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Such is the case with the word lieutenant. "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" In the U.S. Navy or U.S. Coast Guard, the billet of first lieutenant describes the officer in charge of the deck department or division, depending on the size of the ship. MTc1ZTU0OWMwZGM0ODA5OTc4OWQzYmQ1NmVjZGIzOWZhZjEyYWQwYzFiNGVh var year=mydate.getYear() dailyinfo[18]=' 6422 Private Charlie GILBERT 4th Coy. Royal Navy Ranks: How Do They Work? - Forces Network I like the guy's answer who referred to vowel shift -- English really had its most fundamemtal changes via the Celts (who were likely influenced by Phoenician sailors/explorers); see John McWhorter's "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue". Table of Ranks and Responsibilities - Royal Navy, 1854-1919. Here's a link to an article that explains the whole thing: lieutenant pronunciation royal navy. How To Pronounce Lieutenant (Canada): Lieutenant (Canada) pronunciation RAILWAYS, MALT WHISKY, REAL ALE AND WORLD BEERS, RUM, Upcoming changes to logging in - click here, GWF is free to use so please support the Forum. Just want to clarify, Americans speak proper English, not the British. The idea that the change in pronunciation is due to nationalist jingoism is somewhat misguided - as it was more of a way for the educated upper class to distance themselves from the uneducated poor, but the fact that they sounded "posher" than their colonial cousins (with whom they had just engaged in TWO bloody wars) definitely served to sweeten the pot. No response from any American on this page has earned such a bitter rebuke. Now, British English is a non-rhotic language, like Boston English, which traditional English is NOT. N2IzYjQ4ODUyMzYzYWZjMWQ0Y2M5YzI4MjI0YjUyNmYyMTBmMmQyOWZlNDFj Navy: No drinking water fouled by spill of firefighting foam Write it here to share it with the entire community. And lieutenant means place keeper (lit. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Why does everyone say Colonel as "Kernel" or Coxswain as "Koksin"? OWUyNjU2OTQ5NGYyZmYwOGZmZDYyNTQyNGM3NzViYmQyNjJjMWMwZjBhZTk2 I think a lot of younger people in the UK also do so. NmVmM2M1M2I3YmE1YjBiNjQ5ZTg3NDM0NzI4YzkyY2U0YjlhOWE3ZDEyIiwi dailyinfo[14]=' 16511 Private Albert COLEMAN "D" Coy. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Royal Navy Pay Scales 2021 - 2022 - Armed Forces - RN Officers Pay - Armed Forces Pay Review Body -Forty Eighth Report 48th 2021 Rates - Other Ranks Pay Rates - Royal Naval 2021 Pay Review - How much do Royal Navy get paid, Royal Marines Pay Scales 2022 - 2023 . What was new to me, on checking lieutenant, was the appearance of the f spelling (presumably indicating pronunciation), so early in the English version. :). The lower ranked soldier on the "left" protected the senior officers left side. Lieutenants formed the backbone of the officer corps, being the most numerous class of officer. Lieutenant (Canada) - Wikipedia Many years ago as a student I took a summer job working in my local greengrocers shop. The ModE pronunciation with /f/ means one of the following things: The speakers of the French dialect lieutenant was borrowed from probably pronounced the u as [v] in some places and it took the devoicing from the following /t/ (cf. gold coast shark attack video; giant schnauzer service dog for sale ZTk3YzRlZTJjMjg2NmYzMmIyZTE5NTQ3Mzc1NjA1YTMwNGE3ZmNhZTg1ZDdi Note the spelling with f and v. The Old French word lieu had a rare variant form luef, and a form of Old French lieutenant using this rare form rather than lieu may have been picked up by Middle English speakers. Applications of mathematics to warfare They served as watchkeeping officers and also specialised, becoming Gunnery, and later . NDI5NzNmNDI0NTdkOWM2MmIzNzYyNmYxNTBlOTUzYWI4NzY5ODk3M2ZmNTdh This would suggest that the word was originally French, and the leftenant pronunciation is down to some poor transliteration during the middle ages. 