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Predictions and Messages by Margie Kay: Contact with Valiant Thor - Blogger However, it turns out both of them are poor sources. It is ordinary people that will affect change, not the leaders. American Horror Story's Double Feature plotline delved deep into UFO lore in its tale of a dark deal between President Eisenhower and a race of beings from outer space. Thor used telepathy to communicate with the commander of the US Navy. Adapted by Joe Caramagna.Art by Antonello Dalena, Emilio Urbana, and Marco Forcelloni. Your email address will not be published. Took me about 5 minutes on google to find the same picture in much better quality. Later, he claimed personal friendship with the director, though they had never met, and implied NICAP approval of his contactee reports. These photos are widely available online, but other than the photographer's name being given as August C. Robert, I was able to find no information about them whatsoever. His visit was, to a certain extent, pointless because the people to whom he spoke were totally unable to understand what he was saying and were unwilling to accept his advice. Rense Collection Of German Flying Discs Photos And Film. NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage . Laura Eisenhower is, however, who she claims to be; but is perhaps not the best expert. Alien at the Pentagon/ Torah Codes | Coast to Coast AM ) BUY WHY FILES MERCH (Code: LIZZIDPEEPLE for 10% off first order) CHAT WITH US ON DISCORD OFFICIAL WEB SITE: Submit a topic, suggestion or just say hi: Have a product suggestion or want to design artwork for TWF? Eisenhower in 1957, who put him on a VIP status, so that he could live at the Pentagon for a three-year period in order to work on implementing his plan. He mentioned this because he knew that, at that time, no one would believe him if he mentioned who he really was. Eddie says that he is the third of 33 of Val's children on Earth who were born on January 8, 1953. Today we're going to look at the facts of the story and the context in which it was told, and see if we can conclude whether Valiant Thor truly did visit the Earth. Excellent condition. Records on can't really confirm or disprove the possibility that Admiral Byrd had a nephew by this name, but his story requires that he would have held a senior role at Project Blue Book with top security clearance and over a year of training behind him, all by the age of 18. So, we repeat, Valiant Thor was a human from a planet in a distant galaxy who tried to stop the arms race that was and is taking place on Earth and proposed a different way of living. Nevertheless, Stranges has written as "Dr. Frank E. Stranges" ever since. Considering the validity of Valiant Thor, a space alien from Venus who The officers drew their guns, not sure what to expect.To their surprise, out walked a normal-looking guy. Mens Fjallraven convertible jacket-to-vest. 9,000-year-old 'Cheddar Man' shares the same DNA with English teacher of history! Was Valiant Thor really from Venus? NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free . 2019. Valiant Thor: Your Friendly Pentagon Alien - Skeptoid Definitive stories vary, like many urban legends, but the basic assertions come from a book called The Stranger at the Pentagon by Frank E. Stranges. Web. Written just after his escape from the Pentagon, Thor speaks directly to today's 21st-century spiritual searcher. Send a photo of you/family/friends watching TWF, wearing TWF gear, using TWF merchandise: THE PODCAST VERSION TWF on SOCIAL (in order of importance) BETTER CHANNELS TO WATCH: \u0026 LINKSRead \"Stranger at the Pentagon\" for free: \"Stranger at the Pentagon\": Byrd's family tree: BY:Daniel Van AukenTHANK YOU MODS:Daniel_Van_AukenDiamond Dustjengen13OriginalJimpratty505VictoriaYTHANK YOU PATRONS:73chn05h4m4nA MAaron KinneyAaron Corkumahad memonAJ GentileAlan MeiAlex DuquetteAll Canadian Reptile GirlAlyKatAndrew ProvoAndy UKArin RohrerAudra NeurauterbalcobullsBeefaroni_the_BeefaholicBen McInvaleBill BrowerBonnie CostaBrains IronicallyBrian NessC.D. 20:20. PDF - Valiant Thor. Become Thor, the mighty God of Thunder, in this official action-adventure game! WordPress Theme : UU2014 The True Story Behind American Horror Story: Murder House's Nurse Killings, Cabinet of Curiosities and Channel Zero Prove Short-Form Horror Works Best, REVIEW: Frank Miller Presents Ancient Enemies: The Djinni #1 Crafts a Compelling Origin Story, REVIEW: DC's Shazam! In the decade between the time he says he met Val and the time he published Stranger at the Pentagon, Frank Stranges published at least two other books about UFOs: Flying Saucerama in 1959 and New Flying Saucerama in 1966, plus he produced at least two documentary films about UFOs: Strange Sightings in 1964, plus Phenomena 7.7 we already mentioned. Her website lists her as "a Global Alchemist, ResearcherandIntuitive Astrologist". . American Horror Story: Who Is Valiant Thor in Double Feature? Warheads are easily inoperative, even if they have been fired. InStranger at the Pentagon, Stranges reveals Valiant Thor's reason for approaching the American president. Craig spoke at the June 12 event in Kansas City at Unity Temple on