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300E Preston Library Bio. The official Football Coach List for the Wofford College Terriers The official Football Coach List for the Wofford College Terriers Football Coaches - Wofford College Athletics Skip To Main Content Pause All Rotators WOFFORD COLLEGE Main Navigation Menu 125 Post Hospital She received her B.A. 540-464-7720 303D Maury-Brooke Hall 540-464-7354 eichholzpj@vmi.edu Operational tours included Patrol Squadrons in both the Atlantic and Pacific Theaters where he flew over 3,500 hours in the P3 Orion aircraft and earned designation as a Patrol Plane Mission Commander. Scott Wachenheim: head coach kellyjr@vmi.edu, Cashier Her poems and essays have appeared in Ariadne, Borderlands, Columbia Poetry Review, Contemporary Womens Writing, Crab Orchard Review, Denver Quarterly, interim, Jacket2, Nashville Review, The Rumpus, Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature, Vassar Review, and elsewhere. Associate Professor Specialty: Socio-behavioral influences on well-being; the psychology of aging 228 Post Hospital at the XI Congreso de Novela y Cine Negro de la Universidad de Salamanca, April, 2015. Ph.D. - Stanford University Upon graduation, he was employed at VMI as an Assistant Director of Admissions until 2009. He has taught several introductory and upper-division Arabic courses since joining the faculty at VMI. As the Conrad M. Hall 65 Chair in American Constitutional History, he directs VMIs constitutional history program and teaches HI 300: American Constitutional History, as well as advanced courses in American political history, early U.S. history, and the history of race and civil rights. Executive Secretary "They have consistently demonstrated the leadership, academic, and athletic attributes necessary to be outstanding cadets and [] in Politics, History, and Classics from Washington & Lee University, an MPhil in Modern European History from the University of Cambridge, and an M.A. His research focuses on teacher content knowledge as well as improving teaching and learning in undergraduate mathematics classrooms. 540-464-7789 540-464-7243 Col. Newhouse is also an officer in the American Society of Engineering Educators Southeast Section and is an ExCEEd graduate. Summer Session Director 433 Scott Shipp Hall Goen is an Honors College Graduate with a BA in Computer Science, French, and Vocational Ministry from Harding University, holds an MA in Communication from the University of Arkansas, and completed all coursework toward a PhD in Communication from the University of Georgia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 126:117-124. 540-464-7017 She has been an active member of the South Asian Literary Association for 25 years, where she has presented papers, co-chaired conferences, served as treasurer and been a member of the executive committee. 210 Memorial Hall 540-464-7020 The official staff directory for the Wayland Baptist University Pioneers Staff Directory - Wayland Baptist University Athletics Skip To Main ContentPause All Rotators Skip To Main Content Wayland Baptist University Athletics Official Site ofWayland Baptist Athletics Main Navigation Menu He was a Via Fellow and taught structural engineering courses while at Virginia Tech. 215 Carroll Hall As an Army Environmental Engineer, he conducted extensive drinking water and wastewater system characterizations and public health threat assessments throughout the U.S. and overseas in Macedonia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Italy, Germany, and Norway. Prior to the end of this deployment, Second Lieutenant Beck was promoted First Lieutenant. He is currently conducting research for his first book on racial representations that emerged from nineteenth-century discourses dealing with Spains modernization process. Northeastern Naturalist, 20:552-558. Before his tenure at the college, Brown made stops at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M, Catawba College, and Millersville University, overseeing defensive backs and special teams along the way, VMI said. summersbj@vmi.edu Instructor azabmm@vmi.edu 215 Cormack Hall He, along with his wife and family, is in continuous pursuit of a self-prescribed mission: Investing their God-given gifts in people and creatively using opportunities to fuel potential in every generation. 