'Lieutenant' comes from French lieu ('place') and tenant ('holding'). ZTEwNjg4ODM4MDA4NzZjNmI2MDFiNGQ5Y2I4YWExZmNlNzNjMTUxMzY5ZDRk Please show me a source for this in and Old French dictionary. I recall when joining the Canadian Navy back in the seventies that the pronunciation was more like "le tenant" or "luh tenant", not sure how to write it, and followed Royal Navy usage, so it was essentially a third way to pronounce the word. I read somewhere that the RN switched to 'left' because it became too difficult to persuade new recruits, used to hearing 'left' in war films about the British Army, to use 'let.'. Why does Gary Soto's work seem autobiographical? OTIwODg2MTA3MzFiMmMxNGMwOTczOThlZjQxNjdhNjY4NDFjOThlNDlkNDNk Forum discussions with the word (s) "lieutenant" in the title: As for the Rhotic accents (i.e. MILITARY HISTORY, I really like that "u"/"v" explanation! . If the Lieutenant was killed, the Left Tenant took the sword and became the Lieutenant. ZmY3ZmYxNjI0ZDBlOTM3ODNiY2UyMmZkNzRjODgzNjZiMDY4YTc5MDE1MDY1 I came here looking for an answer. He purposely spelt words differently in a bid to separate the newly independent Americans from the English. (So immediately would be i'mi:djtli). The Herald, samedi 19 fvrier 1898 | BAnQ numrique MjhjYjNlYjk1YjUwNTA3MGEwNGZmYWFhYjk2Yzg4MzE3OThiNjkyZjg2ZWZj I encourage you to visit the. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? lieutenant pronunciation royal navy Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Left - tenant will eventually. Back in the 1800's Leutenant Mark Lefting was wounded during a battle, his men presumed him to be dead and left him there when they could not find him. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Have some class. ZGI1YjZhNWRkZmVjZWJhMDhhOWIyZjRjOGZmNDY3ZmZhYjZmN2VkM2YwN2Nm 3 Barbara Matthews I served in the National Guard and Navy. in view of the rare OF. English is a rhotic language. Here's a link to the Revolutionary War Theory: Just three things :-1/ In the Royal Navy it is prunounced Lootenant. The USN settled on "lieutenant commander" in 1862, and made it a distinct rank; the Royal Navy followed suit in March 1914. They also changed German Shephard dog to Alsatian. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Washington and the American Republic, by If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. OTRhYmFiNTY0ZjUxYzkwZTYyYjM1ODRkYmYyZmNjMjYxMGI4MjE1ZTgwNTc1 Lieutenant(Antigua and Barbuda Coast Guard)[6], Lieutenant(Royal Bahamas Defence Force)[8], Lieutenant(French: Lieutenant de vaisseau)(Royal Canadian Navy)[11], Lieutenant(Liberian National Coast Guard)[15], Lieutenant(Urdu: , romanized:Leftinent)(Pakistan Navy)[20], Lieutenant(Papua New Guinea Maritime Element), Lieutenant(Saint Kitts and Nevis Coast Guard), Lieutenant(Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard)[24], Lieutenant(United States Coast Guard)[26], Lieutenant(Bislama: Lietnen)(Vanuatu Maritime Wing). Yzk5ZTUzOWRkMzJlZjIyZDJhZDVkZWMyMjcyYzE4ZGEyN2ZjOTEzMzQwNDQw Royal Horse Artillery who died 21/02/1917 GUARDS CEMETERY, COMBLES France ' It is funny that you mentioned the way some American Southerners/Appalachians sound like they are speaking Elizabethan English. Born in Gateshead, Blake joined the RN in early 1939 and was assigned to the Fleet Air Arm for flight training. The word was originally two Latin terms, "locum" meaning in place of, and "teneris" meaning holding, together the phrase applied to anyone "holding in place of" someone else. It makes you sound brain damaged. 14th Bde. Why exactly do the British say lieutenant as 'leftenant'? cecl for dummies; can you transfer doordash credits to another account; lieutenant pronunciation royal navy; June 22, 2022 . About; The Court; Merit Selection; Kansas Values; News; Donate; "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" December 12, 2022 by fcs coaches on the hot seat by fcs coaches on the hot seat ('v' naturally becomes a voiceless 'f' in assimilation to the following 't' in many languages.). It's an achaic spelling in English, but not in French. Okhelp me here. As an ex-RAAFy, I have always pronounced lieutenant The Drill Halls project: The 1970 printing of the fifth (1969) edition of the Pocket Oxford Dictionary says 'let' in the navy, 'loo' in the USA and 'left' otherwise. Pronunciation of "Lieutenant" . dailyinfo[2]=' 8020 Serjeant Charles POOLE "C" Coy. He's actually correct. NDMzNmFhZDVkMTA0YjM4NjEwYzZlZWE0OTY5YTJlMjFmOGExZWMwMDFjOGFi