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From the nursery to senior adults, opportunities for learning and ministry abound. Feb 2000 - Present23 years 2 months. Vision & Mission Doctrinal Beliefs Accreditation RBS International OF SANCTIFICATIONWe believe that sanctification is the divine setting apart of the believer unto God, accomplished in a threefold manner: (1.) Feel free to join us online by checking out a recent sermon preached at our church. As we enter into the Thanksgiving season we want to draw special attention to our Fall Offering that we will be taking on November 20th & 27th. The soul liberty of a believer.Each believer is directly accountable to God and is subject to the Word of God. Pastors Emmanuel Baptist Church 2: 7, Heb. Pastor Jim Ogle - Senior Pastor Pastor Jim Ogle holds a M.Min. Originally from Oklahoma, Smith pastored churches in Virginia and Texas while completing the B.S. Originally from Arkansas, Steve has served in church planting for over 32 years; 20 in Michigan prior to his work in read more. Trufants belief that the church of Jesus Christ must be actively engaged in the liberation struggle and survival of the entire human family, especially people of African descent. All of us need help at different times in our lives, and we believe that Gods Word can provide hope and help for you through all of lifes problems! Reverend Nichols is married to the lovely Lettica D. Nichols. Pastor Shane Hull and the members of Emmanuel would like to offer you our warmest welcome. Join us at Emmanuel on Sundays as we take an in-depth look at Jesus preaching of the sermon on the mount and what it means for our life today. 5 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church: Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church was live. OF CREATIONWe believe the Genesis account of creation as being neither allegory nor myth, but a literal, historical account of the direct, immediate creative Acts of God without any evolutionary process; that man, spirit, soul, and body, was created by a direct work of God and not from previously existing forms of life; and that all men are descended from the historical Adam and Eve, first parents of the entire human race (Gen.1&2, Col. 1: 16-17, John 1: 3).5. We identify with the tenants of the faith that would be identified with Historical Baptist Churches. 5: 17,19, 1 John 3: 6-7, 5: 1, Acts 16: 30-33, 2 Pet. Interim Pastor Update. 5: 23-24, Acts 15: 13-18).15. Furthermore, he is the sole owner and operator of Tru4U, LLC, an organizational consulting and executive coaching company. We believe Jesus Christ has the power and . 425 Luther Road Johnstown, PA 15904 Tel: 814-266-4117 Service Times: 9a & 11a. 139: 1-6, Job 38-41, John 6: 37).B. CONTACT (336) 788-7023 ebcoffice8@gmail.com. 14:34; 1 Cor. He is the sixth pastor of this Longview congregation. OF THE FALL OF MANWe believe that man was created in innocence under the law of his Maker; but by voluntary transgression Adam fell from his sinless and happy state, and all men sinned in him, in consequence of which all men all are totally depraved, are partakers of Adams fallen nature, and are sinners by nature and by conduct; and therefore are under just condemnation without defense of excuse (Gen. 3: 1-6, Rom. 11: 23-34).6. ebcroebuck@att.net . derrick@ebcnewington.com. ), and Seton Hall University (M.A).He has completed coursework towards a doctorate in Pastoral Counseling at Hebrew Union College of New York City. That you love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. 5: 18-21, Rom. The death of Christ on the cross is the only sufficient payment for our sins. Unpacking Forgiveness Chris Brauns. 11: Easter Literature Distribution 10 AM / Camp Reps Meeting 1 PM, Sun., Mar. PJ served over a year in the Better Roads Recovery Ministry mens home. For two and half years prior to his arrival at Emmanuel, Rev. Emmanuel Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, KJV Bible-believing church. 3: 1-7, Col. 1: 18, Eph. Shortly thereafter, he experienced the most tangible expression of the Holy Spirit in his life. Derrick provides oversight of our follow-up ministry, groups and counseling. Pastor - Emmanuel Baptist Church 3: 24-25, John 3: 16, Matt. 17: Youth Activity Night here at church (7-12th grade) 6:30 PM, Sat., Mar. In 1893, a brick building was erected. This year we are hoping to raise funds to help support church planting in India and to replace the carpet in the auditorium. Several years and three children later, PJ found peace that God was still calling him. He is currently the musical director for the Charles Herbert Flowers HS Drama Department. Come Worship With Us! This Sunday's Service . Anyone seeking a place of true worship and service will definitely be at home at Emmanuel. Wed encourage you to join us as this will be a powerful, challenging, and life-changing opportunity to follow the teaching of Jesus for you and your family. 