the Plaza. Ostatnia Wersja. She describes her role in the disclosure: My piece has to do with exposing an attempted recruitment I went through, to go off planet to a Mars Colony in 2006 and also in revealing the energies and Galactic History of the Great Cosmic and Earth Mother, who is supporting our growth as we heal, activate and transform together into the Crystalline Silicate Matrix. Must be respectful If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, it is included in the monthly subscription. Important Message from Commander Valiant Thor of the Galactic Federation of Light, (Reader: GK) I Wrote this as a Brief Summary, Please Read. Antonello Dalena, Emilio Urbana, and Marco Forcelloni. Sips of Truth: Decoding The Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Biblical Mysteries. The. One of the strangest accounts of a UFO-related incident occurred in 1957. In "Blue Moon," Thor appears in 1957, casually brushing aside White House security's every effort to contain him. Web. Stranges explained to host Tracie Austin on the Let's Talk Paranormal radio program why you wouldn't be able to find it: FS: Now it's surrounded by a force field, and the only way you could possibly find that ship is if you look for a circle of dead insects, but the wind would probably drive them away by the time you got there. Stranges, F. The Stranger at the Pentagon. Este intrigante personaje baj de su nave y esper a que llegaran las autoridades al lugar. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. Why did he come to Earth? 2019 documentary. You know, if the aliens are here amongst us.. Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. Who Is Valiant Thor on 'American Horror Story' Season 10? What We Know 1st printing. We do what we can to propose the same message although we must say that his group and ours are separate groups with the same agenda. HD . 2019. Watch in SD. Valiant thor fan club - continuing the legacy first made public by dr He presented them as real proof of the existence of other civilizations at sermons in evangelistic centers. Thus began Thor's mystery. Skeptoid Podcast. The official cause of death is suicide. One of the discovered messages in vertically aligned letters was "CURSED IS BIN LADEN AND REVENGE BELONGS TO THE MESSIAH", while another encoded table found by Prof. Rips mentions such terms as airplanes, towers, and terror attack. She says: My global work has been about opening Natural Stargates and assisting in the activation of the 13th gate through consciously being a part of the grounding of the Mother Arc energies into the Earth core. Season 10, Episode 9, "Blue Moon" goes deeper than ever, including references to a number of well-known urban legends, such as Area 51 and the appearance of "Greys" with enlarged heads and giant black eyes. Who was Valiant Thor the stranger in the Pentagon? Robert Potter, interviewed by Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin, relates how his ET mentor, Valiant Thor, Commander of the Venutian Fleet around Earth, landed in Alexandria, Virginia and was brought to the White House where he shook hands with Ike and Nixon before spending 5 years in the Pentagon. According to Dr. He then reportedly spent the next three years on Earth meeting with various high-level officials around the country. American Horror Story's Double Feature plotline delved deep into UFO lore in its tale of a dark deal between President Eisenhower and a race of beings from outer space. We usually have conversations with Thor Han, Annax or Myrah, but this time we arranged to do things a little bit differently: by holographic transmission. Stranges' Stranger at the Pentagon was, like so many other parts of his life, pure fiction. Stranger At The Pentagon is a short-film by Craig Campobasso. An interview with Valiant Thor - Dec 10 2020 - Prepare For Change Thor said he came from a race of Venusians that lived within the planet itself, not on its surface. OUTWITTING TOMORROW: This book has been carefully written by Dr. Frank Stranges, with the advice of Valiant Thor, an immortal Angel living among us today. His eyes were brown. En Son Srm. Valiant Thor - video Dailymotion Generally speaking, there will be no interruption of power, water and utilities, although minor interruptions may occur in specific areas for unique reasons. Their report back stated: Dr. Stranges is an evangelist. There were no prints on the aliens fingers or palms. Schneider claimed that he was one of those who managed to survive the shootout with the aliens. Get notified of the best best booming posts weekly. Dr. Stranges claims to have met Valiant Thor during Christmas week in 1959. The final point I'd like to make is one that carries, I think, a lot of weight. The purpose of cessation of communications is to allow for the orderly transition of many systems to new Quantum systems, including: The new Quantum Financial systemThe new Quantum Electoral systemThe new Quantum Communication systems. American Horror Story imagines the figure as a liaison between humanity and the aliens Eisenhower has signed a deal with. Famous Venusian thinker and time traveler, Valiant Thor (also known as the "Stranger at the Pentagon"), discusses the best way to contact Space People like himself. Note:Readers can save 10% off their first order using promo codeINTEL10, Pure Body Extra Strength (Cellular Detox). Thor: TDW - The Official Game APK (Android Game) - cretsiz ndirin which are enlarged. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Valiant Thor has no belly button nor fingerprints. website builder. Stranges, J. edit on By what name was Stranger at the Pentagon (2013) officially released in Canada in English? I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. The Federation of Light, in conjunction with the US military, will take over the television and radio channels and begin ongoing broadcasts to help residents of the US and other countries receive information about these changes. The meeting allegedly lasted an hour. Srm. NOTE: This game requires 1.6 GB of free storage . File Size 12.84 KB. He came to Earth in order to deal with the problem of increasing the stocks of nuclear weapons, which in the event of war can lead to a catastrophe of universal scale. They offered earthlings access to new technologies and help in spiritual development in exchange for stopping the production of nuclear weapons. Valiant Thor was first introduced by Dr. Frank Stranges in his 1968 book, Stranger at the Pentagon. A tall white man emerged from the craft and approached the officer, calmly identifying himself as Valiant Thor, sent by "The High Council". Stranges identifies four of the people seated as Val, Donn, Jill, and Tanyia, all members of Val's crew. Quote . FanFix December 03, 2022 1623. 8 May. This site was designed with the .com. Reklama. His group continue to visit Earth and continue to spread the message of peace and love. All content copyright 2023, Due to the move to a largely cashless society and with all banks closing during the 10-14 day period, people are encouraged to prepare before October 30th. We also have a thick file of letters from Dr. Stranges, or about him, which are not cited in the enclosed report. edit on 9/14/13 by SixX18 because: (no valiant thor documentary Your signature/name/username at the top. We will provide additional information as events unfold. A Message to the people of Earth from an E.T Commander Valiant Thor for We are also focused on disclosing extraterrestrial contact and humanitys lost ancient origins. Found a picture of his father and posted it with the opener. Change is gradually occurring as time passes so, although his, Valiant Thors, efforts met with refusal, the changing attitude to extraterrestrials and to spirituality are gradually meeting with success. 1 Nov. 1965, Volume III, Number 5: 6. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you cansubscribe via the PayPal Subscribe button located on the site. Stranges." Skeptoid Media, 1.2.3 (12350) . Below is the is the alleged exchange in dialogue, given by Stranges:[2][3]. A STEM-focused 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit. We're going on a hell of a ride. SUPPORT THE WHY FILES (Fun, Free Perks! Want to Read. It is believed that Valiant was also involved in several secret projects, one of which was the construction of underground military bases, including Area 51. The Wisdom of Valiant Thor By: Frank E. Stranges PhD, Valiant Thor Narrated by: Michael Welte Length: 1 hr and 41 mins Release date: 07-02-18 Language: English 15 ratings Regular price: $6.04 Free with 30-day trial Sample Outfoxing Destiny The Nature of Vril: Harnessing the Secrets of Vital Magnetism By: Valiant Thor Narrated by: Valerie Gilbert Stranger At The Pentagon - Craig Campobasso - satp Message from the Val Thor Intergalactic Confederation Starting at midnight EST on October 30th, a 10-14 day period without communication systems will begin - October 15, 2022 We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. photos taken of that meeting by August C. Roberts, who managed to survive the shootout with the aliens, Caligulas stunning 2,000-year-old sapphire ring tells of a dramatic love story, Evidence of a 14,000-year-old settlement found in western Canada, Archaeologists locate earliest known North American settlement, 2,400-year-old baskets still filled with fruit found in the submerged Egyptian city, 9,000-year-old site near Jerusalem is the Big Bang of prehistory settlement, Oldest stone tools ever found were not made by human hands, study suggests, Mysterious skeleton revealed to be that of unusual lady anchoress of York Barbican, Nikola Tesla and his involuntary experience with the fourth dimension (4D), Kaspar Hauser: The 1820s unidentified boy mysteriously appears only to be murdered just 5 years later. 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given), edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given). Directors Craig Campobasso Starring Their purpose: share their advanced technology and warn humanity about using nuclear weapons. Sign up! There's an odd turn to the Valiant Thor case found in a number of articles written on the case's history, and it's that Frank Stranges had a brush with the FBI. He appears to be an artificial creation of some kind, even opening the top of his head to reveal alien technology working beneath it.
valiant thor documentary
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