3-115 Third Barracks Lt. Col. 2046 Ext. Click here to take a moment and familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines. Ph.D. - University of Vermont He has used his design and inspection experience at VMI to help cadets make the connection between academic theory and real-life problem-solving. Prior to assuming his current position, Lt Col Braman was a Legislative Affairs Officer for USINDOPACOM where he facilitated engagements and discussion between legislative members and Senior USINDOPACOM staff. Bio. 406 Nichols 303 Smith Hall In 2021, Patricia developed the Engineering Summer Study Abroad program in Rome, Italy in conjunction with John Cabot University in Rome. He currently serves as the Deans Representative for Permits and Calendars and the Deputy Department Head. Ph.D. - Emory University burnsaj@vmi.edu, Lecturer Jones, G.C. In 2014, he reported to USS RODNEY M. DAVIS (FFG-60) in Everett, WA. 540-464-7638 Her research focuses on the intersection of trade policy, special interest politics, and immigration. Staff Directory - University of Toledo Athletics Specialty: Letters A-K (Female), Letters S-T (Male), Group Visit Liaison 509 Preston Library In 2007, the Superintendent presented Colonel McDonald with the VMI Achievement Medal in recognition of his contributions to the Institute. Maj. Curry Kennedy joined VMI's English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies faculty as an Assistant Professor in 2021. 3018-B Kilbourne Hall osborneew@vmi.edu *Conis, A.D. et al. He also earned a doctorate in civil engineering from Louisiana State University. 540-464-7799 Professor M. Houston Johnson V specializes in the history of the 20th century United States, with an emphasis on aviation history and the New Deal era. She also teaches Fieldwork courses, with recent sections focusing on Cadet Life at VMI and Women and African-Americans at VMI. 1027 Kilbourne Hall He encourages any cadets who are interested in or would like help with public speaking to arrange a meeting with him. He manages the Centers programs to enhance the Corps of Cadets leadership, character, and ethical development, as well as challenging them through an annual series of conferences on topics of national and international importance. She said, "Although many people do not consider themselves good writers, I seldom meetstudents who donot like to talk. Dr. MaryBeth Drake is a lifelong learner and teacher with a BA in Special Education from Greensboro College, a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Hollins University, a Master of Science in Education from Nova Southeastern University, and a Ph.D. in Education from Walden University. The positive energy and enthusiasm these coaches have brought [are] contagious, said Wachenheim. Adjunct Professor gearhartjr@vmi.edu Previously, Bogart spent 38 years in the United States Army in both the Regular Army and National Guard. 540-464-7928 jonesmt@vmi.edu 216 Cormack Hall After receiving a B.A. Chaplain (Colonel) Bob Phillips joined the VMI Faculty and Staff in August 2016 after completing over 25 years of active duty service in the U.S. Army. While at Wake Forest University, she participated in a semester study abroad experience in Venice, Italy. Colonel Rob McDonald joined the VMI faculty in 1992. She has also served as the Program Director for the VMI Berlin, Germany Summer Study Abroad program from 2010-2019. Laurin holds a B.S. Ruth Ann holds a BS in Computer Science and Math from Furman University. mccoysn@vmi.edu, Professor hardinj@vmi.edu 540-464-7260 358 Nichols Engineering The most recent Keydet head coach was Sparky Woods, who coached seven seasons for the Keydets before being let go by the school in 2014. His research interests include Arabic language and culture, Arabic dialects, linguistics, pedagogy, second language acquisition, and sociolinguistics. codyaw@vmi.edu Col. Gray joined VMI after serving as the Director of Strategy and Campaigning at the Saudi War College in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Professional Engineer Ashleigh B. Smythe. afrint@vmi.edu rowera@vmi.edu Bio. 302 Scott Shipp Hall She is a former editor at The Philadelphia Inquirer, a teacher of composition and literature, and author of five books, including The Gradual Vegetarian, Muddy Waters: The Legacy of Katrina and Rita, and Objects of Our