1: 4, Rom. If not, there is a livestream available for both times, simply click the button below to watch. Matthew and his wife, Kimberly, reside in Bryan/College Station with their four children. Rev. Since then the church has been blessed with many souls saved under the leadership of Pastor Bixler. Emmanuel Baptist Church Chicago. On January 6, 1961, the congregation voted to rent Elmhurt School from February 1, 1961, until the new church was finished. Studying youth ministries at Crown College in Knoxville, Tennessee, prepared Bro. After being a pastor for many years, Dr. Smith most recently served as Vice President for Student Services and Professor of Preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 11: 1-32, Ezek. 4: 13-18, 1 Cor. Join Us Every Sunday at 10am. We aim to disciple strong Bible-based families and individuals that actively walk with Christ. 4: 1-11, 2 Cor. Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:00 am and 10:30 am. 4207 W. Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio | (419)-473-3280. Emmanuel is a contemporary Baptist church filled with people who recognize their brokenness and need of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. 8: Ladies Bible Study 1 PM, Kids Clubs & Crossbearers (Fairmont Fair) 6:30 PM, Thu., Mar. The Priesthood of the believer.Each believer as a priest can draw near to God in full assurance of faith in our tasks for God, prayer, in worship, and in confession of sins (1 Pet.2:5).4. On Tuesday, Southall was sentenced to five years in prison. The Emmanuel Baptist Church was organized in 1887 by Reverend Jesse A. Taylor, Georgiane Harrison, Geneva Taylor, and five other persons. Pastor David Bixler had the opportunity to grow up in a Pastor's home and has been involved in ministry his entire life. He and his wife, Shirley, have been married forthirty-twoyears. Church in Flint, MI | WeAreEmmanuel.Life (www.ebcconnects.com) He is a graduate of Morehouse College (B.A. January 01, 2023. Joey was privileged as a child to attend the Calvary Baptist Church in Richmond, where he was saved and baptized at age 16 under the preaching of his grandfather, Raymond B. Kays, who pastored the church for 43 . Jose joined our staff in 2020 to pastor Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel. For more information, watch the Fall Offering video! He attended church as often as he could, tried to resist temptation, pray, and read Gods word. We believe that the expository preaching of the Bible and growing together in community are central to seeing this accomplished. The Brooklyn, New York-based preaching, teaching and outreach ministry of the Rev. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 10 at his home church, Resurrection Baptist Church. Reverend Brett Best has been our pastor since March, 2014. Feb . 6: 3-5, Matt. 18: 11, Phil. Emmanuel Baptist Church - Home 20:14), ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS DIED TO PAY THE PRICE OF SIN FOR YOU (Rom. February 26, 2023 Preacher : Dr. Paul Jones. Our Youth clubs use Awana curriculum for each of the following clubs: Cubbies - for 3- and 4-year-old pre-schoolers, Sparks- forchildren in kindergarten through second grade, Truth & Training- for boys and girls in third through sixth grade. We helped Ralph & Karen Boersma plant a sister church, Abundant Life Baptist 2001-2002The Church metit's goal of retiring the $225,000 Church mortgage eleven months early. 6: 17-18, 1 John 5: 19, Rom. The separation of the church and the state.Gods Word gives no indication of one having authority over the other, but each ones duties or authority is given separately (Matt. 2: 4, Eph. Bible Study, Teen & Kids' Groups Wednesdays at 7 PM, 384 Gordon Hwy, Milledgeville, GA 31061478.453.4225. Dr. Arturo Pierre Lewis Named Senior Pastor at Emmanuel Church January 1, 2023. He has been in the ministry for nearly fifty years, ministering in England, Scotland, and, for the last eleven years, in Florida. A sought-after workshop facilitator, church consultant, and leadership development specialist, Rev. OF THE RAPTURE AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTSWe believe in the imminent, premillennial return of Christ for His Church, and that at that moment the dead in Christ shall be raised in glorified bodies, and the living in Christ shall be given glorified bodies without tasting death, and all shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air before the seventieth week of Daniel (1 Thes. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 8: 35-39, Jude 1).14. 