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County of Santa Clara Social Services 333 W Julian St. San Jose, CA 95110-2335. 0000004433 00000 n - Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-600 thru 63-700, Sec 63-601 thru CalFresh is federally mandated and in California, is state-supervised and county-operated. 0000006170 00000 n 0000171267 00000 n 0000149209 00000 n Earned income has an allowable deduction of 20% (i.e., 80% of the gross earned income counts in the calculation of benefit levels). 0000005797 00000 n The CalFresh Program, federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores. 0000007975 00000 n 0000170719 00000 n 0000100330 00000 n 0000009526 00000 n Households discontinued from the CalFresh program can have their eligibility restored on a pro-rata basis within the month following termination, without the need for a new application or an interview, if the household resolves the reasons for the discontinuance in that month. 0000164257 00000 n 0000105047 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000006279 00000 n 0000151014 00000 n This ABAWD requirement is not applicable to Santa Clara County due to the ABAWD waiver. If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot Password link as shown in the image below. The CDSS will regularly post updates regarding CalFresh's response to disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, and severe storms on this webpage. 0000003939 00000 n Here are the steps you need to take to complete the CalFresh recertification process. Read more about the end of Emergency Allotments. Public Assistance Collections - County of Santa Clara PDF 24. Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements - Santa Clara County, California 1, 2023, the State minimum wage increased to $15.50 an hour regardless of the size of the company. The EW must send the client a "Request for Information" (DFA 386) listing the You may be given the chance to volunteer to participate in order to help you prepare to find work or go to school. 0000005817 00000 n 0000009429 00000 n Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) Allowed for a household that incurs utility costs, which are separate and apart from the household's rent/mortgage payment. 0000152492 00000 n Residency, Citizenship, and Immigrant Status 14.1 Residency 14.1.1 Requirements [63-401] The household must reside in Santa Clara County. 0000005948 00000 n Net income is computed by deducting the following, if applicable, from gross income. To learn about this policy change, see the Expansion of CalFresh to SSI Recipients Partner Flyer located here: (English) (Spanish). 0000007750 00000 n 0000167629 00000 n Students. 0000174383 00000 n 0000145294 00000 n We provide our readers with information on assistance benefit programs such as Calfresh, food stamps (SNAP), TANF, WIC, and Medicaid. 0000007607 00000 n The Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund provides temporary assistance to help people living in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties. 0000003405 00000 n UC Cooperative Extension | Agricultural Experiment Station Vendor Payments Money paid to a third party for a household expense by a person or organization outside of the household. . Get your receipt to see the remaining balance on your EBT Card CalFresh benefits account. There are special rules for households with seniors and people who are disabled. 0000005672 00000 n 0000008909 00000 n 0000010255 00000 n 0000155169 00000 n 0000005734 00000 n 0000048553 00000 n trailer 0000172339 00000 n The following regulations contain the CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures. At this time this work rule is waived in all counties until at least June 30, 2023, and you do not need to meet it. 0000140424 00000 n 0000132985 00000 n 0000161108 00000 n 0000167441 00000 n 0000160566 00000 n 0000007192 00000 n Receiving cash assistance (TANF). 0000155489 00000 n CalFresh Handbook Index CalFresh Handbook Table of Contents Chapter 1: Thrifty Food Plan and Income Test Limits Chapter 2: Charts, Tables, and Miscellaneous Chapter 3: Application Chapter 4: Authorized Representative Chapter 5: Social Security Number Requirements Chapter 6: Verifications Chapter 7: Expedited Services Chapter 8: Notice of Action . We are a privately-owned website that provides information about California food stamps and Calfresh EBT Card benefits. 