Affection. Forthcoming in the Journal of Modern Literature. Ph.D. - Pennsylvania State University 540-464-7041 He enjoys jazz music, and the halls of the science building are often treated to the mellow sound of his saxophone in the wee hours of the morning. This film is currently distributed by International Historic Films. Schultz. (Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021), ERH-230 Artistic Responses to Social and Political Issues: The Literature of the First World War. topasnadm@vmi.edu Snelling, J.W. 705 Nichols 2000 Bachelor of Science degree in International Relations, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 2004 Squadron Officer School, by correspondence 2005 Masters degree in Business Administration, University of Maryland-University College, MD 2014 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL 2018 Masters degree in Ocean & Resource Engineering, University of Hawai`i, HI, Defense Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf clusterJoint Service Commendation Medal with oak leaf clusterAir Force Commendation MedalJoint Service Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters, Second Lieutenant 31 May, 2000First Lieutenant 31 May, 2002Captain 31 May 2004Major 1 September 2010Lieutenant Colonel 18 October 2017, Professor of Military Science damerellps@vmi.edu 466 Scott Shipp Hall M.S. 540-464-7562 352 Nichols 540 Scott Shipp Hall hand@vmi.edu, Desktop Support Manager Snelling, R.R. Goens research interests focus on interpersonal and family relationships and their intersections with nonverbal behavior and intercultural contexts. hebertsm@vmi.edu, Lieutenant As a microeconomist, he teaches a variety of applied courses including statistics, econometrics, public finance, and labor economics. The last 3 years as a Computer Technician. His published pedagogical materials include a language learning website, French la mode. I have also been teaching Spanish at James Madison University for fifteen years. David was born in Jacksonville, FL and moved to Virginia in 2005. 540-464-7450 Teaching at VMI for more two decades, Mr. Belliveau specializes in American government, the Congress, and the Presidency. The lab has a Vicon camera system integrated with force platforms and electromyography equipment. Specialty: Structural Engineering 540-464-7096 While national trends have shown sharp declines in the number of English majors, VMIs English major is thriving. Goen previously held full-time faculty positions at Christopher Newport University, Purdue University Fort Wayne, and Clemson University, teaching courses in human communication and quantitative research. 304 Smith Hall Before joining VMI in 2017, she taught at Tri-County Technical College, Clemson University, and Stamford University, Bangladesh. Austin, K. B., H. H. Thomas, P. R. Moosman, Jr., P. Lustig, B. Crepeau, B. Huff, K. Veasna, M. Tatro, & R. Farnsworth. Lingstica forense y examinacin del uso del lenguaje policial(in English; Forensic linguistics, criminal cases and the police interview), XIX Congreso de Novela y Cine Negro de la Universidad de Salamanca, April, 2013. Jones, J.C. Kenny, K.E. 540-464-7548 J.D. His military assignments include the 82nd Airborne Division; 1st Armored Division; 4th Psychological Operations Group; 1st Special Warfare Training Group; XVIII Airborne Corps; The Joint Readiness Training Center; and Headquarters, US Army Forces Command. Small molecules, including pollutants, toxins and opioids, are extremely challenging to detect, both because of their relatively small size and their similarity to one another, making specificity challenging. tomlindj@vmi.edu, Director doanmh@vmi.edu, Professor In over 120 years of football, VMI has an all-time record of 46565742 (.418). Ph.D. - Florida State University 540-464-7240 shapirolp@vmi.edu, Gus Singleton Jr., ABD, MBA, LDO, ABOC, COA, Institute Planning and Environmental Sustainability Officer Analysis of these models uses various techniques such as bifurcation and stability analysis as well as numerical simulations. His dissertation work focused on developing a better way to connect large precast bridge girders to improve their long-term durability. Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Name Title Email Address Phone; Paul Crowley: Head Coach paul.crowley@cnu.edu: 757-594-8967 757-594-8967: Craig Smith: Assistant Coach - Offensive Coordinator craig.smith@cnu.edu: 757-594-7977 757-594-7977: Eli Wicklund: Assistant Coach - Defensive Coordinator eli.wicklund@cnu.edu She enjoys exploring new areas of research and mentoring students. 540-464-7559 hildrethra@vmi.edu 307 Nichols Engineering Annex Dr. Humphries holds a DLS in Interdisciplinary Humanities and International Affairs from Georgetown University, as well as an MA in History from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an MS in National Security Strategy from the National War College. agnorrt@vmi.edu, Professor M.A. Ph.D.-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Art and a B.A. LTC Knepper arrived at VMI in the fall of 2014. Originally, he worked in the private industry before returning to VMI to work in the VMI Alumni Association, where he was responsible for new cadet recruiting, chapter promotions, and alumni placement. He has also written a course pack/textbook for CE 301, A Bakers Dozen of Structural Topics Every Civil Engineer Should Know., CE 302 Civil Engineering Dynamics, CE 307 Properties of Engineering Materials, CE 327 Reinforced Concrete Design, CE 416 Fundamentals of Engineering, CE 423 Structural Steel Design, CE 428 Topics in Structural Design, CE 429 Advanced Structural Theory, CE 3341 Principles of Structural Design, CE 4343 Design of Concrete Structures, CE 5343 Advanced Reinforced Concrete, CEE 3424 Reinforced Concrete Design, CEE 3684 Civil Engineering Materials, Multimedia Coordinator 214 Cormack Hall Bio. Dr. Wesley B. O'Dell is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of International Studies and Political Science. However, his dreams of playing football professionally were eventually overshadowed by his aspirations of becoming an engineer. Professional Engineer M.S. mooreec@vmi.edu, Instructor In addition to his research in the automotive field, he led a project with the Federal Highway Administration where he authored multiple standard practices for testing and validating equipment used to measure roadways across the U.S. Dr. Altmann has always had a passion for cars, for this reason he is the advisor of the Baja SAE team at VMI. Professor Dupal has four daughters who graduated from state universities in Virginia (UVA, VT, and JMU) and a son who graduated from VMI in May 2022. rubensteinsd@vmi.edu, Administrative Assistant He earned an MDE in Distance Education at University of Maryland University College (UMUC). Another important highlight of my life was being a missionary in Guatemala amidst the Kechi indigenous people, establishing a clinic that attended to their medical needs. From 1995-1999 Ms. Ruffin worked for Wachovia Bank in the Trust and Estate Department as an Estate Manager. 540-464-7017 In his first year at Widener, Brown helped the Widener defense allow nearly 70 fewer yards per game in the air than the defense did in 2019. Administrative Assistant 540-464-7244 Department Head P: 540-464-7322 F: 540-464-7299 hroffice@vmi.edu Human Resources Office 305 Letcher Avenue Virginia Military Institute Lexington, VA 24450. He also taught in Granada, Colorado where he produced a state champion marching band. Bio. 2052 Kilbourne Hall mcmasterslj@vmi.edu, Assistant Professor He is working on a book tentatively titled Spanish Ways of War and Occupation: Conquest, Culture, and the Guerrilla Myth in Spain and Morocco, 1912-1956. eskamsm@vmi.edu, Web Administrator Matts research interests include the investigation of innovative connections in precast concrete structures, the use of ultra-high performance concrete, and the analysis of the long-term performance of bridge structures. Johnson also served as the Associate Editor of theSage Encyclopedia of Military Science. Forces Korea, 8th Army Support Element, South Korea, American Forces North, NATO, Mons Belgium, 2nd Infantry Division, Combined Division, South Korea, Joint Communication Support Element, Tampa, Florida. Tom has over 20 years of experience in the information services and technology industries. Ph.D. - University of Utah DeniseYoung has worked in higher education for more than twenty years, in both teaching and administrative roles. His teaching has won him two awards at VMI, and in 2008 he won an Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. 