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Atoms with atomic number less than 36 (Krypton) with only . [2] This can take place by a process of homolytic cleavage or homolysis or heterolytic cleavage or heterolysis of the bond. Ive given a weaker and a stronger example research question for each category, but be aware that the stronger research question is not necessarily a good research question! 36. IB Survival LLC. Most of them gives the colours through tinting platform Base + tinter combination. You cannot paste images directly. ChemSpider Synthetic Pages "ChemSpider SyntheticPages is a freely available interactive database of synthetic chemistry. I might just be wrong about how I'm actually supposed to use a database. Using spectrophotometry to investigate whether the CMC of quaternary ammonium salts is affected by pH. During the lockdown enforced by the Covid pandemic I decided to investigate the validity of this experimental evidence by looking at the atomic spectra of relevant atoms and ions. The research question ends up being something along the lines of, "To what extent does (independent variable) affect (dependent variable) at (blah blah specific conditions or variations youll have)?". The energy content of different fuels can be compared. The page has two very different functions. Do not attach the full screen print. IB Chemistry Database Question Bank (Mr. Michaelides) To probe whether water acidity affects the calcium ion concentration measured using EDTA complexometric titration. What is the iodine number of different cooking oils? Is the enthalpy of neutralisation for different acids and alkalis aways 55 kJ mol per mole? Measurement, data processing & analysis (2), MC test: Introduction to materials science, Environmental impact - plastics questions, (AHL) Superconducting metals & X-ray crystallography, MC test: Superconducting metals & X-ray crystallography, Superconducting metals & X-ray crystallography questions, Superconducting metals & X-ray crystallography answers, (AHL) Environmental impact - heavy metals, MC test: Environmental impact - heavy metals, Environmental impact - heavy metals questions, Environmental impact - heavy metals answers, Stereochemistry in biomolecules questions, Nuclear fusion & nuclear fission reactions, MC test: Nuclear fusion & nuclear fission reactions, Nuclear fusion & nuclear fission questions, MC test: Environmental impact global warming, Environmental impact - global warming questions, Environmental impact - global warming answers, (AHL) Electrochemistry, rechargeable batteries & fuel cells, MC test: Electrochemistry, rechargeable batteries & fuel cells, Electrochemistry, rechargeable batteries & fuel cells questions, Electrochemistry, rechargeable batteries & fuel cells answers, MC test: Nuclear fusion & nuclear fission (HL), Nuclear fusion & fission reactions (HL) questions, Nuclear fusion & fission reactions (HL) answers, MC test: Pharmaceutical products & drug action, Pharmaceutical products & drug action questions, Pharmaceutical products & drug action answers, MC test: Environmental impact of some medications, Environmental impact of some medications questions, Environmental impact of some medications answers, (AHL) Taxol - a chiral auxiliary case study, MC test: Taxol - a chiral auxiliary case study, Ten suggestions for IAs using secondary data, A genuine Grade 7 IA report using a database/simulation, Marked IA reports with teacher comments & marks, Factors affecting the rate of nucleophilic substitution reactions, SL Multiple choice tests on individual topics, SL Multiple choice 'quizzes' on sub-topics, HL Multiple choice tests on individual topics, HL Multiple choice 'quizzes' on sub-topics. 39. February 22, 2017 in Chemistry. Can you please help? You could investigate the relationship between surface area of a reactant and the rate of reaction. The resulting IA examiner comments are also provided for each biology IA. Investigate the catalytic abilities of different transition and metal oxides. Investigate the effect of the length a salt bridge has on the dipped voltage produced by a voltaic cell. 27 days ago. Investigate the factors affecting the rate of reaction between iodine and propanone. It is an opportunity to show-off your chemistry skills and knowledge and investigate interesting ideas without the pressure and constraints of the written exams. Chemistry Database IA : r/IBO - reddit Incorporating IM, TOK, 'Utilization' etc. Periodicity & transition metals (2), 11 & 21. IB Chemistry IA Topics That ROCK | 50+ SL & HL Ideas Build a logical database model in MySQL for this in 3NF form. 50. Using photometry to determine whether charge on the metal ion catalyst influences the rate of reaction between luminol and hydrogen peroxide. Computer Engineer (Data Systems) 12 month Register (Public Notice) Display as a link instead, Facebook Your link has been automatically embedded. Successful completion of a curriculum leading to a bachelor's degree in an appropriate scientific field, e.g., engineering technology, physics, chemistry, architecture, computer science, mathematics, hydrology, or geology, may be accepted in lieu of a bachelor's degree in engineering, provided that you have at least 1 year of professional . Place a thermometer in the mouth of the can with a piece of cotton wool to prevent heat loss. 10 Examples of formatting data tables. Assessing the yield of aspirin when prepared using microwave heating compared to conventional heating method, Using thin-layer chromatography to investigate the synthesis of the antiseptic 2,4,6-tricholorohydroxybenzene, Comparing the products from the nitration of benzene, phenol and benzaldehyde using infra-red spectroscopy, The effect of reaction temperature on the yield from esterification reactions, The effect of reaction temperature on product purity when synthesising Oil of Wintergreen assessed using TLC. Shoul I do this experiment? We hope our list has sparked your Chemistry creativity and you are now on your way to developing your Chemistry