you guys would know that I was still alive and safe, even if I didn't know what I was going to do next. Lincoln: Yea My friends started believing in the bad luck/good luck superstition as well, including Clyde, Bobby, and especially you, even if it didn't actually happen for real. [Later on, Lincoln and Luan are in the living room watching TV together. It's (Not) Your Fault (Webcomic) - TV Tropes Lincoln: *hugs Lynn back* It's ok Lynn, I've already forgiven you. Lincoln: *while waiting, checks wallet to see how much money he has, which isn't a whole lot*. Lincoln: Sorry about not mentioning that. Lucy: We're so upset about Lincoln that we weren't paying attention Lana: Probably because we wanted to see our older brother so much, we thought he might show up at school. Lincoln: Knowing Lori, your place might be the 1st place they try checking, especially after you guys found out what happened. Click on a caption to browse the corresponding image gallery. Even though I doubt he's going to want to see them again. Marinette's kidnapping part 2 Finding a Draco, Chapter 38. Lincoln: I can't help it. Leni: *puts her arms around her little brother, lightly rubs his back* *broken voice* It's okay, Linky. Maria: Of course. Just came to me. I have to wonder about when Lincoln was born. Luna also gets some of this. Lucy, Lana, and Lola: *look down in shame*. theloudhouse loudhouse lincoln_loud nickelodeon the_loud_house theloudhousenickelodeon loudhousefanart lunaloud ronnieannesantiago loriloud [C] 'MY' Style: A Fancy 2010s Toon Crossover Party . I had even wished that I-I. was never born. Lincoln Loud getting adopted into another family along with his new siblings who all have to fight off strange and magical creatures to protect royal woods while trying to maintain there normal life. When we get back to our place, I'll treat those for you. Ronnie Anne: *continues* Lincoln, the one person in your family who loved all of you and often helped you guys out when you needed him! *holding his phone, debating whether or not to play the recording of Lincoln describing his nightmare from the night before, provided Lincoln is willing to let them know*. Also please don't flame me. Lincoln: (depressed) I still can't believe mom and dad are getting a divorce and we're being separated from our other sisters. Rita is caring toward her children, but is not afraid to punish and ground them if they go too far. Complete abandonment, with no one left to turn to, that's gotta be the absolute worst possible feeling he could've had to where he wished he was never born thinking that his own birth was bad luck. Clyde: *angry, tears in eyes* HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO LINCOLN?!?! Bobby: Lets have a nice fun day together! Lori: *breaks down crying after everything Ronnie had said plus Bobby adding onto it*, Lincoln: *hears Lori crying, which surprises him*. The Old and the Restless. I however, did not expect them to show up at the room I was staying in several hours later.. Lincoln: *continues* They then brought me back to Royal Woods, and when we passed Vanzilla last night, they didn't see me Leni: *doesn't see Lincoln since Luna is blocking her view of him* *still feeling extremely guilty* Luna, are you coming? Delivery. Lincoln: *walks into the hotel* *thinking* Wow! Maria: It sure is. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Believing a superstition like that, kicking you out of the house, and forcing you into the squirrel suit it just wasn't right. While dating Lori, he found out that out of the big family she had, you were the only boy in it, but wasn't sure if you wanted to try to get to know him or not. Bobby: *whispers* When little bro woke up before, he mentioned that was the best he slept in a week, so is seems he also hasn't been getting much sleep for at least a week, most likely longer. That's ok, you can sleep with me Lily. Ronnie Anne: *tearing up, shows her mother the text from Lincoln*, Maria: *seeing Ronalda about to break down crying, hugs her*. Lori: *still shedding tears while looking out the window* Little brother, where are you? She does eventually sober up, and while she does forget exactly what she did, she has an idea that she did something bad. As an award winning concierge company based in London, were committed to providing the best service possible, catering to whatever requirements our clients may have to give an elegant, comfortable and luxurious experience, always with class and exclusivity in mind. She accidentally left her phone here, so she couldn't even talk with little bro. Leni, Luna, I was wrong to trust you as my closest and favorite sisters. Is all that true? Post an update . I don't want to impose. You never did care about me! When a drunken Sam forces herself on Lincoln, were mercifully spared the details. Receptionist: *feels bad for Lincoln* The room's now free of charge. Lincoln: *smiles warmly* Thanks, sweetie. Ronnie Anne: *trying not to laugh at that memory* Are you serious?! Lana: *remembers something* Wait, wasn't that the Santiago's car we just passed not that long ago? You'll have plenty of practice with Lily. They would only let me come hang out with them while wearing that suit, fearing that if I came without it, something bad would happen to them. Lincoln means a lot to me, so if you really did try to convince the