6: 3, Psa. Charles J. Southall III, 64, pled guilty to one count of money laundering and obtaining over $889,000 through fraud. ), and Seton Hall University (M.A). Emmanuel Baptist Church All rights reserved. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lords love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their childrens children with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. Pastor PJ Pallini - Emmanuel Baptist Church He also served as assistant to the [] About Us - Immanuel Baptist Church James, as he is affectionately referred to, was born again. Everything we do and every opportunity we provide at Emmanuel has the goal of teaching you that you are rescued while helping you live out your new purpose found in Jesus Christ. Emmanuel Baptist Church is committed to being a Biblical, Great-Commission Church in the 21st century. During the summer months there is a Children's Prayer Circle that runs during the regular prayer meeting from 7:00 8:00 p.m. Use this time to ask questions and get to know more about Emmanuel through Pastor Duke, Paul or Dan all while enjoying coffee. Discover authentic relationships by connecting with a group this Sunday at 6 PM. We aim to impact our community and the world with the Gospel of Christ through the means of Biblical, Holy Spirit driven methods. 3: 20-21, Rev. A few short years later PJ went to Mt. 3:6), 6. 406-652-3161. oaguirre@myemmanuel.net. Pastor Bio - Emmanuel Baptist Church 7: 25, 1 John 2: 1).C. 14: 5).3. Our Pastor - Emmanuel Baptist Church the final accomplishment of this process at the Lords return for the believer in the rapture (Heb. 1:16, 10:13-15, II Tim. We want to extend a personal invitation to you and your family to join us this week for church! James serves as the Assistant Pastor, which includes a large array of responsibilities including youth director, bus director, visitation director, preaching in nursing homes, and discipling some in prisons. The sovereignty of the local church.Each church is independent and governed by the people (Acts 2: 42).7. Emmanuel Baptist Church - Our Staff Pastor Bixler's focus in his ministry has been the Family. We broke the 100+ mark six Sundays in a row for the first time in 1997.The Church called Mr. Ken Borersma as Associate Pastor in June of 1997.The Churchbegan a Faith Promise Missions program in 1997 in addition to it's regular missions budget.We launched a strategic goal in 1998 to place gospel literature in every home within 5 miles of our facility.A Garage Building Project to house our vehicles and grounds keeping equipment wascompleted in 2001. At the young age of 6 years the call on his life to preach was very evident. The goal of this ministry is to bring glory to God and our practices show the out-flow of that purpose. 26: Team Leaders Meeting 4:45 PM / Team Meetings 5 PM, Prayer Meeting 7 PM / NO Kids Club or Crossbearers (Spring Break), Russ and Bianca McCrocklin, BMM (Germany), Jonathan and Priscilla Laase, BMM (France), LeRoy and Lorraine Randolph, Carver Baptist Bible Institute (USA), Fred (Home with the Lord) and Mary Kreiser, CBM(USA Retired), Ralph and Karen Boersma, CBM(Home with the Lord), Bernie (Home with the Lord) and Doris Bishop, CBM(USA Retired), Helen Zwyghuizen, BMM (Home with the Lord), Tim and Rochelle Brudthkuhl, BMM (Germany Retired), Duane and Dianne Waterland, CMCH(Brazil Retired), John and Hope Murdoch, GARBC Military Chaplaincy(USA Retired), Richard and Karen Visser, BMM(France Retired), "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2:15. This distinction holds among men both in life and after death, in the everlasting happiness of the saved and the everlasting conscious suffering of the lost in the lake of fire (Mal. ), Colgate Rochester Divinity School (M.Div. Dr. Kenton Edward Emmanuel Connor - Senior Pastor - Ebenezer Baptist The Church's outreach includes people of all ages. Holds a Master of Divinity with a Missions and Evangelism emphasis from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 16: 17, 2 John 7-11).18. Dr. Moore is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church of Gastonia, NC. Dr. Charles E. Booth of Mt. OF REPENTANCEWe believe that repentance is a changed mind and purpose toward God prompted by the Holy Spirit; that it is characterized by godly sorrow for sin as offensive to God and ruinous to the soul; and that true repentance is inseparably related to true faith (Luke 13: 1-3, 15: 7, Acts 8: 22, Rom. Dr. Herbert Miller, II. 7: 14, Matt. This salvation is available for any who puts their trust in Christ as Savior and follows Him (Romans 3:23, 6:23; John 3:16). Dr. Robin JumperInterim Pastor. Under the watchful eye and tutelage of Reverend Dr. Andrew Fowler and Reverend Lewis, Reverend Nichols was ordained into the Gospel Ministry on May 27, 1995. Immanuel Baptist Church began meeting at 5050 Bucks Schoolhouse Road, its current location, in 1986. 