IA idea. VSEPR theory predicts the shape and bond angles of molecules based on the number of bonding and non-bonding pairs of electrons around the central atom. IB Chemistry IA Tips - Mindlab International 41. The concerns are many but essentially they are: I have two other concerns. The internal assessment in chemistry on criteria is for 24 marks and has 20% of weightage in the total score. We respect your privacy. By plotting a graph of 1/Temperature against the natural log of the rate constant (k), the gradient can be used to find this value. I just don't understand how I can use a database that is already focused on investigatingsomething and then use it to investigate something else???? In my current life I teach exclusively diploma chemistry, so I get to mentor more student projects than probably anyone else. Which factors affect the rate of electrolysis in electroplating metals? This was partly to offset worries that it is difficult to ensure complete academic honesty. 37. | 24. Strangely, despite me thinking that my Chemistry IA was the best out of all my science IAs, it scored the lowest mark among them. This is a project that accounts for 20% of your final grade. 2023 Experiential Internship - Regulatory Affairs: Chemistry 20 Topic Ideas to Get You Started on your Chemistry IA 1. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Example IB HL Chemistry Internal Assessment - Title: The Effect of Changing Solutes on the Conductivity of a Solution Name: Kerry Jacobs Course: IB Chemistry Date: Do different grades of brass contain different amounts of copper? The marks broke down as: Personal engagement 1/2; Exploration: 2/6; Analysis: 2/6; Evaluation: 0/6 and Communication: 2/4. 27. Does the ethanoic acid concentration vary in vinegars obtained from different grains? How is the rate of SN2 reactions affected by the carbon-halogen bond strength? Below I will attach a PDF of my Chemistry IA (submitted for Chemistry HL). This is explained further. How is the fluorescence wavelength of fluorophores present in tumeric affected by solvent polarity measured by spectroscopy? Chemistry Carl is a highly-qualified tutor, teacher and examiner with an outstanding track record of helping students to succeed. In 2013 Scerri stated that many teachers were still teaching blatantly wrong chemistry by giving the electron configuration of scandium as [Ar[4s23d1 and provided experimental evidence to support the argument that it should be [Ar]3d14s2. Legal How does reaction temperature affect the yield of the diazo dye Disperse Red 13 in the Sandmeyer reaction? How does oxidant concentration affect the intensity of light produced from luminol? The addition of the one millionth structure to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) was an incredible achievement for the whole community. Lots of people are anaemic and have to take iron tablets as a result. The amount of iodine solution required for a complete oxidation of the vitamin C can be used to work out the vitamin content, which can be compared to the stated values. Calculate the Kw for water at different temperatures by measuring its pH. Investigate variables affecting water absorption polymers. What is the pKa value for natural indicators obtained from peonies, poppies and red cabbage, determined using colorimetry? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. More. Periodicity & transition metals (1), 3 & 13. Each of the following example will cover a basic experimental concept and then suggest some adaptions or different perspectives you could take. 01 chem databases and simulations IA student samples - Good to - Google Which endothermic reactions are good for use in cooling packs, investigated with simple calorimetry? We suggest you use these International baccalaureate biology IAs to get IB biology IA ideas and explore possible biology IA topics for your own Internal . Research questions are difficult to find and formulate where enough data from different sources can be utilized. The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. Investigate an equilibrium position and Le Chateliers principle spectroscopically. Secondly, some of the projects below are just plain bad for reasons Ive outlined in my post about research questions. Privacy Policy. Electroplating is an application of electrolysis which uses an electrical current to reduce metal cations in solution so that a thin layer of metal is deposited onto a metal object. The crushed up indigestion tablet solution is titrated with hydrochloric acid to calculate how much acid the tablet can neutralise, as can be seen. You could investigate the factors that affect the thickness of the metal layer produced, for example the voltage, electrolyte concentration, the charge on the metal ion in solution or the length of time that the current runs for. See also this Chemical Data guide. The RQ is unfocused and unclear impossible to understand what the aims are, Project is just a series of measurements or a synthesis, rather than an investigation. 4. For solid reactants, increasing the surface area also increases the rate of reaction as more reacting particles are in contact with each other at any one time. List of useful databases | Chemistry Library Help us improve CareerBuilder by providing feedback about this job: Report this job Job ID: 7BD72A3F29FCA7C0B191AF52B99. Consequently, a well formed Research Question is essential to ensure a high quality IA. Pasted as rich text. ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 67 million structures from hundreds of data sources. and write-up a Chemistry IA that will . It should be clear from these guidelines that you need to choose your own project and completely own it. Chemical structure database; access to over 43 million structures, properties, and associated information. 3. Does catalase or potassium iodide lower the activation energy most in the famous elephants toothpaste reaction? 