0000173404 00000 n Try Now! Revised: 06/25/13 Update #11-01. 0000145152 00000 n CalFresh benefits can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet. U. S. citizens and many non-citizens are eligible for CalFresh. 0000008293 00000 n 0000002855 00000 n Santa Clara County Calfresh Handbook - CalFresh Income Limits for 2023 - California Food Stamps Help 1752 0 obj <>stream How do I apply for CalFresh Benefits in Santa Clara? zbrJ%?kf9MM=rLNoILn2M+3N9xYA%;AZ4y~R"gY+irsiRY J8mIEHPTfb~%&pF)7 =f($XS3*u-nN|c\Ou. 0000006611 00000 n The maximum gross allowed is 200% of the Federal poverty level (FPL). 0000155677 00000 n 0000170087 00000 n Be sure to answer all questions on the recertification application. 0000005048 00000 n 0000010004 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % Eligible household members can getCalFresh benefits even if other members of the household are not eligible. Santa Clara Calfresh Handbook - Fill Online, Printable, Fillable, Blank The CalFresh Program is Californias version of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP and formerly known as Food Stamps. 0000013656 00000 n 0000128697 00000 n Furthermore, many legal non-citizens are eligible for CalFresh benefits. h1 04g\bO&`'MF[! z Regulation and Policy Handbooks - County of Santa Clara 0000007892 00000 n Your county worker will tell you if you have to meet this work rule. 0000006426 00000 n Farmers Market produce is grown locally and freshness is unbeatable! 0000156450 00000 n The Office of Regulations Development will no longer mail out or provide paper copies of Manual Letters and 0000004822 00000 n Starting Oct. 1, recipients of CalFresh, a federal nutrition program, received about 22% more in benefits compared to pre-pandemic levelsbringing a family of four up to an extra $155 per month. We will contact your when we have a work day scheduled. Your CalFresh EBT Card or Golden State Advantage card can be used at select restaurants and fast food places if you meet the eligibility criteria. Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence may be eligible forCalFresh benefits. Other Contact Numbers, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, CF 1 (10/14) - Notice To All CalFresh Recipients - Important Please Read, CF 10 (12/13) - Dependent Care Cost Affidavit, CF 11 (8/15) ENG/SP - Notice To All CalFresh Recipients Important - Please Read, CF 18 ENG/SP (2/14) - Important Information, CF 20 (2/14) - You Do Not Owe Anything For Receiving CalFresh Benefits, CF 24 (7/12) - CalFresh Program Request For Policy/Regulation Interpretation, CF 28 Coversheet (2/14) - CalFresh Program Restricted Account Coversheet - Important To Know, CF 28A (2/14) - CalFresh Program Restricted Account Agreement Part A, CF 28B (2/14) -CalFresh Program Restricted Accounting Agreement part B, CF 29 (10/13) -CalFresh Recertification Appointment Letter, CF 29A (2/14) - CalFresh Initial Appointment Letter, CF 29B (2/14) - CalFresh Initial On-Demand Appointment Letter, CF 29C (2/14) - CalFresh Recertification Appointment Letter, CF 29D (2/14) -CalFresh Recertification On-Demand Appointment Letter, CF 31 (4/15) - CalFresh Supplemental Form For Special Medical Deductions, CF 32 (6/13) - CalFresh Request For Contact, CF 37 (7/15) - Recertification For CalFresh Benefits, CF 215 (9/14) - CalFresh Notification Of Inter-County Transfer, CF 286 SAR (12/15) - CalFresh Budget Worksheet/Semi-Annual Reporting Households, CF 303 (2/14) - Replacement Affidavit/Authorization, CF 377.1 (9/15) - Notice Of Approval For CalFresh Benefits, CF 377.2 (10/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Expiration Of Certification, CF 377.2A (12/13) -CalFresh Notice Of Expiration Of Certification For Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled, CF 377.2A1 (4/14) - Important Information For Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled With No Earned Income, CF 377.4 SAR (6/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Change For Semi-Annual Reporting Households, CF 377.4A (2/14) - CalFresh Notice Of Change (Non-Citizen), CF 377.4 CR (1/14) -CalFresh Notice Of Change For Change Reporting Households, CF 377.5 CR (11/13) - CalFresh Household Change Report, CF 377.5 SAR (9/13) - CalFresh Mid-Certification Period Status Report, CF 377.6 (8/13) - Information/Verification Needed, CF 377.7A (2/14) - Notice Of Administrative Disqualification, CF 377.7A1 (2/14) - Request For Restoration Of CalFresh Benefits After Administrative Disqualification, CF 377.7B (2/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Inadvertent Household Errors (IHE) Only, CF 377.7B1 (2/14) - CalFresh Repayment Notice For Inadvertent Household Errors Only Final Notice, CF 377.7C (2/14) - CalFresh Repayment Agreement For Inadvertent Household Errors Only, CF 377.7D (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE) Only, CF 377.7D1 (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE) Only, CF 377.7D3 (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE), CF 377.7E1 (1/14) - CalFresh Repayment Agreement For Administrative Errors Only, CF 377.9 (2/14) - Notice Of Back CalFresh Benefits, CF 385 (10/15) - Application For Disaster CalFresh, CF 386 (2/14) - CalFresh Notice Of Missed Interview, CF 387 (5/14) - CalFresh Request For Information, CF 388 (8/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Restoration Approval, CF 389 (2/14) - Notice Of Denial Of Restoration, CF 478 (2/14) - Disqualification Consent Agreement CalFresh Program, CF 842 (2/14) - Claim Determination Worksheet, CF 1239(5/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Approval/Denial/Termination Transitional Benefits, CalFresh Guidelines Insert for Brochures (. CalFresh. You can do so in person, by mail, by fax, or online. 1799 94 5IuC,[psn >UsA;>@](4#c7qWWi"uaFp3J. 0000003015 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % SSA Customer Service Center (CSC) 1.408.758.3800. 0000165687 00000 n Excluded Resources Resources which are not counted are the home and surrounding property, vehicles, household goods, personal effects, resources with an equity value of $1500 or less (excluding financial instruments), and resources with a cash value that is not accessible to the household (such as irrevocable trust funds, security deposits on rental property, etc.). 0000043782 00000 n If approved, a monthly dollar amount is placed on a debit-like card to help you add to your monthly food budget. 0000004187 00000 n New Analysis Full CalFresh Participation in San. the source and amount of gross income of more than $25; addition or loss of a household member; address changes and shelter costs; when cash on hand, stocks, bonds, money in a bank account or savings reach a total of $2,000 ($3,000 for elderly and disabled households); a change in child support payments made to a non-household member. 0000002307 00000 n 0000168305 00000 n In Santa Clara County, the CalFresh program is managed by the County of Santa ClaraSocial Service Agency (SSA). 0000004625 00000 n 0000168945 00000 n 0000140508 00000 n 0000012239 00000 n 0000148600 00000 n 0000172447 00000 n Next, You will then be taken to a page where you have to provide your email address to retrieve your username. 0000166187 00000 n 0000006872 00000 n In general, CalFresh eligibility is available to most lawfully-present immigrants who: California also has a program for immigrants who have not lived here for five years, but have a lawful permanent resident status or qualified immigration status and meet all other program eligibility criteria. Find your county office contact. Supervisor Corner. CalFresh Handbook Reference Guides. 0000167585 00000 n Once approved monthly benefits are provided on an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that works just like a bank debit card to buy food at most grocery stores and markets (including some Farmers Markets). EN. In 2021-2022, our fundraising campaign raised $17.6 . 0000004991 00000 n hU[Pe64XK 6 ,BLH(4JV[$P 0000147805 00000 n 0000155327 00000 n 0000005515 00000 n 0000158393 00000 n 0000162146 00000 n Your county will tell you if you need to participate in any of these activities or if you are excused. Mother's day brunch 2021 omaha Russian last names starting with r; On 06/02/04, the ew contacts the other county and is advised the 0000004270 00000 n 0000009347 00000 n 0000160700 00000 n 0000007109 00000 n County of Santa Clara - Official Website - Official Website - County of Phone: (408) 793-2700. Beginning June 1, 2019, recipients of SSI/SSP benefits may be eligible for CalFresh Food benefits for the first time! %%EOF 63-509 Resources to Stretch Your Food Dollars - County of Santa Clara Verifications for CalFresh . 