3: 17-18).21. Click on Sermon and Lesson Lesson link . 1:20)WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU AS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH: WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT AS A MEMBER OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH: Galatians 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of . Matthew 11:28 (NIV) Emmanuel Baptist Church Chicago. Steven W. Smith is a fourth-generation pastor and has served at Immanuel since 2017. Emmanuel Baptist Church | Kings Mountain, NC OF CIVIL GOVERNMENTWe believe that civil government is of divine appointment for the interests and good order of human society; that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored, and obeyed; except in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the only Lord of the conscience, and the coming Prince of the Kings of the Earth (Rom. (www.ebcconnects.com) He is a graduate of Morehouse College (B.A. February 19, 2023 Preacher : Dr. Paul Jones. Dale Williams has served as our Pastor since March of 1989. OF GRACE IN THE NEW CREATIONWe believe that in order to be saved, sinners must be born again; that the new birth is a new creation in Christ Jesus; that it is instantaneous and not a process; that in the new birth the one dead in trespasses and in sins is made a partaker of the divine nature and receives eternal life, the free gift of God; that the new creation is brought about in a manner above our comprehension, solely by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with divine truth, so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel; that its proper evidence appears in the holy fruits of repentance and faith and newness of life (John 3: 3,8, 2 Cor. 12: 12-13, Acts 2: 41-42, 1 Cor. The death of Christ on the cross is the only sufficient payment for our sins. 715 S. Windsor Ave. Stockton, CA 95205 Ph. Until a permanent structure could be built on the present site, the members worshipped within various homes. Since then the church has been blessed with many souls saved under the leadership of Pastor Bixler. However, it was only then that he realized how far he had distanced himself from God. Despite this, the Lord was gracious to bless PJ with a wonderful wife, Missy,and a child. Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas is a place for you and your family to grow in the truth of God's Word through verse by verse expository preaching. Let us know if we can help you by clicking below! Emmanuel Baptist Church is committed to the faithful, practical preaching and teaching of historic, reformed Christianity in the Baptist tradition. Sundays Worship: 11 AM-Noon Communion - 3rd Sunday Pastor, Rev. We hope to connect with you soon! Pastor's messages can be read at www.wouldbbest . He counts it a privilege and a blessing to have been able to shepherd long enough to see children that were born since he arrived in Warrenville, graduate from High school and prepareto serve the Lord in the future. an eternal act of God, based upon redemption in Christ, establishing the believer in a position of holiness at the moment he trusts the Savior; (2.) 10:13). Pastor Bixlers focus in his ministry has been the Family. James Edward Lewis, pastor. Book of the Month Collection. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate at Bakke Graduate School, where he is pursuing a degree in Transformational Leadership. Home - Emmanuel Baptist Church Chicago The Word of God leads our every purpose and practice. God, the FatherWe believe in God the Father, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, and measureless in power. Leadership - Emmanuel Baptist Church A former adjunct professor at New York Theological and Auburn Theological Seminaries, he has lectured and/or preached at Morehouse College, University of Pennsylvania, Suffolk University, Palmer Theological, Long Island University, Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and Princeton Theological Seminary, and Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference. We at Emmanuel Baptist Church are anxious for your attendance at our services. Salvation is a free gift of God. He holds a Master of Theological Studies from Shepherds Theological Seminary and has served Emmanuel Baptist Church in various ministry roles since 2004. We stand against Ecclesiastical Liberalism, Modernism, Ecumenicalism, the Social Gospel, and the so-called "Charismatic Renewal" (Amos 3:3, II Cor. Our Pastor Our Missionaries Contact Us Ministries. Peter Demytrk named Emmanuel's Volunteer of the Year December 19, 2022. He has also taught in the Williamsport Christian School. OF THE SCRIPTUREWe believe that the Holy Bible as originally written was verbally and plenarily inspired and is the product of Spirit-controlled men, and therefore is truth without any admixture of error for its matter. 