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City Council Meeting - City of Springfield Oregon The Springfield City Council in a 6-4 vote decreased the minimum contract amounts for which council approval is required. Schedule - September 28, 2021 - channel18vod.springfield.il.us Do you want to keep up with local issues? This is a recurring ordinance for the payment of various fees to maintain the ability to participate in the energy market. along with the Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer. ILMO submitted the lowest bid meeting specs and was to supply the Dallman power station with the necessary amount of gases required to perform maintenance duties, both scheduled and unscheduled. * Public Information A resolution adopting the Heartland Continuum of Care 2022-2028 Strategic Plan to address homelessness. During theirregular meetings, Council conducts the business of the City and makes policy decisions. If you would like to speak on a Zoning matter, you need not file a request. Address: Municipal Center West, Room 106 City Council Meeting - City of Springfield Oregon Municipal Center West, Room 106 Adjourn to Special City Council Meeting - Closed Session. Search Current Meetings; Springfield City Hall 36 Court Street Springfield, MA 01103 Phone: 413.787.6000 TTY: 413.787.6641 The Springfield City Council will vote next week to determine if the question will be on the ballot. Ms. McCurley was responsible for these duties while employed at CWLP. The schedule is preset and neighborhoods will receive one pick-up each month the service is offered. This ordinance approves a five-year agreement with Cardinal Elevator LLC (Cardinal) not exceeding $199,481.04 for routine stack elevator maintenance. There was a problem saving your notification. An ordinance authorizing acceptance and execution of Illinois Housing Development Authority Grant No. This service shall include the labor necessary for periodic examinations of the elevators, including lubricating the machine, motor, interlocks, door tracks, rack greasing, and safeties. "You have a system you have to call them and if they, might call you tomorrow or the next day, but it's not going to be that personal touch. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $165,795.00 FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. "It eliminates duplicate of government, and we don't need double layers of government," said McMenamin. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE AND EXECUTION OF THE BLOOMBERG HARVARD CITY LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE GRANT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $190,100.00, FOR THE OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. http://springfield.cablecast.tv/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=2 Videos of the meetings are available the next day on the City's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/ILSpringfield. Changing temporary appointment time from 12 months to 90 days. Email: communicationsdirector@springfield.il.us These are largely projects deemed necessary under the MISO Regional Expansion Criteria and Benefits process before implementing the Multi-Value Project process. Lambertville, Michigan 48144. springfield, il city council meeting live(734) 854-2000 WATCH AGAIN 139 Posts City Council Meeting - February 21, 2023 7 days ago | 98 views City Council Meeting - February 6, 2023 22 days ago | 168 views City Council Meeting - January 23, 2023 1 month ago | 185 views Address: 800 East Monroe, Springfield, IL 62701 General Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. St. Patrick's Day Parade Closures On Saturday March 11, Lane Closures on Lawrence on Tuesday, March 7, City of Springfield: Upcoming Public Hearings & Comment Period. There is typically only one regular meeting in December. An ordinance authorizing acceptance and execution of Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Grant No. 3 were here. Email Us: communicationsdirector@springfield.il.us, Springfield Lucky Horseshoe Baseball, Friday June 3, 2022, IMUA Scholarship Award, Wednesday June 1, 2022, Capital Project Funds for Chatham Road Resurfacing, May 11, 2022, Sound the Alarm - Smoke Detector Installation Tuesday, May 11, 2022, Springfield Police Department Promotions Ceremony, April 25, 2022, Licences Plate Reader In Springfield, Illinois April 18, 2022, Moving Pillsbury Forward, Wednesday March 18, 2022, YMCA Soccer Field Groundbreaking, Monday, May 16, 2022, Urban Forestry Commission Arbor Day Presentation, Friday, April 29, 2022, Memorial Health "National Donate Life Month Flag Raising Ceremony", Pritzker Announces Illinois State Armory Renovations. Duringwork sessions, the Council receives information from staff and discusses topics of interest. Watch Live Stream - SGF CityView - Springfield AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000.00 UNDER CONTRACT NO. is not a local vendor. Council's committee of the whole meeting will follow. Email: city.clerk@springfield.il.us. Address: Municipal Center West, Room 106 300 S. Seventh Street Springfield, IL 62701 Phone: 217.789.2216 Fax: 217.789.2144 Email: city.clerk@springfield.il.us or anything. Last year, ordinance no. Springfield City Council throttles mayor's spending power The current relays are at the end of life and beginning to fail. http://springfield.cablecast.tv/CablecastPublicSite/watch/1?channel=2. An ordinance authorizing execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with HMN Properties, LLC., for financial assistance for the property located at 618-622 E. Washington Street