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(Associated Press Wirephoto) Webster Out to Break 16-TD Mark by Curtis TORONTO, (CP) Alex Webster, North Carolina States contribution to Canadian pro football, appears set to break a modern Big Four scoring record this season. By Merritt Parmelee Allen. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. $2.75. Dodger Vice-president E. J. Sullivan, Bill 5innie and Murray Oliver, reguar members of . It's such a vacant space. $4.50. The Lure That Hooks Fishermen; It's not going after the one that got away, says a deeply involved angler, but communing with one's soul. Riverside; Albert, deceased. 217 pp. Housea for Rent. Services Wednesday. ', NOTES ON SCIENCE; Supersonic Hypodermic Syringe -- Gases in Wind Tunnel, E.D.C. ALMYj . Sister of Charles Wilkinson of Berkley, Mich., and Mrs. Malme Webb of Consort, Alberta. CL 2-2958. Funeral service Morris Windsor Chapel, 68 Giles Boulevard East at Goyeau Street, Tuesdav, November 2, at 2 p.m., Brig. COLLINS Mr. and Mrs. Doug Collins (nee Sylvia Mosley) announce the arrival of their daughter, Vickie Anne, 7 lbs. Advertisement 6 1957 Pontiac Star Chief 26,452 mi $ 16,995 or $280/mo 1957 Pontiac Starchief Rat Rod Starts. Davis, who was staggered in the second, eighth and ninth rounds, said Ryff was just too fast for me. BE MARRIED; Senior 'at Finch !S Engaged to Douglas T. Eiliman Jr;, With Advertising Agency Here, BIG OIL COMPANIES OFFER BETTER GAS; New Motor Fuel Said to Give Up to 25% More Power, 8 to 10% More Mileage, Dodgers Drop Two Players as Rain Puts Off Contest With Giants; ANTONELLO, WOJEY SHIFTED TO MOBILE, CAMERA NOTES; 8mm Club Will Present Annual Show on Friday, SA'NDRA PLA p BEOOMES FIANOEE; { $/; rah. First U. S. Chinchilla Pelt Sale Set; Mutation Mink May Have Real Rival in '55 High Fashion, I Ellen Nirden Engaged to Robert K. White. (ATTENTION INTERNATIONAL BUYERS:Please be aware that you will be responsible for the Federal Reserve fee(s) charged for all incoming wires). Family owned and operated for over 50 years, we are a classic and luxury car gallery, committed to delivering some of the rarest, highest-quality classic cars, to customers worldwide. Phone CL 6-2651. C.all Red Truck Pickup. Stops. 1954 to 1956 Pontiac Star Chief for Sale on ClassicCars.com 45,000 miles. SENATORS TO SPAR OVER EISENHOWER; 6 Will Attack and 3 Defend Administration in Series of Addresses at Princeton. 1954 Pontiac Chieftains for Sale 1954 Pontiac Chieftain Price $24,995 Pontiac Chieftain s by Year 1958 Pontiac Chieftain. 1954, at Hotel Dleu Hospital. 1954 Pontiac Starchief 2dr Hardtop Probably the best original unrestored 54 Pontiac in captivity, with only 9000 actual miles. It is neither inferred nor implied that any item sold by CARiD.com is a product authorized by or in any way connected with any vehicle manufacturers displayed on this page. O SiOU'S N at 8 p.m. Interment St. Alphonsus j0T Garage Equipment, Motor-1 Lesperance Road area. Runs. . Dad, brother John and sister-in-law Agnes. Dear son of Mrs. Leah Musselman, Kitchener. (Please note: If you happen to be viewing this vehicle on a website other than our main website, it's possible that only some of our many photographs of this car are presented due to website limitations. 1955 Pontiac Star Chief $ 56,900 $ 987 /mo* 80,000 miles Engine: V8 4.8L Drivetrain: RWD Price $1,620 above avg. For more information on how we collect and use this information, please review our Privacy Policy. NEW YORK, (CP) International Nickel Company of Canada declared a quarterly dividend of 50 cents and an extra dividend of 90 cents on its common shares. 