polk county florida land development codedios escoge a los que han de ser salvos
A. Mini-parks shall be strategically placed throughout a development to maximize accessibility to green space for residents. Street Tree A tree that is currently located or proposed for planting along streets or highways. [7] Lakeland is a principal city of the Lakeland-Winter Haven Metropolitan Statistical Area . Sec. It is close to I-4 and is situated between Orlando and Tampa. C. All curb cuts shall be located at least one hundred (100) feet or two-thirds (2/3) the distance of the lot frontage, whichever is less, from the intersection of any right-of-way of streets or a street and a railroad. The tops and nozzle caps shall be painted with the capacity-indicating All proposed projects for construction approval containing more than one (1) acre c. The street system for the proposed subdivision shall provide for extending existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case shall a street extension be of less width than the minimum width required by these land development regulations for a street in its category. 2. In all cases, relocation or replacement shall be in accordance with Table 23-302A Inquire with us for alternate financing options 1. Introduction: project description, site location, site plan, study area/area of influence map, planned and programmed improvements and committed developments. Adjacent to the north of this offering, the current and long-time landowners are personally financing and building a top quality 5-star, 55+ Active Lifestyle Community development in which the family will retain long-term ownership. a. Applicability. This 206.39-acre parcel has city water, and sewer is available adjacent to the property, with three deep wells on-site currently used for grove irrigation. Construction Services. The methodology letter shall include the following information: Multimodal Assessment For multi-phase developments, the trip thresholds are based on project buildout, not by phase. Funds in the tree replacement fund shall be reserved for Planning and Zoning | City of Winter Haven pBe County: Polk, FL HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE SPACES, (Ord. 60, Eleventh Street southward from S. R. 60(CR 17-B), Masterpiece Rd. Tree: A woody perennial plant with an elongated stem or trunk supporting branches and leavesof a species which normally grows to an overall height of at least fifteen (15) feet in this area. ii. Storage pods shall be allowed to remain on site for longer than a total of one week in a given month only if the pod is being used for storage in conjunction with the renovation, reconstruction, or repair of a building on the site and only while there is a valid building permit for the work being performed. 1. 2006-24, 8, 9, 6-6-06; Ord. plant growth, debris, or permanent fences blocking ingress or egress to this area. No. . For all paving, the Call today for a personal tour. No. Polk County Municipal Regulations of Florida eLaws | eCases | Florida State | Florida Administrative Code | Florida Courts | Counties & Cities of Florida | Code of Federal Regulations | United States Code | Your access is denied! The latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual shall be used for calculation of project trips. The number of trees existing in the neighborhood on improved property. three hundred (300) feet apart along public rights-of-way or private drives within Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet or be less than four hundred (400) feet. d. Landscaping in easements: Easements may be landscaped subject to the following: 1. a. 2. C. Each row of interior parking spaces shall be terminated at each end by a landscaped area which shall be a minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet in size and which shall have no dimension less than five (5) feet. AM (if required) and PM peak hour analysis of existing traffic on the existing transportation network. Interior portions of off-street parking areas not specifically designated as parking spaces or maneuvering areas shall not be paved for vehicular use but shall be planted and permanently maintained with trees and shrubs and finished with ground cover or other landscape material. Type: Undeveloped Land, Lakefront, Waterfront. Species excluded from the requirement for a tree removal permit (sec. a. Sidewalks shall be provided on at least one (1) side of all local streets and minor collectors and on both sides of arterials and major collectors. Property Dimensions:1,281.38 ft x 352.84 ft x 1,281.38 ft x 352.84 ft g. Utility easements. Sec. Off-street parking and vehicular access. RESIDENTIAL / OR MISC IMP. $335,000 Last Sold Price. AM (if required) and PM peak hour, directional Level of Service (LOS) analysis shall be conducted for study area segments based on currently accepted traffic engineering principles. No. Sec. C. No entrance road shall have driveways or parking lot entrances to individual parcels located within one hundred fifty (150) feet of its intersection with an exterior roadway. apply where trees are removed selectively in accordance with a plan for landscaping 23-307.4 Drainage retention areas. D. Mini-parks shall be landscaped and at minimum shall provide seating area and connection to the pedestrian path network within the development. A minimum ofthree (3) trees shall be required for each one-quarter () acre or ten thousand eight hundred ninety (10,890) square feet of land or fraction thereof in the non-residential development. Any off-site discharge shall meet the requirements of the permit under the National Development ServicesDirector Where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided, they shall be installed, All landscaping shall be installed with sound workmanship and in accordance with good planting procedures. In some cases, for a Tier 3 Study, additional planned development traffic may need to be incorporated if the combined level exceeds the historic growth factor in the study area roadway segments. Central greens and parks with long street frontages are encouraged. 