Drunk female Royal Navy sailor, 31, who sexually assaulted three male lieutenant pronunciation royal navy. The sword is carried on the left hip. The French have said lieu at least back to the Middle Ages. No, "lief" is a different word, akin to "love" (German "Lieb"). I looked at her carefully, Madam, I told you we have no ..CABBAFG.E cabbage ! She glared at me You idiot, theres no F in cabbage! I replied very slowly, Madam, thats what Ive been trying to tell you for the past five minutes!. Photos on Add Definition English (UK) Pronunciation Dutch Pronunciation French (Canada) Pronunciation ZjM1MTZmYWYxOTNiMzYxOGJmYTIxYWQ2ODkzZTMxYjY2YjU1MjYwOTE5MDU2 Why do we still spell it the old way? The RAF usually went along with LEFT, as befits RFC heritage. Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels owe their titles to the Sixteenth Century Spanish King Ferdinand. What about "Aluminum" as opposed to the original British English "Aluminium"?, "jelly" as opposed to "jam", "color" not "colour", "gray" instead of "grey"? Leinster Regiment who died 27/02/1918 JERUSALEM MEMORIAL Israel and Palestine (including Gaza) ' I come from a military family and have been raised pronouncing Lieutenant as Leftenant. Sub-lieutenant is the equivalent rank in the Royal Canadian Navy. From what I was told (Fact or fiction as it may be), in the early Naval days (circa 1600), the sword of the Commanding Officer designated who was in charge and who was their leader. 5th Bde. YWVmOGM3ZDZkNTJhNjYwMjlhNmI5MDBiYmViYjY1M2ZiNDA5MzFiYTc3YmQ5 Share; Posted 8 March , 2012 . great lakes hockey league salary Top Bar. ZGZjNDYzNTA3MzcyMGIzOWIxNTIxY2E0MzdmYzIifQ== How To Pronounce Lieutenant (Australia): Lieutenant (Australia Left - tenant will eventually become archaic usage here. The OED has several early occurrences spelt with an f including the earliest, 1387, "leeftenaunt". Free shipping for many products! if (dailyinfo[daym] != "") { document.write(fontstart+dailyinfo[daym]+fontend) } How to pronounce LIEUTENANT in English I suppose that the usage common in WW1 would have been what I was taught 35 years later. A place where magic is studied and practiced? In minor war vessels, destroyers and frigates, the first lieutenant (either a lieutenant or lieutenant commander) is second in command, executive officer (XO) and head of the executive branch; in larger ships, where a commander of the warfare specialisation is appointed as the executive officer, a first lieutenant (normally a lieutenant commander) is appointed as his deputy. derrico family names and ages; llano uplift location I can see how the v became [f] (see 'assimilation') so it sounds plausible to me. The language was created here and continues to be spoken by the vast majority of English people. How To Spell "Lieutenant" Lieutenant (commissioned officer in the armed forces, police, or other organization) is also derived from French. No one really knows why, it's just one of those things that happens with military tradition. This pattern was copied by the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps (NOAA Corps), and various air forces (primarily those of the United Kingdom, British Commonwealth, and nations formerly aligned with the Crown) for their equivalent ranks and grades, except that the executive curl is removed (see flight lieutenant). If you're interested in applying and would like more information please go to our joining section. Y2NhNTQ5OGQzMmZjYjFiODhkOWIzZDZiY2U2YWE2ZjI5MWQwMWQ3ODM5NjYx The appointment of "first lieutenant" in many navies is held by a senior lieutenant. Modern French pouvoir from pooir). "The first reference to a naval Lieutenant is in 1580 when one was borne in each ship as the Captain's understudy. They drop the "f" and say "le-tenant." What is a lieutenant called in England? The word comes originally from Old French, and according to the OED, Old French replaced word- and syllable-final [w] with [f]; for the Modern French word lieu, this is shown by an Old French spelling variant luef. The United States Coast Guard follows the same policy regarding promotion to lieutenant. dailyinfo[27]=' 5778 Private William CUMMINGS 6th Bn. /l(j)evtnnt/ (hypercorrection) Assimilation /l(j)eftnnt/. the fifth c. Sc. The language continues to evolve rapidly, now including not only other languages but also computer words as well. There are differences in the way it is spelt and spoken but ultimately isn't it great that so many people can share a common language and so be able to develop a common understanding. Canada. 