others to stop, you had better make sure you can get Lincoln to not only believe you, but also forgive you. Lincoln: *calms down even more, tightens the hug* I really missed you the past couple of weeks. Ronnie Anne: *sweatdrops* That's. pretty big. Lincoln: *still crying* If really felt like it to me. so much that I had the worst nightmare I ever had because of it. Also, don't really want to draw the attention of other people about what's going on, which I'm quite surprised noone has noticed yet. Receptionist: *sees them* How may I help you? *sighs* I'll take it. Lynn Sr.: *sees the Santiago's car* Well, this is where the car is. Hi, i do not understand why you have done the drawing of lincoln loud why his head is so big. Lola: *remembering what Ronnie said earlier, feeling ashamed* Maybe they're looking for Lincoln too, since they know what happened. What we did was cruel. Lincoln: I'm sorry I put Lily through all of this. Sisters & Lynn Sr.: *surprised, but begin considering what Luna said*. It takes them the rest of the day to get back home, and once they finally do, they go in. The Loud House Movie - Lincoln and Lily Defeat Morag - YouTube Ronnie Anne: If none of is was your choice, then please by all means fill me in on what YOU tried to do about it! Lincoln: *smiling* Lily seems to really like you. Star vs. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Marinette's kidnapping part 3 Rescuing Marinette, Chapter 42. I didn't want you guys to worry any more than you probably were, so I just couldn't leave you completely in the dark. She really misses you, and it doesn't seem like you're willing to come home any time soon. Bobby: *joins in on the hug* We won't let anything happen to you, bro. Lincoln: *sees her horrified expression* I knew you would worry, which is why I lied to make it sound like it wasn't that bad. We won't tell them where you are. How Lincoln has managed to put up with you guys as long as he has is a mystery to me, but at least never gave up on any of you! Sisters: *also notice Lincoln's discomfort, know it's cause*, Lincoln: *feeling a little assured by Luna's words that he won't get smothered, starts to calm down a little, but still remains very tense*, Ronnie Anne: *puts her arm around Lincoln comfortingly, assuring him she's right behind him*, Lincoln: *calms down a bit more knowing his girlfriend won't let anything happen to him*. Lincoln: "Eh, before you go, can you at least tell Lily, cause you have the tendency to transfer 'tomfoolery' to someone else.". Luna: Hehe oops. Ronnie Anne: *smiles at what she's seeing*, Bobby & Maria: *also smile at what their seeing*, Leni and Luna: *stops rustling Lincoln's hair to give him a chance to catch his breath* *sees his hair is sticking out in all directions*. Try not to stay up too late. Bobby: *walks up to them* Yeah, it was just a few days ago. Wayside crossover part 1 welcome to the weirdest school on earth, Chapter 29. Configuration Error Reload? La Grange Park, IL | Official Website And, yes I did get permission form the author to do this anyway enough rambling. Luna: *laying on the couch, feeling horrible about herself* *sees them* *guilty and depressed* Hey Lucy, Lana, and Lola: *very depressed* Hey *all 3 sit on the couch, with the heads down, not even attempting to fight over the remote like they normally would*, Leni: *comes downstairs, beyond depressed because she doesn't know where her only brother is*, Lori: *very ashamed and crying, walks into the house shortly after the goth and the twins got back*, Lily: *in her crib, hugging Lincoln's stuffed rabbit Bun-Bun with tears in her eyes*, Lisa: *sitting on the sofa, trying her best not to show her guilt-ridden emotions, fails miserably*, Lynn: *laying on her bed, with her destroyed sports equipment surrounding her*. Baby Lincoln: *tries to walk, but falls down, and starts to get teary-eyed, ready to cry*, Luna: *picks up her little brother* Shh shh, it's ok Lincoln. (He gets hit by a truck and dies). When I tried to get back inside the next morning, I was locked out. After all, if all I am is just a good luck charm to them, then it's obvious they no longer saw me as a son/brother anymore. Lincoln: *sits on the couch and lets one of the recliners out*, Lily: *falls asleep against Ronnie Anne's shoulder*, Ronnie Anne: *sits down next to Lincoln, making sure not to wake up Lily*. Luna: *more shocked* She just said your name, bro! We just got back late last night. Lincoln: Die? Lynn Sr: *goes downstairs to answer the door, only to be met with a very angry Clyde*, Clyde: *angry, kicks Lynn Sr. in the leg*. Maria: *finishes applying the new bandage* There we are. You knew what you were doing, and could've told the truth at any time, but it was because of all of us being stupid, including myself for believing in such a superstition, that it had escalated the way it did, forcing your hand, only for it to backfire on you due to us. Lincoln: *starts to calm down and even manages to stop shedding tears* I don't know what I would've done if the 2nd part of the dream turned out to be real. Ronnie Anne: *feels bad* Oh, Lincoln *hugs Lincoln close to her*, Lincoln: *crying even harder into her hoodie*, Ronnie Anne: *starts rubbing Lincoln's back during the hug, trying to provide any type of comfort to Lincoln*. We're bloody depressed and panicked, and they