54: 4-7, 1 John 4: 10, 1 Cor 15: 3, 2 Cor 5:21).ARTICLES OF FAITH8. Ever since, Pastor PJ and his family have been blessed to experience the joy of seeing God move through His church. 18: 15-17, Rom. Pastor Correll became a Youth Pastor in September of 1997 at Victory Hill Baptist Church in Dallas, NC. 4207 W. Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio | (419)-473-3280. The Bixlers have four precious daughters - Katelyn, Morgan, Reagyn, and Gracyn. Weekly Schedule. Leadership & Officers Emmanuel Baptist Church We Offer Ministries For The Entire Family. He was called as pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Berea, Kentucky, in March 2002, where he has served faithfully for 21 years. Emmanuel Ridgewood - Home 28: 19, Heb. That you strive to uphold and defend the church's Articles of Faith, and that you abide by the Church Covenant under which this assembly functions. If you'd like to find out about exactly what we believe, feel free to take a look at our about page. 3:16, Col. 2: 12, 1 Cor. He was saved at the age of nine but never really sold out to the Lord until marrying Debra Ulmer, to whom hes been married since 1975. Emmanuel Baptist Church. Emmanuel Baptist Church - Our Pastor For four years, Reverend Nichols served as Musical Director for the National Capital Baptist Convention. Reformed Baptist Church of Riverside P.O. About Us @ the "E" - At the "E" - Emmanuel Baptist Church As the pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Dr. Carroll presented a 2-phase remodeling plan: Phase I, was the marrying together; of the expansion of the current fellowship hall and the construction of a daycare center. On May 3, the Oakwood Avenue Baptist Church was organized with 48 members who had withdrawn from the Heston Street Baptist Church. Hear this story. 7:17; 1 Tim. Pastor Frankie Taylor . The Providence Journal. 19: 11-21, 20: 1-6).New Testament Distinctives of a Baptist Church1. Phone: 718-622-1107 Fax: 718-622-3343 Email: info@ebc-ny.org, Copyright 2023. Pastor Brett's style is friendly and informal while being thoroughly biblical in his teaching and preaching. 6:9-11), 5. We aim to develop and maintain whatever physical and operational systems are needed in a manner marked by honesty and stewardship. That's why we offer Free Counseling on Thursday nights for our community. Through attending Williamsport Christian School his entire life and his involvement in the bus ministry at church and other related ministries, God worked in his heart and called Bro. On February 25, 1976, the church voted to purchase property in the 4600 block of Laskey Road for a new high school building. 8: 6, Rev. " . PJ took advantage of every opportunity to be involved in ministry. His Bible-based worldview and Christ-centered activism have been shaped, in part, by his Chicago boyhood and by spending the balance of his youth in San Francisco. 6:23; Rev. God still wanted him to be a pastor. Send a Message. Before coming to serve as a staff pastor at IBC in 2003, Rob served as a pastor in Northern Ireland from 1992-2003. All have sinned, but all can be saved. He is also required . Meet our Pastor | Emmanuel Baptist Church Last Thursday, the Rev. Welcome to the Web Ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church! 5: 24-27, 1 Thes. 20: 2-3, 1 Cor. In February 1991, the Emmanuel Baptist Church asked David Bixler to become its Pastor. All Seasons Chamber Players to Perform at Emmanuel Church, Sunday March 26, 2023 February 7, 2023. Welcome! The best way to experience EmmanuelBaptist is by visiting us for one of our weekly services. James has fulfilled many responsibilities over the years including maintenance work, athletic director basketball coach, as well as soccer coach. 20: 10).4. The church found itself in a position where they had to vacate their present building by February 1, and their new facility was not completed. James to preach in his senior year of high school. Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church was live. | By Emmanuel Missionary 13: 1, 2 Cor. 18: 21-22, Acts 23: 5, Matt. Ben Seewald - 3 John by Immanuel Baptist Church - Anchor That group is predominately, yet not exclusively, comprised of blacks from the USA, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and Africa and is the bulk of his 4,000-member Emmanuel Baptist Church in Brooklyns Clinton Hill neighborhood. All of us need help at different times in our lives, and we believe that Gods Word can provide hope and help for you through all of lifes problems! . Currently a doctoral student in Transformational Leadership at Bakke Graduate School in Dallas, TX, he is a certified Conflict Resolution Mediator. We aim to communicate Gods Word in a complete and balanced manner, and to defend truth and the Body against error. info@theemmanuelchurch.com 1. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 am . Dr. Jumper is currently Professor of Evangelism and Missions as well as Academic Dean at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, FL. This was a big step of faith, and God provided for our needs. 28:18-20; 1 Cor. About Reformed Baptist Seminary Emmanuel is an "old fashioned" gospel preaching church. in 1986. On the personal side, he loves to read history, write poetry,watch an old film with his family,or camp when he gets the opportunity. Appointed as Emmanuels pastor in November 1990, he has overseen its exponential growth in membership and programming and raised its profile as one of the most innovative, effective glocal churches in the Metro New York area. From infants to high school, our church At Emmanuel Baptist, we believe the Bible, we strive to follow Jesus, and we love one another. Pastor Trufant is the husband of Muriel Goode-Trufant, and the father of two grown daughters, Sharise Emmanuelle and Toni Niara. In March of 2016, he competed a Masters of Arts in Strategic Leadership and Communication and a certificate in Strategic Leadership, Communication, Diversity, and Globalization, both at Seton Hall University. 8: 14, 16, 26, 27).3. Phone: 301-490-5149 Email: ebc.laurel@verizon.net That you accept fellow-members as they are in their growing walk with the Lord, praying for them, purposing to work together with them, and considering them as "family" who God is endeavoring to fashion after His image. Numerous opportunities to personally involve yourself in the church ministries/services. Family Bible Hour (Classes for All Ages) - 9:00 AM, Sunday Morning Service -10:00 AM (Livestream - 10:15 AM), Evening Service, Kids 4 Truth and Youth Group - 7:00 PM. The soul liberty of a believer.Each believer is directly accountable to God and is subject to the Word of God. Watch Us Live Contact Us Directions. He graduated as valedictorian. 10: 10-14, John 17: 17, 2 Cor. EmmanuelBaptist Church - Home Site by. CONTACT US Get in touch with us! The process is super simple and seamless so sign up today and get plugged in. OF THE TRUE GODWe believe that there is one and only one living and true God, an infinite, sovereign Spirit, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of Heaven and earth; inexpressibly glorious in holiness, and worthy of all possible honor, confidence and love; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption (Ex. The first phase multi-purpose building was built in 1982.Pastor Dale Williams was called to church inMarch 1989.Emmanuelgraduated from Missions status to Self-support status in April 1989.The Church completed construction of a parsonagein September 1990.The Church completed the construction of a new Sanctuary/Classroom/Officefacility in 1994. 2: 8, Acts 15: 11, Rom. Listen in on our past dives into Scripture! Log In. James for his work with teens at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Whether you want to be a part of our prayer group, or you are involved in one of the many ministries at Emmanuel Baptist Church, messaging groups keep you connected. 4:1-5), OUR MESSAGEOur message is best summed up in one Bible verse (John 3:16)"For God so loved the world (each individual) that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever (personal responsibility) believeth in Him (the born-again experience) should not perish (eternal lake of fire), but have everlasting life (heaven). Trufant has apprenticed under Rev. Pastor Jeff Smith. That you seek to serve our Lord in some specific area of church ministry as He leads, and as opportunity affords. Steven W. Smith is a fourth generation pastor and presently serves as the Senior Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. 3: 16-17).2. On December 4, 1988, Bro. 11: 2, Eph. He is a graduate of Valdosta State University. We aim to reproduce godly leadership that can provide stable direction to the Body and equip it for ministry wherever God may lead them. He graduated from college in 2004, where he received a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. After 13 years of pastoring at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Pastor Wheeler and Maureen moved to Florida in 2022.

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emmanuel baptist church pastor