0000008000 00000 n 0000154094 00000 n 0000169951 00000 n 0000162342 00000 n 0000008715 00000 n 0000001571 00000 n Standard deduction of $258 for a household with 6 or more members. 0000160138 00000 n Healthcare amp Government Assistance 2 1 1. 0000003857 00000 n 0000147857 00000 n 0000169621 00000 n 0000005096 00000 n trailer On February 1, 2023, a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration with Individual Assistance . 0000003193 00000 n We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy. 0000118969 00000 n In-Kind Benefits Any gain or benefit that is not in the form of money (i.e., meals, clothing, housing provided by the employer, etc.). 0000043709 00000 n [-e 2b}&q'(7m90|d ?5$oW10b:bpG6[63le |SLKc^W:[Nu l@q& v "js 2rae`N o0 A standard deduction of $225 for a household with 5 members. 0000006860 00000 n 0000163941 00000 n Next, you will be taken to the page below where you will have to answer one of the secret questions you selected when you signed up for your MyBenefits CalWIN account. Find a participating restaurant or fast-food chain near you. Tools. 0000006979 00000 n 0000167867 00000 n 0000005782 00000 n Here are the most frequently asked questions about CalFresh in Santa Clara County. Receiving federal or state work study financial aid. Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500, Sec 63-501 and 502 - Food Stamp 0000009265 00000 n 0000165535 00000 n 0000166429 00000 n 0000010752 00000 n 0000154697 00000 n 0000005342 00000 n 0000159074 00000 n 63-04.05 Student Eligibility: It includes SAR 7 renewal and annual recertification timeline. San Bernardino County Handbook Calfresh Landlord and Tenant Issues LawHelpCA org. The County CalFresh office will send you an interview appointment letter to discuss your recertification application. The LUA allowance is $144 (effective 10/1/21). 0000140383 00000 n 0000147701 00000 n New Analysis Full CalFresh Participation in San. 1691 62 CalFresh households, except those containing an aged (60 or older) or disabled member or where all members receive cash assistance, are subject to gross and net income determination tests. Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-400, Sec 63-401 thru 63-405 - Food 0000009018 00000 n 0000174197 00000 n 0000170262 00000 n Email Address: %%EOF Pepper Crop Production in Sensitive Environments Santa Clara County from 0000146769 00000 n Healthy Eating and Active Living - County of Santa Clara Eligibility and Issuance Requirements - California Department of Social 0000008058 00000 n 0000147122 00000 n The amount of benefits a household receives is dependent on household size countable income, and monthly expenses, such as housing and utilities. For more information, contact the ROTLINE 408-918-4640. About SCCGOV. 0000165995 00000 n 0000165093 00000 n 0000007643 00000 n 0000006813 00000 n To see if you are eligible for the CalFresh program, call 1-877-847-3663 or visit the County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency website. In addition to CalFresh benefits, the SSA also handles CalWORKs, General Relief, and MediCal applications and benefits. 0000006475 00000 n 0000003737 00000 n Available in English, Spanish, and Chinese (pending). Over the last 36 years, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has distributed more than $179 million to help individuals and families in need. trailer Medical Deduction The portion of medical expenses, excluding special diets, in excess of the allowable amount of $35 per household per month (incurred by any household member who is elderly or disabled). PDF San Bernardino County Handbook Calfresh Food Assistance - Social Services Agency - Santa Clara County, California CalFresh 14. Also, even if you cant get CalFresh benefits for yourself, other members of your household may be eligible. 0000129136 00000 n 0000004932 00000 n 0000161544 00000 n Most CalFresh households are subject to a gross income determination test. counseling, peer mentoring, housing information, employment, General . The excess shelter deduction must not exceed the current maximum of $597 (effective 10/1/21). 0000141583 00000 n If you have questions or problems with your CalFresh benefits, contact your county social services agency. Income Definitions and Exemptions 19. The table below shows the maximum CalFresh benefits for households with zero income. 