246 pp. RUUM) Ona Board Greenwood (Helen), both of Windsor; class 70-74 Housekeeping Rooms, VronV TVinrne (Catherine). CL 3-3577 9:30, Rev. info@schmitt.com, Showroom Hours Cambridge: Harvard University Press. His career was interrupted by a two-year army hitch and an eight-month layoff because of a fractured knuckle.. His first big win was a decision over Ralph Dupas. There are no mechanical guarantees, expressed or implied. This prestigious accolade represents the continued growth of the company, and ClassicCars.com's dominance as the world's largest online marketplace for Extended warranty options are available on most vehicles. SUTPHEN IS VICTOR IN DINGHY RACING; Larchmont Y.C. 10 Montreal; Vince Mazza, Hamilton; ends 10 John OQuinn, Montreal; Ray Ram-10 sey, Hamilton. a J m 4 4Vsa obanal 55 uf, i 1! Papa Meant Well, But --; HOLD CLOSE THE DAY. Save $0 this January on a 1954 Pontiac Star Chief on CarGurus. . Oxford. $2. Pontiac Starchief For Sale | Hemmings At the beginning of the Star Chief's production run, the model represented the top of the Pontiac line. Press show Webster with 15 touch-IxMazza H downs for his point-total, 22 up on 2ucetteL-T team-mate Ray Poole, formerly of Miksza H New York Giants, who has 53, Baker o n l 8 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 points without scoring a major. Useful articles fast to read and guides easy to understand written by mechanics and car enthusiasts to turn your shopping experience with CARiD into a pleasure. It has a 8 cyli . ', KEYES IS REAPPOINTED; Bar Association Renames Head of Citizenship Committee, BUILDERS MAKING LONG BEACH HUM; Bridges, Schools and Hospital Addition Among Projects Valued at $8,500,000, DECLINE IN YIELDS SEEMS OVERDONE; Credit Outlook Is Unchanged but Bonds Appear Fatigued Following Recent Rallies, THE DRAMA OF THE HYDROGEN BOMB -- AND DR. OPPENHEIMER'S KEY ROLE; Security Case Focuses Attention on Disputes That Preceded First Successful Test of H-Bomb at Pacific Proving Ground, Nation's Supremacy in Air Tied to Medical Research; Aviation Medicine, a 'Specialized' Specialty, Has Helped Cut Human Factors in Flying. C. EIV. iriw seven more than the Queens half, j waugh-Jv The statistics: (Legend Big Lansky V Four-H-Hamilton Tiger-Cats; M-Montreal Alouettes; O Ottawa , Turner w Rough Riders; T-Toronto Argo- H. EngUsh-M nauts; O.R.F.U. For we shall never hear your footsteps. A Present for the King; MR. FINCH'S PET SHOP. New York: Oxford University Press. It is fully equipped including continental kit and very rare factory air. They Didn't Wear Gloves; THE BARE-KNUCKLE BREED. Dear sister of Mrs. Placide Bissonnette (Leah), Calgary; Mrs. Edgar St. Pierre (Isabelle), Staples; five brothers, Arzene and Raymond of Leamington; Ernest. Be-Bride of Gregory LaCava, SECRETARY DULLES' TRIP AS VIEWED IN CAPITAL; He Succeeded in Getting Declaration Of Unity on Southeast Asia Policy Before the Geneva Conference, Fish Made Radioactive By Soviet Scientists, White Sox Victors Over Indians, 8 to 1; WHITE SOX SCORE OVER INDIANS, 8-1, CRASH KILLS STUDENT; Brooklyn Youth, 18, Loses Life in Indiana Mishap, SEASON IN REVIEW; ' Barber' Revival Proves Successful at 'Met', RETURN TO FAVOR; Boxes, Large or Small, Display Gay Flowers, !OFFICER WILL MARRY ' i MISS DOLORES RIFKIN, DETERMINE SCORES EASILY ON COAST; 1-4 Shot Wins Bay Meadows Derby, Beating Stablemate Allied for 6th in Row, GUATEMALA CLERIC VOWS WAR ON REDS; Catholic Archbishop Stresses Aim to Drive Communists Out of National Power, HAVANA TO OPEN AGAINST TORONTO; Cubans Ready for Debut in International Loop Tuesday -- Rochester at Richmond, Air Force Has Dismissed 78 in Year for Red Links, SOUTHEAST ASIA UNITY FACES BIG OBSTACLES; Diversity and Instability Prevail in Area Threatened by Communists, iLEI6H' ttlNSIE WED IN'LITTLE CHBRI3H; Escorted by Father at Her Marriage to Roy Twining Abbott Jr., Damouth '52. All purchases include an additional $385 processing fee which covers the processing of paperwork, pre-vehicle delivery costs, FedEx shipping fees, and a 30-day temporary registration plate so that the vehicle can be driven prior to the title transfer. $49,000. Stories and Other Writings Hitherto Un-translated. E. A. Silcox. 