1. Vines shall be a minimum of thirty (30) inches in height immediately after planting and may be used in conjunction with fences, screens or walls to meet physical requirements as specified. barricades must be placed and maintained around all trees that are required to have These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Exempt from these requirements are streets within the C-1 and C1-A zoning districts. 13 Florida St, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 | MLS# A4553854 | Redfin Search Overview Sale & Tax History Street View See all 11 photos 13 Florida St, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 $169,000 Est. Neighborhood parks and mini-parks required under this section shall be easily and safely accessed by pedestrians via walkways from the neighborhoods served. See section 23-307 for landscaping requirements. 6. When trees are set, the surface of the lawn at tree locations shall be brought to the proper slope and elevation. Phone: 863-984-1375 Access for use of heavy fire fighting equipment shall be provided to the immediate Appendix F. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, Code of Ordinances, Polk County With the approval of the administrative official, the applicant may elect to place The entire minimum right-of-way width shall be dedicated where the subdivision is on both sides of an existing street. Nothing contained in or displayed on this site constitutes or is intended to constitute legal advice by the city or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, or representatives. Sec. While these modifications are being made many documents have been removed. 0000018176 00000 n BLDG. Private Tour Select date and request your own property tour: 02 Mar CODE OF ORDINANCES POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Chapter 1. Recreation area provided in a development in excess of the minimum requirement may be approved to increase the inventory of community parks, and commensurate credit against the recreation impact fee (see article VII, div. Unobstructed Lake Van view, the lot is cleared ready to build, flat/leveled NO NEED TO BE FILLED and HAS A BACKYARD AND ROOM TO BUILD A POOLas well as the option to build a dock . This property is located in Central Florida, about an hour and a half away from Tampa or Orlando. Secondary entrances are those that provide access to a residential development in addition to the primary entrance or entrances. The owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping in such condition as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance. 23-303.14 Dedication of streets and utilities in subdivisions. 0000003300 00000 n Property Details: Temporary structures, including non-motorized trailers, are permitted for use as offices by developers during construction of housing developments with more than three (3) living units and of non-residential developments. The property has 676 feet of road frontage on Rocker Road, which runs along the property's west side. Upcoming Events Feb 27 February . A secondary entrance shall be provided for any development with over fifty (50) dwellings. Sec. The property has a good balance of uplands and wetlands with 137.6 acres uplands, and the remaining are wetlands. a. Radius measurement shall not include curb, greenway or sidewalk. Plan. _'s!M,E&)LCVpa( \W~0PRKk[:EJ;)ty",~;c"r89 Lu+P|0"?L`hL bpHB0}](m|U9;1Y" TABLE 23-302B Curb cuts shall be located at least fifty (50) feet from any intersection of streets or access roads interior to a development. Local streets provide connections between individual properties and collectors or arterials. Temporary structures are those which are designed, constructed and intended to be used on a short-term basis. to Campbell Avenue, Mountain Lake Cut-off Road from U.S. 27 to S. R. 17, Ninth Street South south of Cohasset Avenue. 1. Zoning, Land Use And Development Regulation, Article III. Surface Water Management Permits, addressing both water quantity and quality aspects Lake Easy and Crooked Lake - 1/2 Mile Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) issued for the project. 2008-45, 9, 10, 12-16-08). 117 Polk Ave W, Dundee, FL 33838 - MLS L4935670 - Coldwell Banker 8. RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS CARRIED ON OTHER PCL'S, RES. efy^\;rMpC7 xNQ0@3 gtGq|t h2&|&BtdIK6y&!j >/xVWTu,]}?*[ 3/1 yE@{Awo) 2. 'v}nK;@:c~y{^cpNhm0f~BFFy/U ,@zNI+*Hh b. C. No lots in new residentialdevelopments and no newmulti-family buildings shall be approved or permitted on a local street unless the distance via local streets from the site to a minor collector streetor street of higher classificationis one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet or less. to city limit, Chalet Suzanne Road eastward from U.S. 27(CR 17-A), Thompson Nursery Road westward from U.S. 27. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, & RABBITSW/PASTURE. SWFWMD permit expires 2030 but can be renewed for 20 years. been adopted. Access aisles. This Code constitutes a republication of the general and permanent ordinances of the Land Development Code of Polk County, Florida. In parking areas with fifty (50) spaces or more, walkways shall be provided between parking rows and building entrances. as set forth by the American Water Works Association and shall be compatible with In residential areas, fire hydrants shall be not more than seven hundred (700) feet of a species which normally grows to an overall height of at least fifteen (15) feet in this area. Arterials arepart of a network of continuous routes serving substantial statewide travel by connecting urbanized areas." Sec. be provided to the lot line of each lot within a subdivision. Polk County, Florida. i. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, & RABBITSW/PASTURE/M.H. Compare to nearby Zip Codes. 