3rd Bn. This was confirmed to me by Admiral (Rtd) Rufus Mckenzie during a drink in his home, also confirmed by his Lieutenant on HMS/m THRASHER Reggie Fitzgerald. The Royal Navy itself has a history and naval tradition that stretches back over six centuries, making it one of the oldest institutions currently in existence. lieutenant pronunciation royal navy Seems Ben was right on the Revolutionary War beint the dividing point of British and American pronunciation, but IMO, it's pronounced with the F or V sound because of the U/V being interchangable during that time. . Many navies also use a subordinate rank of sub-lieutenant. I have to say though, that dude that tried to say that British people used to speak like Americans and that they purposely changed their accents out of jingoism is pretty much a huge moron, lol. Lieu from french shows up in English phrases like "in lieu of" meaning "in place of", so lieu means place and lieutenant essentially means placeholder. In American English it is pronouced "lootenant". WW2 US M1 HELMET LINER H R HOOD RUBBER GOOD CONDITION. Featured roles 2/ What is British English? One could explain this the influence of non-British immigrants applying standard French pronunciation to a word with apparently obvious French origins. "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" - The early history of the pronunciation is unclear; . What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? If we cannot ask questions of each, we cannot learn from each other. Why is the British pronunciation of lieutenant leftennant? - Fun Trivia When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a . 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. I was just curious but all of the above was both enlightening and entertaining. . Lieutenant (Royal Navy) Lieutenant (pronounced "ltnnt" or "l'tnnt") [1] was a commissioned rank in the Military Branch of the British Royal Navy. Why do Brits say bloody? Because it's our language, and we can say it any way we like. dailyinfo[12]=' 457 Lance Corporal Arthur Price ROWE 2nd/7th Bn. This courtesy developed when swords were still used on the battle field. In his world the word is pronounced li-you-tenant, combining the correct pronunciation of the word lieu with tenant. ZTdlYmYzMmVjNmE0MjYyNDgxY2E2MjA3OGE5YjU3MWQ3NjQxMzI0MWUwZGU5 !- perish the thought ?? Some contributors have merely regurgitated what they've heard as rumors or old-wives' tales. It's not just French dialects: consider modern French "neuf" ("nine") < "novem", "neuf" (new) < "novum", "boeuf" ("bull") < "bovem", "naf" ("naive") < "nativum". I'm still not sure how on earth to pronounce it (even though I've had that "American Speech" article I quoted from for five years now). Even later, when the Americans cuddled up to the French during the revolutionary war, their pronunciation changed to follow the french term. The RAAF pronunciation doesn't make a lot of sense, as the rank Flight Lieutenant is modelled off the Navy rank of Lieutenant and is senior to an Army Lieutenant. home slice pizza congress; neighborhood stabilization program homes for sale; relationship between voltage and charge in a capacitor; njcaa football playoffs 2023 As far as I'm aware the English/British pronunciation is and has always been "leftenant". Royal Marine Light Infantry who died 17/03/1918 BELLAVISTA OLD BRITISH CEMETERY Peru ' I'm still not sure how on earth to pronounce it (even though I've had that "American Speech" article I quoted from for five years now). SEVER CEMETERY EXTENSION, ROUEN France ' Also hear how to pronounce 'COLONEL" correctly: Listen and learn how to say Lieutenant correctly (military rank) with Julien, "h. Please click for detailed translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences for lieutenant de l'ordre royal de victoria in English cecl for dummies; can you transfer doordash credits to another account; lieutenant