308 pp. OcLiy 5 UbcU Lal . It has a 8 cylinder In-line Automatic Transmission 6 Volt with 3-speed Automatic transmission, have white wall tires it is in good Condition!!. The front seats were recovered in the past few years, while the backseat upholstery looks to be original. Skippers to Draw for New Sails At International Class Meeting; Twenty-one Suits of Durable and Uniform Dacron Fabric Will Be Distributed at New York Yacht Club Tuesday. for Sale. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief for sale | Hotrodhotline Cars '50 and Up 30-Day 50-50 Warranty 6,000-Mile Free Lubrication TECUMSEH AT BENJAMIN J' T' LABADIE LTD- CL 4-3403 CL 3-1722, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month, Exclusive licensed content from premium publishers like the. Madame Metro, 670 Goyeau. Reluctant Sun God; OUR BROTHER THE SUN. 1950 to 1954 Pontiac Star Chief for Sale on ClassicCars.com It is in great . How should we meet the threat of limited wars? Torpedo . . It has a 8 cyli. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible - classic SPECIAL SELECTION; Vegetables for Salad Are One Key to Planting, REDS CRACK DOWN ON 'HOOLIGANISM'; Satellites Bewail Infiltration of Jazz, Jitterbugs, Zoot Suits as Secret Weapons, MISS GI:{ANIRE._______R ENGAGED; Senior at Vassar College andI Dr. Arvin Glicksman to Wed i, DOBERMAN BEST IN SHOW; Stormson Tops Field of 628 in Virginia K. C. Event, OPENING DATE SET ON CACHUMA LAKE; Recreation Area in California to Greet Visitors Saturday -- U.S., County Cooperate. Mrs. W. Powser (Margaret). "Strato-Streak" V8 Days Listed 271 Price $39,715 above avg. All maintenance documentation available. Dear, inSirUCilOn father of Mrs.,, Mary Hickey, 121 St. CUsg 41.50 Business Colleges, Correa Mary s Boulevard, Rlversiae. Browse the best January 2023 deals on 1954 Pontiac Star Chief vehicles for sale. B.C. At the beginning of the Star Chief's production run, the mo Track recent comps for the classic or exotic cars you own - or the cars you want. COAD Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coad of the Royal Windsor Apartment are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jerry Clayton, October 30, 1954, at Grace Hospital. Dear father of Sgt. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief For Sale | AutaBuy.com ANNUALS ARE EASY; Advance Planning Leads to Bloom Eight Weeks or So After Sowing Outdoors, Louise Suggs' 151 Paces Texas Golf; LOUISE SUGGS' 151 PACES TEXAS GOLF, MONSOON CHANGES INDO-CHINESE WAR; Increasing Summer Rains Scheduled to Slow Down Fighting and Supply, BID BY MUNDT ALLEGED; Mitchell Says Senator Feels 'McCarthy Is Expendable', THE WORLD OF MUSIC; May Festivals in Cincinnati, Ann Arbor, Bethlehem, Rochester and Berea, SPELLMAN IS SERENADED; Korean Children's Choir Visits Cardinal and Sings for Him, ' THE NERVE! Services Morris Windsor Chapel, 68 Giles Boulevard East at Goyeeu, Thursday, November 4, at 2 p.m., Rev. Terry, Kathleen and Holldl7s. Daughter of Banker Here and Farris Jackson, Student, toI Be Wed Lste in Sdimer I. TV's No. 15 results per page. Illustrated by N. M. Bodecker. There were 5 1st Gen sold in the last 5 years. So a high-born lady must go. O'Connor, 36 Years a Pilot, Marks His Twenty-fifth With American Airlines, U.S. Fertilizer, etc., Hobbles-Crafts, One owner, carefully driven automo1 Livestock - Feeds, Machinery - Tools.! Marie Indians, 2-2, in Tn.ant-H in overtime thriller before 5,456 McHugh o Pans Sowalskl O Wagner M Ragazzo H ITS PEP BY DECISION DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., (AP) Toogood-T Former world featherweight champion Willie Pep, 128, Hart- McFariane T . 