0000011067 00000 n 0000171023 00000 n This CalFresh Program is known as the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Program. The current allowance is $487 (effective 10/1/21). Income received too infrequently/irregularly to be reasonably anticipated but not more than $30 in a quarter. All inquiries will be answered within 2 business days. SJSU Cares partners with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley in offering CalFresh assistance to students in Santa Clara & San Mateo County by phone: 1-800-984-3663 (Mon . 0000168931 00000 n CalFresh Charts 2. In Santa Clara County, where over 1,500 people are signing up every month for CalFresh, a temporary 15 percent increase in CalFresh benefits will be available until June 30. use. County of Santa Clara CalFresh Policy Handbook ; Report a problem on this page . 0000006718 00000 n If you entered the correct username, you will be taken to the password page, with the sign-in image/picture you selected showing. Medi-Cal Member Handbook: Link: Link: Link: Link: Link: Member Rights & Responsibilities: Link: Link: Link: Link: Link: Pharmacy Documents. Any non-food items, including pet food, soaps, paper products, household supplies, grooming items, and cosmetics. Reasonable accommodations available. 0000000016 00000 n For more program information and locations visit: Santa Clara County CalFresh Employment & Training. 0000165511 00000 n 0000005983 00000 n Deductions are allowable expenses that can be subtracted from the households monthly gross income to arrive at the net monthly income. 1330 W. Middlefield RoadMountain View, CA 94043. Households that fit the description in section 1 above will need to report the following types of resources: Liquid Resources Includes all funds readily available to the household such as cash on hand, money in checking or savings accounts, savings certificates, trust deeds, notes receivable, stocks, or bonds, non-recurring lump sum payments [which includes retroactive payments, funds held in an individual retirement accounts (IRA) and funds held in accessible Keogh plans]. Produce may cost less at Farmers Market than at the grocery store! This resource is designed to assistcounty eligibility workers and other partners who provide services to the public. Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-400, Sec 63-406 thru 63-411 - Food 0000005177 00000 n 24/7 Nurse advice line. 0000042829 00000 n 0000002818 00000 n 0000003755 00000 n There are no durational requirements. 0000013912 00000 n CalFresh Benefits Helpline CalFresh 24. CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663. 0000167035 00000 n Standards for Modified Categorical 63-708 - 0000156491 00000 n 0000133687 00000 n Any food that will be eaten in the store. 0000173465 00000 n 0000003645 00000 n 0000005653 00000 n CalFresh Regulations - California Department of Social Services It allows you buy healthy food at most stores, such as food outlets, grocery . If your household has a person who is 60 or older or disabled, only the net income limit must be met. 0000153354 00000 n Available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian. 5011 144 If you only get CalFresh, there are some work rules you may need to meet. 0000004939 00000 n 0000002223 00000 n For more program information and locations visit: or Find a Location Near You. 0000173998 00000 n Are children under 18 years of age who are qualified and lawfully-admitted for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationalization Act. Telephone Number: (408) 326-1004. 0000164385 00000 n Call the County's Winter Storm Emergency Response and Recovery hotline at (408) 808-7778 to report damage estimates 0000154533 00000 n endstream endobj 1692 0 obj <>/Metadata 540 0 R/Names 1695 0 R/OpenAction[1699 0 R/XYZ null null null]/Outlines 1738 0 R/PageLabels 537 0 R/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 539 0 R/StructTreeRoot 542 0 R/Threads 1693 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 1698 0 R>> endobj 1693 0 obj [1694 0 R] endobj 1694 0 obj <. Watch the historic video. 0000175083 00000 n Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. We will walk you through how to sign up for a MyBenefits CalWIN account or log in to your account if you already have done. How to double your Calfresh dollars at the Farmers' Market. CalFresh | County of San Mateo, CA Stamp

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