540-464-7528 Nurse practitioners treat both physical and mental conditions through comprehensive history taking, physical exams, and ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests. Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park Plant Physiology 147:1046-1061. 215 Carroll Hall Delaney, John. - Regent University Bio, Lab Technician Responsible for the VMI information security operations, maintenance, and compliance with State of Virginia standards. Specialty: Invertebrate Zoology & Parasitology "Joyce, Nussbaum, and the Value of Disgust." The gathering held its second iteration in December 2017 at Washington College in Chestertown, MD, and LTC Kendrick was happy to accompany three cadets who presented the work they had completed in their capstone course (taught by LTC Abbey Carrico) in the undergraduate research forum of the conference. assaouih@vmi.edu Colonel McDonalds photographs are in the collection of numerous private and public collections, including the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth. 540-464-7421. hardinpd@vmi.edu. 540-464-7341 She is a Professor of History at Virginia Military Institute where she teaches classes on Iran, the Middle East, Russia and World History. Animal Behaviour 78:1019-1025. 540-464-7363 A native of Lexington, she holds a B.A. 1, January 2006, pp.23-27. I have combined historical records andrecent records to create a detailed account of each species found in the area. 307 Nichols Engineering Annex He received a bachelor of science in civil engineering from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a master of science in engineering science from Louisiana State University. in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication from James Madison University. Senaweera, S.; Cartwright, K. C.; Tunge, J. B8 Old Barracks A. Decarboxylative Elimination of N-Acyl Amino Acids via Photoredox/Cobalt Dual Catalysis, ACS Catal. 3, Winter 2013, pp. ingersollcc@vmi.edu M.S. 540-464-7354 Moreover, he is a native Arabic speaker and is able to communicate in more than six dialects (Iraqi, Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, most dialects of Arab Gulf countries as well as Modern Standard Arabic). 540-464-7568 540-464-7234 330 Nichols Engineering Annex At VMI, she teaches freshman composition, public speaking, and technical communication. Steven A. Nadler, Paul De Ley, Manuel Mundo-Ocampo, Ashleigh B. Smythe, S. Patricia Stock, Dan Bumbarger, Byron J. Adams, Irma Tandingan De Ley, Oleksandr Holovachov, and James G. Baldwin. ScottB@vmiaa.org in Economics from St. Norbert College. Director evanstl@vmi.edu, Administrative and Program Specialist. He obtained his Ph.D. and M.Sc. campbelldc@vmi.edu 540-464-7750 Office Manager 540-464-7017 Font. Col. Kathleen Bulger-Barnett earned a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Kentucky with a specialization in Spanish Golden Age literature. In order to get cadets using the skills they develop in the classroom, LTC Kendrick led a new 400-level course in the spring of 2019 in which cadets taught an eight-week French course to local middle school and high school students. In his free time Major Ellis enjoys time with his four children, writing historical fiction, and volunteering in outdoor-based therapeutic programs for injured veterans. On Tuesday, VMI Football Head Coach Danny Rocco announced that Bryan Stinespring, Rich Yahner, and Pat Brown will be the new additions to the Keydet football staff next year. Specialty: Economics of Institutions, Post-Socialist Economies and Politics, Law and Economics, and Economic History boonshoftmd@vmi.edu She was also a doctoral candidate at the University of Chicago. Alerding, K.C. Ashleigh B. Smythe, Michael J. Sanderson, and Steven A. Nadler. Tappey Jones is an accomplished researcher, with over 130 publications to his name, and over $800,000 in grants awarded. At VMI, she is currently specializing in PS 344: Leadership in Organizations. He has supported humanitarian missions in Indonesia, Japan, Nepal and the Philippines and deployed in support of counter-terrorism efforts during Operation Enduring Freedom Philippines. cartwrightdj@vmi.edu A. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Arkansas. - James Madison University Designed and managed US/Ireland student in-country programs examining. He recently accepted the VMI position as the Director of Corps Marksmanship and NCAA Rifle Coach. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine (please see explanation below) and specializes in Adolescent and Adult medicine with extensive experience in college health and sports medicine. beaganr@vmi.edu, Marine Officer Instructor 427 Scott Shipp Hall 540-464-7724 His research, which has appeared in such outlets as the British Journal of Political Science, International Studies Quarterly, Political Psychology, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Foreign Policy Analysis, focuses on the impact of domestic factors on international conflict propensity, leadership psychology and war, the determinants of strategy choice by insurgent (especially terrorist) groups, and conventional and nuclear deterrence. Bio. William F. Bither served Army ROTC at Virginia Military Institute twice. Daniel returned to VMI in January 2013 and is currently teaching Physical Chemistry. moralescp@vmi.edu, Instructor Specialty: Labor Economics, Health Economics, Economics of Aging, and Applied Microeconomics At the same time, I was also an ordained minister and my mission work was to help troubled teenagers where sports such as soccer and counseling became an important aspect to get them off the streets and from committing crimes. Director of Facilities Management ballardrc@vmi.edu In early January of 2014, Chaplain Casper was selected as the Institutes first Associate Chaplain to the Corps of Cadets. He has directed capstone projects, SURI projects, independent studies, and honors theses on a variety of topics, from the poetry of Langston Hughes to the philosophy of Simone Weil, from Edgar Allan Poes Gothic conventions to Byzantine iconography. She obtained her doctorate from Stanford University in 2016. 540-464-7045 He also performed over 280 NBIS and PONTIS bridge inspections. 540-464-7943 540-464-7412 Associate Professor Ph.D. - University of Arkansas Specialty: Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, and Public Economics 540-464-7983 Bernau, T.H. His first book, https://sites.google.com/g.clemson.edu/tanjinaafrin/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanjina-afrin-phd-e-i-t-360b2776/, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pOxASp0AAAAJ&hl=, https://valentina-dimitrovagrajzl.squarespace.com/, http://www.jove.com/video/52035/reductive-electropolymerization-vinyl-containing-poly-pyridyl-complex, http://www.jove.com/video/52035/reductive-electropolymerization-vinyl-containing-poly-pyridyl-complex%22%3eReductive, Tradition and the Deliberative Turn(Albany: SUNY Press, 2023), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCja59bSZGROChAHISEte1zQ/featured, https://www.linkedin.com/in/wakeel-idewu-ph-d-p-e-9413a06, https://www.linkedin.com/in/youna-jung-4755b28, BETA, Asociacin de Jvenes Doctores en Hispanismo, National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi, http://www.rockbridgeareahealthcenter.org/resources/Updates/Rockbridge%20Area%20CHNA_2012_Final.pdf, http://www2.vmi.edu/cadetprojects/flathersgw/, https://www.withgoodreasonradio.org/episode/reading-and-writing-ourselves/, https://www.vmi.edu/archives/genealogy-biography-alumni/featured-historical-biographies/robert-t-kerlin-resources/, 2003 VMI Technology, Teaching, and Learning Grant, 2002 VMI Technology, Teaching, and Learning Grant, CE 109: Introduction to Civil Engineering, EGR 269: Engineering skills and disciplines (Tri-County Technical College, SC), CE 341: Fluid Mechanics Lab (Clemson University, SC), Hydraulic characteristics of Green Infrastructures (GI), Community participation in stormwater management, AssociateProfessor, VMI Biology, 2014 to 2014, Assistant Professor, VMI Biology, 2008 to 2014, Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington and Lee, 2007-2008, Visiting Assistant Professor, James Madison University, 2006-2007, Visiting Assistant Professor, Lynchburg College, 2005-2006, Adjunct Professor, Bridgewater College, 2004-2005, VMI Awards Faculty Development Leave, Fall 2012: Selecting a soybean cultivar for genetic engineering of biofuel traits, with opportunities for cadet research., USDA Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Virginia Tech, 2002-2004: Investigating the roles of flavonols in plants through molecular analyses of flavonol synthase isoforms..

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vmi football coaching staff directory