5 vehicles matched Now showing page 1 of 1. 231 pp. Yes, that includes everything, the paint, the interior, engine, transmission, everyt View car 19 days ago See photo 1954 Pontiac Chieftain Station Wagon Restoration Project Check price Mancelona, Antrim County, MI 1954 Decorations by Larry Toschik. Ryff apparently meant that it's not that he gets a boot out of toying with his opponents, but that lie figures he needs the experience after only 14 months of fighting. ). Official Says Courts Must Rule on Profits as Capital Gains or Income -- Cases Here Outnumber Rest, MOROCCAN TERROR FOUGHT BY FRENCH; Casablanca Put Under Curbs to End Agitators' Threats to Regime's Backers, WILMINGTON PAPER ENDS; Publishers of Sunday Star Cite 'Steady Rising Costs', MISS ZIERIN__GG AFFIANCED; Queens Girl Will Be the Bride I of Benjamin Sevin, Attorney, Soviet Trade Unit Here Revived; Seeks Bids on Embargoed Goods; AMTORG RENEWING U.S. BUYING EFFORT. Seven grandchildren. 381 pp. Filter Results. All rights reserved. (314)291-7000 Boston: Little, Brown & Co. $3.50. The Young Visitors; INGVILD'S DIARY: Written at the Children's International Summer Village, Glendale, Ohio. 350 V8. Copyright 2003-2023 CARiD.com. 1956 Pontiac Starchief. / MAJOR'S: FI(EE; Daughter of Superintendent at West Point to Be Wed in June to Alexander Maish, POLITICIANS CAUTIOUS ON OPPENHEIMER CASE; Capital Weighs Its Probable Effects On Next Election Campaign, WARNING ON NARCOTICS; Use by Adolescents Said to Be Spreading to New Areas, FESTIVALS AND FAIRS FOR THE TOURIST IN ITALY, News of the Advertising and Marketing Fields, SCHOOL BENEFIT SET I I; Fete at the Waldorf May I o Aid Institution in Sicily, GOIMURA BEATS MALLON; Tamasu of Japan Also Gains in Berlin Table Tennis Play. All vehicles are sold in AS IS condition. 1954 Pontiac star chief Deluxe American Classic Car This amazing 4-door classic Car. .switcher .option a {color:#000;padding:3px 5px;} By Peter Scott and James Fisher. Alternator Belt? Keats' Year of Rich Harvest; JOHN KEATS: The Living Year. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief - Autotrader Classics It has a 8 cyli . Illustrated by the author. Exchange Living Class! J med, cleaned, blocked, fabric and Lovingly remembered by daughter fur hats. Montreal and Hamilton divided honors on the defensive team, each winning five berths. -- : Hundreds of Builders in City Investigated in U. S. Inquiry; F. H. A. All used vehicles should be assumed to have some degree of wear. PERRY In loving memory of Annie E. Perry who passed away two years ago, November 2, 1952. Colo. $3.50. Hydramatle drive. Stamps CL 3-55S9. BRYCE Gary, son of Mr. and Mrs Lewis Bryce (nee Doris Marshall) la happy to announce the arrival of a baby brother, 8 lbs., October 29, 19o4, at Grace Hospital. $2 75: one month. over veteran Carlos 35 Chavez of Los Angeles last night, 30 after battering the Californian 25 bloody in the lightweight match ers of record November 22. Take a close look at this stunning Star Chief, with a car like this, you could park a GM "Masterpiece" in your garage. New York: Harper & Bros. $5. With an introduction by S. L. A. Marshall. Classifieds for 1954 to 1958 Pontiac Star Chief. Advantage Driver or Passenger Side Non-Adjustable Gas Shock Absorber, By-Pass Cartridge Lube Metal Canister Engine Oil Filter, 1949-1954 Pontiac Shop Manual, Sales Data & Parts Books on CD, What Brake Calipers Do & How to Tell if They