looked perfectly fine. Rita: *feels even more guilty now that Bobby knows about Lincoln* *starts crying* We need to make things right with Lincoln. :cries: Ronnie Anne: *becomes teary eyed* Lincoln Bobby: *places hand on Ni Ni's shoulder, trying to help comfort her even a little* What did he say? Bobby: And that's an understatement. (Lincoln begins to head out Sophia's mansion, and heads in the direction the Loud House is. The Village is providing regular updates to keep residents informed of recent efforts and progress to address local flooding. Bobby: *heard Lincoln mention himself and Ronnie* Sounds bad. Explore the Best Lincoln_loud Art | DeviantArt Shop Get Core Join Log In User Menu Get Core Membership Theme Display Mature Content Get Help and Send Feedback Terms of Service Privacy Policy Submit Deviation Status Update Journal Literature Commission Poll Subscription DreamUp New! *releases the hug and turns towards Luna and Leni* Sorry guys, but I can't forgive them, and if I eventually do, it probably won't be for a long while. *moves closer to Ronnie and Lily*, Maria: *quietly* I'll leave you three alone. The Louds: *flinches at Ronnie's sudden outburst*, Lincoln: *also flinches from Ronnie's sudden outburst*, The Louds: *knowing how Ronnie is, awaits the storm coming to them*, Bobby: *prepares for his sister's rage against the Louds*, Maria: *prepares for her daughter's rage against the Louds*, Lincoln: *realizing that although his so called family deserves Ronnie's rage, tries to calm down his girlfriend before she says or does something she might regret, and also to try not to draw attention to them, surprised that noone has already noticed what's going on yet* *hugs Ronnie tightly*, Ronnie Anne: *surprised by her boyfriend's actions, calms down*. Lola: I'm not in the mood to go to school. Leni: All of us are waiting for you so we can get going. The Village of La Grange Park is committed to providing effective and efficient government services in a fiscally responsible manner to all citizens. Getting to know the Aunts, and Uncles, Chapter 14. We can't have your scratches getting worse. Justice League crossover part 2 Capturing the Joker, Chapter 44. Lincoln, and Jordan's winter time fun, Chapter 21. Lucy, Lana and Lola: *begin tearing up, knowing that what Ronnie Anne said was exactly what they just did to Lincoln*, Ronnie Anne: *takes a deep breath, holds it for a few seconds, then exhales, before her anger could make her do something something drastic* You all should be ashamed of yourselves! *looks into his eyes* You're no better off in the city. She tends to always make a lot of food. I had managed to escape with my life, but it did manage to scratch me pretty bad on the back. Lori: *guilt-ridden, thinking* Oh no, she's the last person I was hoping to see right now. Ronnie Anne: *while surprised, remains strong* Then why didn't you try to stop any of it from happening? No self-insert oc this time. Bobby: *surprised, but happy he knows where Lincoln is* Well, now that we know where he is, we'll go to him. It's been a while since all of us have been to that amusement park, so it sounds like a wonderful idea. Lily: Mowning, Wonnie. *begins tearing up* I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him. I do not have enough room in my brain for this kind of tomfoolery." *starts to run towards Lincoln*, Lincoln: *tenses up, expecting something awful*, Leni: *hugs Lincoln tightly, tears flowing down her face*, Lincoln: *surprised by Leni's sudden reaction*, Ronnie Anne: *carefully watching what's going on in front of her*, Ronnie Anne: *sees that Leni's tears are real*. Lincoln Loud/Costumes. The only one that hasn't mistreated me is Lily, so please, let her know her big brother still loves her. Ronnie Anne: *wipes Lincoln's tears away, concerned* Had a bad dream? It'll be a long drive. Rusty gets a bad case of this. Lincoln, the one person who carefully plans things out in advance hoping things can go right for him, only for you guys to ruin it for him! Ronnie Anne: *continues* Do you have any type of idea of the emotional trauma that could cause to Lincoln?! Johnny Test crossover part 2 The last two Draco twins, Chapter 46. The other immediately recognize what it is. It's (Not) Your Fault is a The Loud House Fan Webcomic created by DeviantArt user JaviSuzumiya. Submit your writing. Luna: Chances are they're inside Dairyland. DeviantArt Protect. And Lori, didn't you mention a couple weeks back that the Santiagos were going to visit their extended family for 2 weeks, then get a message from Bobby yesterday morning despite him saying they had gotten back late at night and that Ronnie had forgotten her phone at their house? *teary eyed* I'm not happy here Ronnie Anne: *hugs Lincoln* We'll take good care of you. (Rita's car drives towards the new house with Lincoln, Leni, Lana, Lola, and Lily who are both depress.) Mom, Dad, you are now the worst parents in the universe. Full Time position. Ronnie Anne: *quietly* Looks like you're about to fall asleep any moment now. To achieve this mission, the Village encourages cooperation amongst its staff, Board, and other local governments, involves the community in decision-making processes, and continually evaluates the content and quality of local programs and services.
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