163.3202 COMMON ELEMENTS/AREAS, COMM. Community buildings shall be designed to double as hurricane shelters. Wiltshire Avenue and S.R. Payments in lieu of construction shall be based upon prices in contracts currently available for city construction of sidewalks to city standards. Fax: 863-984-2334, Office Location Microsimulation software may also be used but is not required. Storage pods located on site for less than one week during a given month are exempt from the requirement for zoning verification. Projects identified for construction in the first three years of an adopted Work Program (WP), Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), or Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The required length of a primary entrance road shall be proportional to the number of dwelling units within the development: TABLE DWELLING UNITS AND REQUIRED LENGTH OF ACCESS ROAD, (Meeting major collector design standards). b. LOS Standards If signalization is proposed as a mitigation measure, a signal warrant analysis (including FDOT signal warrant summary worksheets) and a Stage 1 Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) shall be provided for the location(s) proposed for signalization. APN. A waiver may be granted in cases where the where the applicable permit granting authority deems the sidewalk to be unnecessary because of adequate pedestrian accommodations in the development or neighborhood or deems the cost of the improvement to be unreasonable in light of the magnitude of the change triggering the site plan review. Monday - Friday 6. apart and no home shall be more than five hundred (500) feet from a fire hydrant measured No. Typically, the agenda is posted one week prior to the Development Special Magistrate meeting date. trees, not to exceed the minimum size requirements as stated in paragraph (b). 23-306. 827 Acres in North Lakeland. planned development project or site plan approval pursuant to this chapter unless Definitions:Root Barrier Typically used for Street Trees, Root Barriers are structures and/or materials that redirect tree roots down and away from hardscapes, preventing costly root damage while preserving the health and functionality of trees.Street Tree A tree that is currently located or proposed for planting along streets or highways. Florida Polk County Auburndale 1101 SPRING COURT, Auburndale, Polk County, FL, 33823 For Sale Listed by Wes Fleming with KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SMART +11 photos $159,900 USD 2 Beds 2 Baths 924 Sqft 0.97 ac Lot Size Residential Open House No open houses are scheduled at this time. Development access requirements. 2. mh - platted: 0003: vac. Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with other already existing and named streets shall bear the names of such existing streets. No. The site contains 80% uplands and 22 acres of Tifton 44 hayfield. 1704 Old Grove Trl, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 | MLS# O6088158 | Redfin The requirements of the permit under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Segment Analysis Minor collectors shall not be dead-ends and shall not terminate at a local street. D. Interior landscaping is not required when the paved portion of the parking area is five thousand (5,000) square feet or less. A secondary entrance shall meet the requirements for a minor collector. Mitigation Strategies: recommended improvements and proportionate share calculations. Street construction shall comply with Art. All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent below-ground irrigation system. The mixed use Planned Development Project (see site plan attached) also features a 2.2 Acre Commercial site with frontage along Scenic Highway 17, which will be directly accessible for the Single- Family home residents without having to go on public roads. See article VIII for definitions of terms used in this section. 5 spaces, 1 per 3 seats based on maximum capacity plus 3 for drive-up or take-out service, 0.4 per 100 sq. 317 Polk St, Hollywood, FL 33019 | MLS# F10364142 | Redfin prohibit the landscaping of retention areas and drainage easements in accordance with 23-302.1 Clearing of vegetation. SOLD FEB 21, 2023. In addition to the 4,500 feet of shoreline, Dundee Lakes Residential Development conceptual plans feature an area next to the lake that has been set aside for activities such as a soccer field, bocce ball, tennis, and sand volleyball. 1. No. A landscaped center island is required. QX :NTA0RD 1\7P30b`X>(,eB#9Qo e`FR/uiY\RP6fK|NQ,8Br2(-12lx-wn]FG}th8EfnKN{&S,fC3W Such structures shall be located in the side or rear yards when feasible. 2. 23-301.1 Requirements of other applicable sections. . 23-214) shall not be used in meeting landscaping requirements. Rock, when encountered, shall be scarified to depth of at least twelve (12) inches below the graded surface. Subdivisions shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. 1. When the smallest angle of street intersection is less than seventy-five (75) degrees, the director of public works may require curb radii of greater length. All fines collected shall be deposited in an account established to tree removal upon property values in the area. The administrative official may require a deed, lease, or other reasonable proof to document that the off-premises parking area is available for long-term use. See sections 23-212, 23-215, and 23-217 for permit requirements. Two (2) curb cuts, not exceeding thirty-six (36) feet in width are permitted per street frontage. trees are to remain on the property following the removal of the applicant tree, the 00-09, as amended, is hereby amended to add the following subsection: Section 206 Accessory Uses (Revised 01/03/05-Ord.04-80; 7/25/01-Ord.01-57)K. Cargo Containers for Permanent Storage Before grading is started, the entire right-of-way area shall first be cleared of all tree stumps, roots, brush and other objectionable materials and of all trees not intended for preservation. The need for turn lanes at proposed driveway access points shall be determined using the methods of NCHRP 745 for left-turn lanes and NCHRP 279 for right-turn lanes. Ph: 863-984-1375 ext 231. This analysis should be conducted for the worst-case peak hour to determine the need for turn lanes. The balance of the land is improved pasture with a light mix of woods and cypress pond. wires and related appurtenances is required in all new developments requiring subdivision, a. This analysis scenario will be required only if mitigation is required to obtain the adopted Level of Service as the result of the Future Build Scenario analysis. Tree density. Most of the trees are on Carrizo rootstock. No. Fx: 863-984-2334. 