01 chem databases and simulations IA student samples. Investigate the equivalence point of weak / strong acids and weak / strong bases. You cannot paste images directly. Investigate the esterification of soaps. A mass change and signs of electroplating were observed. As a potential extension to observing how the rate of reaction increases with temperature, you could find the activation energy for a particular reaction. 4. Gaining full marks for a databased IA 2014 DP Chemistry (Last exam Nov 2024) Practical scheme of work & IA Internal Assessment Gaining full marks for a databased IA I've made this a free page so that any IB chemistry teacher can access it for educational purposes. By What I realised after I had written it up for publication in Foundations of Chemistry was that effectively I had completed an individual scientific investigation using secondary data. Is the release of ibuprofen from different formulations dependent upon pH and temperature, measured using acid-base titration? Do more expensive nappies contain better hydrogels that absorb water faster? For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. Display as a link instead, It is not a list of ready-made IAs for students to copy, so do not copy directly . Packed with tips and hints to help you avoid common errors, the guide will help keep your IA planning and execution on track. How do light intensity and temperature affect the stability of unsaturated oils, determined by measuring iodine number? Investigate factors affecting electroplating. 16. | Place a heat mat under the can. Can aspirin be prepared using microwave heating instead of a water bath? You could investigate which factors or methods increase the yield of the experiment, for example temperature or method of heating, as one of your IB Chemistry IA ideas. Investigate a weak acid-strong base titration (determine the Ka of a weak acid). Investigate how the hardness of water affects the solubility of salts. a hands-on laboratory investigation using a spreadsheet for analysis and modelling extracting data from a database and analysing it graphically producing a hybrid of spreadsheet/database work with a traditional hands-on . His students consistently achieve top grades, and a high proportion every year progress to study medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine,. Chemistry IA (Database) - Chemistry - IB Survival Determining the activation energy of 3 different glowstick reactions by measuring light output at different temperatures. How does voltage and electrolyte concentration affect the oxide layer thickness during the anodisation of aluminium? For example, how does the bond enthalpy for the C-H bond vary as the length of the alkane increases? Really a very helpful article thanks for sharing and keep on sharing! You could then work out the percentage yield of the experiment by comparing your experimental yield to the theoretical yield. My chemistry teacher hasn't really explained how to do our IA and I'm running out of time. The peer-review for this article came back as This manuscript is a very thorough and comprehensive study of the spectroscopic energy levels for a uniquely interesting and oft-overlooked atom. Chemistry - Research Guides at University of Michigan Library Using Hesss law to calculate a value for the enthalpy of reaction when magnesium burns in steam, Using Hesss law and calorimetry to investigate the relationship between enthalpy of solution, enthalpy of hydration and lattice enthalpy. A leading publisher of authoritative scientific information. James awarded it a mark of 7/24 which I felt fairly reflected its worth according to the IB assessment criteria. Measurement, data processing & analysis (1), 11 & 21. Example IB Chemistry IA | PDF | Combustion | Observational Error - Scribd Database Chemistry IA - Chemistry - IB Survival Does cooking time affect rate of chlorophyll degradation? IB Chemistry IA Topics That ROCK | 50+ Ideas for SL and HL. This is an example of a redox reaction as the iron ions are oxidised and the potassium manganate(VII) solution is reduced. 50 Ideas for your IB Chemistry IA Peak Study Resources If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The activation energy for a catalysed versus an uncatalyzed reaction can be compared, to see by how much the catalyst lowers the activation energy. I was thinking of investigating fragrance esters,specifically whether amount of unsaturation affects smell characteristics and volatility of the molecule? The earlier post I wrote on research questions will hopefully help. 7. Im interested in a topic having to do with pesticides but the thing is that I am not really sure how to convert it into an actual strong question. The. Data collection can easily convey to your teacher/moderator how much care There is currently much unease and worry by both teachers and students about Individual Scientific Investigations that are based on secondary data. It was then sent off to be marked by James and came back with the mark of 24/24 with glowing comments. Since access to school laboratories worldwide has been severely restricted or has been completely unavailable for long periods during the past year this has all changed. Alternatively, sign up to our sites at DP Chemistry: Databases - Subscription websites for IB teachers & their Positions under this announcement are being filled using a D irect Hire Authority (DHA) and Recruitment Incentive is authorized for eligible, highly-qualified applicants. Maybe it is time for the chemistry practical assessment to be decoupled from the other two sciences to reflect more accurately what real chemists do. View Lab Report - IB Chemistry IA (1).pdf from ML 420 at Mira Loma High School. Chemistry IA | One World Science These concern developing experimental and investigative scientific skills including the use of current technologies and the . It is up to the high standard of Foundations of Chemistry. Provided by Robert Charles Knight and Aniruddha Warakoutikha. 21. Chemistry Databases. IA1 - Logical Database Design - Individual Assignment 1 - Logical
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