utilizing Central Area Tax Increment Finance Funds through the Office of Planning and Economic Development for an amount not to exceed $600,000.00 to assist HMN Properties, LLC with building acquisition and demolition with the creation of additional parking on the aforementioned property. There are three (3) passenger and three (3) freight elevators. FD23-09-59 WITH MULTIPLE VENDORS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THREE NEW FIRE HOUSES FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,787,263.00, FOR THE SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT RFP PW23-36 WITH SITESCAPES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF TRASH AND RECYCLING RECEPTACLES FOR DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,552.00, FOR THE SPRINGFIELD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. The special budget meeting is in city council chambers, 800 E. Monroe St. (third floor) at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. ICON How to Start a Neighborhood Association, https://www.youtube.com/user/ILSpringfield, https://www.facebook.com/SpringfieldDaily/, May 22nd (adjusted to week before last Monday due to Memorial Day). All three were local vendors. Current Ward Map Do you want to keep up with local issues? The expected Schedule 26 charge to CWLP is $1,144,438.00 or 24.6% of this ordinance amount. Who owns that blighted property? 300 S. Seventh Street The Springfield City Council will meet on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm for a Work Session followed by a Regular Session at 7:00pm and followed by a Special Work Session at 7:30pm. Please note the Council does not accept public comment during Work Sessions. An ordinance amending Chapter 50, Section 50.21 and Chapter 52, Section 52.40 of the 1988 City of Springfield Code of Ordinances, as amended, relating to Electric and Water Liens. Budd sys he plans to work with administrators from other townships to oppose the measure. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 36, SECTION 36.04 (C), OF THE 1988 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CODE OF ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED, PERTAINING TO APPOINTMENTS Changing temporary appointment time from 12 months to 90 days. Email: communicationsdirector@springfield.il.us Phone: 217.789.2000 Before viewing, pleasedownloadthe free Acrobat Reader. June 4, 2021, Animal Protective League, Earth Awareness Fair 2021, The 2021 State of the City Mayor Langfelder, Facebook Live with The Mayor, "Conversation on Gun Violence", Community Call to Stop Gun Violence March 5, 2021, Springfield City Council Meeting..September 21, 2021, Creative Reuse Market Place Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting, HSHS Saint John's Panda Cares Check Presentation. City Council Meetings - City of Springfield Oregon His primary concern is making sure people get the one-on-one service they deserve. For several years, the Utility has awarded contracts to SEL (UE14-04-023, UE15-06-030, UE16-03-08, UE17-03-05, UE18-063-04, NB19-85U, NB20-82U-1, NB21-115U-1, NB22-50U-1, and NB23-148U). "You don't have that person to person contactno more," said Budd. Ms. McCurley is a former Project Manager for the T&D Division of the Office of Public Utilities. Be Nice. We all have a story and our Channel 4 (Public) and Channel 18 (Government - City of Springfield) is available to our residents to share their insights with the rest of our community. Sponsorship Flyer (PDF). This ordinance approves the purchase of new distribution relays for the various substations from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) in an amount not to exceed $162,653.64. Meetings are bi-monthly on the last Monday at 6pm at First Church of the Brethren, except the picnic and annual meeting. January 30th; March 27th; May 22nd (adjusted to week before last Monday due to Memorial Day) . Phone: 217.789.2216 If the ordinance or resolution is on Emergency Passage, you need not file a request. Fax: 217.789.2144, Address: Municipal Center West, Room 106 Agenda Type: Agenda Item Department: General City Business Amendments: Documents: 061.pdf 2023-062 Keep it Clean. Share with Us. "Mayor Langfelder says it won't add to your tax bills but that's not true," said Budd. Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, Applicants Sought for Ward 4 Council Seat City of Springfield Oregon (springfield-or.gov), Click here to be redirected to our YouTube Channel. Term will expire 05/05/2025. Springfield City Council Meeting, Tuesday June 7, 2022 10:23 am 06/14/2022 The Public Works Safety Zone PSA 10:25 am 06/14/2022 Pritzker Announces Illinois State Armory Renovations. Background Form Because the Alderpersons positions are part-time, the City has a full-time Council Coordinator who assists in facilitating conversations and communications between constituents, the Alderpersons and the City. UE20-11-65 was authorized with ILMO Product Company (ILMO) for a five-year term to supply maintenance gases in the total amount of $41,411.95. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances of the Council Chambers and should be completed prior to the start of the meeting. As a MISO member, CWLP is required to participate in electric markets, including forward sales and purchases, capacity auctions, price projections, historical load and generation data, and settlement calculations. Low 33F. This agreement shall be effective from March 3, 2023, through March 2, 2028. City of Springfield, IL

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springfield, il city council meeting live