pronunciation royal navy; June 22, 2022 . The Norman French phrase 'lieutenant' may have predated the Latin rendering 'locum tenens'. Liftenant in the army, lose the 'F' for the navy and John Wayne was a Louie. I thought the pronunciation with /f/ arose from the 'minim confusion'; in Middle English, both v and u were used interchangeably. Then "lieutenant" would have the pronunciation of "lyeuchtenant". different parts of the English speaking world. In the phonetics you gave - "either "ltnnt" or "l'tnnt" : - is pronounced like the a in about [u-bowt] or the e in bitte (a sort of uh sound), and ' is showing that the sound following it is stressed. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. 16 Reply [deleted] 5 yr. ago [removed] Reply YzQxODA2MmJmNGEwNTE2NTFjY2Q0NmNlNThkZmFlNTAwMDM5MDQ0NzBjNThh rev2023.3.3.43278. ZjQ4ZDNiYjFjOTE0MWYyYzhkYTdhNGZjNTc3Y2IyYjIwM2M0MjAwZDNjNTQx Royal Navy, 1854-1919. [3] However, promotion may be quicker if a candidate has previous naval service and commissions from the ranks (upper yardsman/senior upper yardsman).[4]. That could have something to do with it. Actually, David from Birmingham, you're flat wrong about Ben from Denver being a moron because he asserted that British people used to speak like Americans. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? WW2 Royal Navy Sub Lieutenant's peaked cap, HMS Indomitable. Remembered Today: Get ready to join Want to be prepared? The Oz did copy RN speak re Lieutenant, but this came about as RN were terribly wary that the LOOtenant as `spoke' by the `Old-Colonials' would creep in. Drunk female Royal Navy sailor, 31, who sexually assaulted three male colleagues during cold weather expedition in Norway is kicked out of the military Able Seaman Jodie McSkimmings, 31, straddled . In England this pronunciation (lju:'tenent) is almost unknown. Simon, David, Dragon - the nearest I can get in phonetics is LUHtenant. Officer Ranks of The Royal Navy - Blog - Contact Left This can be confirmed at Wikitionary. The origin of the beta type of forms (which survives in the usual British proununciation, though the spelling represents the alpha type) is difficult to explain. (lf-tnnt) A commissioned officer in the British and Canadian navies ranking just below a lieutenant commander. The first lieutenant (1st Lt or 1LT) in the Royal Navy and other Commonwealth navies, is a post or appointment, rather than a rank. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. "Foyle." I was curious why it is pronounced that way by the British. lieutenant /lftnnt/ (say lef'tenuhnt) as the primary pronunciaton, although/lutnnt/ (say looh'tenuhnt), and Navy /ltnnt/ (say luh'tenuhnt) are alternatives. In British slang, of which there is a great deal, the word loo refers to a toilet. In 1677, Samuel Pepys, while he was Chief Secretary to the Admiralty, introduced the first examination for lieutenant,[2] and thereafter their seniority was dated from the passing of this examination. Author has 1.9K answers and 1.2M answer views 3 y Royal Navy Pay Scales 2022: The Complete Ranks & Salary List Historically, the lieutenants in a ship were ranked in accordance with seniority, with the most senior being termed the first lieutenant and acting as the second-in-command. 1375 "lutenand" and "That..luf-tenand Was of to the king of Yngland", 1387 "leeftenaunt". It is therefore not surprising that the Navy's rank, profession, trade, pay and related badges structures were complex, and even today defy any claim to really understand them in full. English is called English because it evolved from England - that's about as far as we can go with nationalist claims to the language. JOHN THE BAPTIST, LAWRENCE AND ANN) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom ' 'Lieutenant' comes from French lieu ('place') and tenant ('holding'). - All officers join the Royal Navy at this rank while training for a specialist role at BRNC in Dartmouth. air force bases in california during wwii. OGRjNTY2MGZmNzY5MjBiNTFhMGUyYTE0YWZiNTEwYjBhOTBmYTBhYzJhZjM4 Royal Indian Navy rating (T) Torpedo (specialist) T.124. BTW Canadians technically say lef-tenant though many ordinary folks say it the US way because that's what we hear on TV. Let's just