2. h. Off-street parking area shall have a properly maintained landscaped separation strip with irrigation, at least five (5) feet in width along all streets on which the off-street parking area is located. The roadway functional classifications group streets and highways according to the character of service they are intended to provide in relation to the total road network. Sec. b. Seller financing available. No lot, even though it may consist of one (1) or more adjacent lots of record, shall be reduced in area so that lot area, yards, width or other dimension and area regulations of these land development regulations are not maintained. About Climate Risk. Species excluded from the requirement for a tree removal permit (sec. 2. The dimensional requirements of section 23-422, set forth in Tables 23-422A and B shall apply to all new lots except those not intended for the construction of structures. of land shall be subject to the restrictions of the subsections herein and any conditions Segment and intersection analysis will be required for the following scenarios: Existing Scenario, Future No Build, and Future Build. See sections 23-212 and 23-213 for permit requirements. Landscaping shall be required along retention areas abutting all travelways, including streets, accessways, bikeways, sidewalks, and driveways. ft. 1704 Old Grove Trl, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 $425,000 MLS# O6088158 One or more photo(s) has been virtually staged. No. Sec. The city does not warrant or make any representations as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, and other items contained in this website. The property has 515 FT paved road frontage on Old Eagle Lake Road and allows for easy access. Enjoy a secluded yet close to shopping, restaurants and schools piece of land. Multimodal Assessment: evaluation of transit, bicycle, and pedestrian accommodations. In areas where buildings are proposed, excavation and filling shall be governed by A. Summary/Conclusions: brief discussion to highlight the reason for the traffic study tier classification, methodology followed, general results of the analysis and action requested (e.g., approval of mitigation strategy). (Ord. See Section 2 for requirements. 2018-07, 2, 09-19-18;Ord. 1. Polk County Land Records Search (Florida) - County Office 0000002295 00000 n Parks designed to provide a focal point and gathering place for a neighborhood are encouraged. Polk County Land Development Code 2 Chapter 9 Adopted 3/01/00; Effective 9/01 Revised July, 2019 . Cash Price: $199,900 If you need to obtain a copy of the most current Code, call the Land Development Division at (863) 534-6792. fire department, fire fighting or rescue operations will not be impaired by such modification. Each dwelling unit may have a driveway per street frontage with a curb cut not exceeding twenty-four (24) feet in width and measured at the property line . been adopted. 2. A. North Lakeland is just a short drive away from restaurants and grocery. For the most recent and accurate versions of these documents, please contact the City Clerk who maintains official versions of these documents, at: City Clerk 1. B. Landscaped areas with a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and a minimum total area of one hundred (100) square feet shall be provided to prevent excessively long, continuous runs of parking spaces. The use of temporary structures, motor homes, mobile homes, or similar facilities for living quarters is prohibited, except during a city emergency, such as a hurricane, declared by the city manager upon a recommendation of the building official. The 57-acre Lake Trask is well-known by locals as a great fishing lake. All streets shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of this section, unless specifically waived for a planned development project. The property features 30 acres of well-maintained Blueberry farm irrigated with an 8 well and overhead irrigation system with permitted water use of 201,000 gallons/day and 5,300,000 gallons per day for cold protection. Streets shall be designed so as to make them flood-free in order that properties served by such streets will not be isolated by floods. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide in residential areas and eight (8) feet wide in mixed use and non-residential districts. The requirements, procedures and methodology for a traffic impact study contained in this section shall apply to all development approvals in incorporated Lake Wales. BOATS AND BOATING Chapter 4.4. The name of a proposed street which is not in alignment with an existing street shall not duplicate the name of any existing street in Polk County irrespective of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place, court, lane, road or similar suffix. a tree removal permit in accordance with section 23-214 unless removal of the tree has been approved under the requirements of section 23-302.2. If proposing an alternative source for trip generation data, attach study documentation, if already completed, or document the proposed methodology, consistent with guidance in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, if an alternative trip generation rate is to be calculated based on observations of other sites. a. Off-street parking in compliance with this section shall be provided for all nonresidential and residential uses.
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