Are Bad, The Difference Between A Transaxle And A Transmission, Fan Belt? Daniel Schmitt & Company has described the above-mentioned vehicle to the best of our ability. $4. Resting at the Marcotte, t.,,. Beloved wife of Horace E. Dear mother of Emerson H. and Mrs. LeRoy Annett (Doris), both of Windsor. Zoom Classic Cars is proud to present this absolutely beautiful, 90% original Pontiac Star Chief Cat, Many pictures are available on our website, but if you need more, or of specific areas, please conta, SOLD. $9,500 Dealership CC-1595520 1955 Pontiac Star Chief This 1955 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible is a stunningly restored example of Pontiac's top-of-the-li . $2.50. By Albert Kesselring. Paul Kenyon officiating. Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM With a Hot Iron; THE COWBOY'S OWN BRAND BOOK. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible - Classic cars for sale 1954 Pontiac Star Chief Market - CLASSIC.COM 1957 Pontiac Chieftain. $ We Must Make Room For Trade-Ins On the New '55 P-ontiac! Auction listing $26,950 SOLD $4. tBmkera3!n Real Estate' Trimble-Pratt MotOrS Ltd. BuyHouses rJ ,-TTE ND WYANDOTTE Frontage. ; Mrs. William Thomas FUNERAL HOME - 1139 OUELLETTE Vim, Unoi Buffalo: Mrs. Kav Freese, PHONE CL 3-5227 ird, conn., last night outpointed lario Colon, 130, Puerto Rico, in Fedosofi T The referee Kotoff o Basso O u i Basso O ted eight rounds Pep, two even. 7,000 SEEK TO AID A CHINESE DOCTOR; South Jersey Friends Work for Early Citizenship and Family Reunion for Him, 1,083 SAIL FOR BERMUDA; Two Furness Liners Report Record Passenger Lists, HOLLYWOOD DIGEST; Case History on 'The Long Gray Line' -- Union Struggle -- New Independent, SLATER WILL HEAD NEW HEAVEN BOARD; McGinnis Announces Choice of Transportation Expert -- Details Plans for Road, ANN VON MINDE_N FIANCEEI; Jersey GirF. Yugoslavia. LOST Silver muskrat cape, blue pea-cock lining, in downtown area, afternoon of October 23. Find new and used 1954 Pontiac Star Chief Classics for sale by classic car dealers and private sellers near you. Classics on Autotrader is your one-stop shop for the best classic cars, muscle cars, project cars, exotics, hot rods, classic trucks, and old cars for sale. To all Orangemen and Protestants who would like to form an Orange Lodge In Leamington, please get in contact by mail, with the County Master, Mr. S. Gill, 1209 McKay Ave., Windsor, Ont. FOLLOW MARKET VIEW PRICES SEE MARKET DETAILS Vehicle History A timeline of events that we've detected for this vehicle. Filters Clear Filters. The Stevie Awards, the world's premier business awards recognized NUPTIALS [H JUHE FOR:IVIISS FULLER; Governor Byrnes' Grandniece the Prospective Bride of I J.W. Two grandchildren also survive. 1 Second Comedian; Art Carney is to Jackie Gleason what tonic is to gin and tonic. Newsletter - February 9th New, FULLY-INTEGRATED IN-DASH AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM (FUNCTIONING AND ICE COLD! REPUBLICANS HAIL WORK OF CONGRESS; Leaders Say Session Moves to Insure 'Sound Economy' -- Democrats Scoff, MGARET RITTER A BRIDE IN CHAPEL; Vassar Alumna Married at :St. James' to R. S. Taylor Reception Held at Plaza, GRIM TO FACE M'DERMOTT; Yank Hurler to Make Debut in Senators' Game at Stadium, UPSTART' TANGLES NEVADA'S PRIMARY; Mechling Enters Democratic Race for Governor Just Before the Deadline, NEWS AND NOTES FROM THE TELEVISION AND RADIO STUDIOS, Six Santelli Fencers Qualify in Met. Interment Windsor Grove Cemetery. In 1953 they had five players named to the offensive outfit and one to the defensive squad. 