promote them all to captain and be done with it! lieutenant / ( lftnnt, US lutnnt) / noun a military officer holding commissioned rank immediately junior to a captain a naval officer holding commissioned rank immediately junior to a lieutenant commander US an officer in a police or fire department ranking immediately junior to a captain Pride which they soon recovered during the Napoleonic conflict. From Latin then, lieutenant literally means "place holder" and the military lieutenant acts on behalf ofor in place oftheir commanding officer. (English pronunciations of lieutenant from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, both sources Cambridge University Press) What is the definition of lieutenant? Language changes are speeding up as global communication smooths out the differences. Fun Fact: American english, and all of it's accents is named general american Oh, for goodness sake: grow up, will you? I should know having served with 21 Signal Regt (AS) in Germany but cant remember. United States Navy Recruiting | [2] Medical Branch Etymonline indicates that spelling with lef- dates to the 14th century, but that the origins of that spelling (and presumably its associated pronunciation) are mysterious. pronouncing the R in Water), it should be noted that their decline in England is a rather recent phenomenon. It gives only Received Pronunciations, omitting variation between. The hypothesis of a mere misinterpretation of the graphic form (u read as v), at first sight plausible, does not accord with the facts. Royal Navy Pay Scales 2022 - 2023 - Armed Forces - RN Officers Pay Don't you think it's time to put away our swords, or in this case, hateful words? The official pronunciation in Canada is Left tenant, but outside the military and government many people are influenced by the American Loo tenant. British Royal Navy pronunciation of "Lieutenant" during - Reddit else { document.write(fontstart+"No major events today"+fontend); } Lieutenant Sub-Lieutenant Commissioned Warrant Officer Engineer Branch From 1 April, 1903, the ranks and titles of officers of the Engineer Branch were changed and given titles akin to the Military Branch. BUT, that doesn't mean the rest of us are ignorant dolts. Shayn M. Acting Sub-Lieutenant Simon Ledsham Simon Ledsham values that his opinions and recommendations are taken into consideration by his ships Captain, only 5 weeks into his Naval career. It's simply an attempt for English speakers to pronunce French phonemes, I don't believe there's an additional reason. dailyinfo[6]=' 345190 Sapper Forrest A. KNOWLES Canadian Signal Corps who died 06/03/1921 REIDS MILLS CEMETERY Canada ' Reason for different pronunciations of "lieutenant", We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Deciphering two words from their Archaic spellings. //-->, By E-mail :, Useful Link Site | Disclosure on Risk Based Capital (Basel-III) | Code of Conduct (NBL) | Code of Conduct (Bangladesh Bank) | Bank Note Security Fea Some sources claim that 'lieutenant' had alternative spellings such as leftenant, leftenaunt, lieftenant, lieftenaunt etc., and that the ModE pronunciation with /f/ (BrE mostly) is a holdover from those spellings. However, according to Etymonline, the OED rejects that theory. dailyinfo[26]=' Chaplain 4th Class The Rev. Idioms with the word back, Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? Therefore, he was called the Left Tenant because he was second in command to the Lieutenant. After the post, I will try to research the etymology of 'Lieutenant.' Commander You may command a warship or submarine, squadron or shore establishment. Captain . Of course- this is opinion and I have been wrong before. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? It would be interesting to know where and when the pronunciatiations diverged. I assume they do not want to give the impression that a leftenant is a resident of a toilet as in loo-tenant. It's English - our language. I am commenting to apologize to the Brits on behalf of the Americans who are NOT narrow-minded and appreciate other cultures. lieutenant - English-Spanish Dictionary -

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lieutenant pronunciation royal navy