228U1 $695 $ 1946 Pontiac Sedan ; LIC. Father of Waters; THE WILDERNESS WAY. RAILROADS: FARE CUT; Round-Trip Coach Rate to Be Reduced Between Washington and Florida, Forecasting Shifts in Tastes for Apparel New Task Confided to Punch-Card System; PUNCH CARDS MAP APPAREL TRENDS, NAVY TURNS BACK PRINCETON EIGHTS IN 3 SEVERN RACES; Varsity Scores by 2 Lengths After Delayed Start for 21st Victory in Row, THIRD ARMY FIRST IN TIMBER CHASE; Scores by Eight Lengths in Grand National Test Over Three-Mile Course, A MODERN PILGRIMAGE TOWARD FAITH; Lillian Smith Probes the Ordeals We Share And Draws From Them a Hope for the Future, MISS SALMAN WED TO GEORGE L. INNES; Graduates of Bennington and Harvard Are Married in the Bronxville Reformed Church, PET FOOD MARKET BIG -- AND GROWING; Frozen Meat Joins Standbys for Dogs and Cats -- Score of Companies Competing, MADRID TIGHTENS GIBRALTAR CURBS; Forbidding Spaniards to Tour Area on Holidays Viewed as New Protest on Royal Visit, FRENCH LABORATORY THEATRE; Barrault Opens 'Little Marigny' to Present New Plays And Classics Not Often Done on Other Stages, HE RECORDS ARTURO TOSCANINI; Richard Mohr of Victor Has Been With Maestro For Last Five Years. Daniel Schmitt & Co. reserves the right to end the auction at any time. Windsor Funeral Home Formerly Albemy J. Janlsss Son Funeral Home 411 Sandwich St. East, Windsor CL 4-2585 Francis L. Janlsss Proprietor and Manager Residence, WH 5-1524 ANDERSON FUNERAL SERVICE H. S. Anderson and Sons Ltd. AIR CONDITIONED 895 Ouellette CL 4-3223 RIVARD Rosemay, 40 years, November 1. Illustrated. . Dear cousin of Peter: David. AH Cars Winterized 1953 BuickV-8 $ RIVIERA SEDAN $ Radio, automatic transmission, 1 conditioning heater, power steering. Senator, SOVIET SAID TO ORDER KIDNAPPING IN BERLIN, WOMAN IS KILLED, 7 HURT IN CRASH; Autos Collide Head-On in the Rain on Hutchinson Road -- Traffic Delayed Hour. Serpentine Belt? It has a 8 cyli, This 1955 Pontiac Star Chief Convertible is a beautifully restored, 50s cruiser that was the top of, This 1956 Pontiac Star Chief Custom Catalina is a neat 50s cruiser complete with a numbers matching, Move over Chevy, there's a significantly cooler Tri-5 convertible that the classic car hobby is fina. There were no knockdowns. 1954. DRESSMAKING, alterations and sewing of all kinds expertly ac" vmiT home or mine CL 2-7487. Learn more. Grand- nondence Courses. Be sure to check out all the photos and video on our main website: Garage Kept Motors. 240 Frank Avenue. Mon-22 treal: centre Tom Hugo. There are 9 1954 Pontiac Star Chief for sale right now - Follow the Market and get notified with new listings and sale prices. $3.75. CL 2-4926. Save Search. Ward weighed 1592 and Jones 155M. Suburban clj z-ajzi . 312 pp. 15 results per page. It has a 8 cylinder In-line Automatic Transmission 6 Volt with 3-speed Automatic transmission, have white Haggle Me (855) 232-1831 Hobart, IN 46342 (1,644 miles away) 3 1960 Pontiac Star Chief 289 $ 34,900 or $502/mo TAX LOSS IS DENIED IN LAND PURCHASE; Court Refuses Any Deduction in Above-Value Payment to End Burdensome Lease, NAVY TEAM BEATS YALE BY 7 POINTS; Princeton Third, Penn Fourth in Annapolis Track Meet -- McAuliffe Sets Mark, MEXICO DEVALUES PESO TO 12 1/2 TO $1; World Monetary Fund Gives Approval -- Shift From 8.65 Jolts Fiscal Observers, OPERATIC RARITIES CONTINUED; Armchair Listeners Can Try Music That Seldom Is Presented Today. STUNNING! WEEK TO OPEN; Programs Here Will Begin Tomorrow in Annual Event, BAO DAI'S VIETNAM REGIME GAINS IN POPULAR SUPPORT; People Veer From Vietminh Because of Its System of Communist Strictures, JIM PETERS HEADS MARATHON FIELD; English Ace Who Beat World Mark Is Choice Tomorrow -- J. J. Kelley U. S. Hope.
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1954 pontiac star chief for sale
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