police station blips fivemdios escoge a los que han de ser salvos

Gta V FiveM Esx nDoorLocked and Police Interior/Exterior /takedrivinglicense - Takes the driving license from nearby player. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Reading assembly file "assembly.xml" Information. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. /spikestrip - Places spike strip on ground. allen torrence allen torrence allen torrence, @Payton69 https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/dls-lore-friendly-vehicle-config-megapack-v1-0 my megapack has DLS for this pack :), @neversober81 Just realized that I already added a link to your mod in the description. Impounding player vehicle (permanent / for an amount of money), Handcuff as an item (Can used via command too. For eblips:add: name is the text that shows on the map when a blip is selected, src should be the player's server ID, and color is the blip color. Davis Sheriff Station MLO V2 [BCSO MLO] This mlo contains an interior for the david sheriff police station. I was scrolling around the forums and saw that a few people were looking for custom map blips so I decided to upload my own so everyone else does not have to get every single coordinate and has no hassle! @GhostEntity Is this still an active mod? for my patrol. (An example of a blip that shows for only certain specified players). Dutch Police Stations [OIV] - GTA5-Mods.com Sandy Shores Police Station [ YMAP / XML / FIVEM ] [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package version tag: "Stable" 1. radar_level. We're also trying to figure out blip directional rotation which is another issue in itself but as you can see a lot has been done, just sucks that we can't complete this list due to some stupid txt file somewhere. I've been looking for a mod like this for ages, thanks heaps! ), @jedijosh managed to name his blip to his mod name: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/animal-ark-shelter. All legal complaints about vag.gg will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be given by our site . REPLACE_HUD_COLOUR_WITH_RGBA (int hudColorIndex, int r, int g, int b, int a) PoliceCarPatrolBlips Will show all police patrol cars on the radar/map. /jail [id] [time] - Sends a player to the jail. /impound - Impounds nearby vehicle permanently. All Police Station open SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com All Police Station open SP & FiveM 1.2 Hent Del jeremie dreux All Versions 1.2 (current) 40.480 downloads , 16,4 MB 5. september 2019 1.1.2 3.173 downloads , 9,36 MB 31. juli 2019 1.0 572 downloads , 7,58 MB 29. juli 2019 More mods by Pomme: 4.19 2.388 45 Grove Street Bridge 1.3 By Pomme Hi, I really like your mod. In the video you will see the walls of the police interior buggy but on your side this should not happen.Some colisions are not perfect yet but I'm working on it, there are still some more details to work on. Please post any suggestions! [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package ID: "{93A8A856-EE75-4E74-8875-2B433CC3F8D9}" Classical requirements like on duty/off duty, clothing, vehicle, stash etc. to use Codespaces. Police Station | FiveM Store FVEMPLAY - FIVEM FORUM ADDRESS Forumlar. Maybe this'll work the same? Oh my gosh! Mission Row Police Department. But if the AI is flagged as a cop when getting ped type driving the vehicle then it should work. Also Davis Station, unusual building texture appearing in roadway. /plateinfo [plate] - Displays if a vehicle is marked or not. fivem What server is this happening on? Hij doet het niet er staat niet eens een install knop en dat is bij al jouw files zo hoe kan dat? Learn more. @Doopey655 De 2e Installatie is slechts een Patch, het is ook speelbaar zonder. Add the following code to your server.cfg/resouces.cfg. 1.2 - Fixed blips not being removed for cars that no longer have a driver. Mon Compte; Aide la clientle; standard; Voulez-vous discuter? All Hospitals and Medical Stations Fivem Blips_Tool // Polizei GPS // Polizei Einheiten Koordinieren ManniSpielt 1.21K subscribers Subscribe 47 2.5K views 1 year ago Mit dem Blips-Tool knnt ihr eure Einheiten jederzeit auf. 20% off hosting | Use Code: TheWolfBadger-4765, GitHub - JaredScar/Badger_Discord_API: A FiveM API Script [created by Badger]. Work fast with our official CLI. Also, there are webhooks you can set up for each different department and send their clock-ins and clock-outs to when they toggle /duty or log off whilst on duty. Waar Staan de Bestanden Van de mod in OIV Zelf [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] ERROR -> The "footerLink" attribute is not found in node "metadata>largeDescription" Below are a few of the blips that it adds: Sandy Shores Airport Please read before opening a support thread! Is this compatible with the open all interiors mod? List of Police station open. Click to Join! ), Emergency services can see each other on map. 1.1 (current) 12.943 downloads , 20 KB Luns 15 de Outubro de 2018. /ebutton - Used to respond an emergency alert. RemoveBlip - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs /removeanklet [citizenid] - Removes the anklet from player. /anklet - Places anklet (tracking device) on nearby player. wow searched for something like this! [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] ERROR -> The "footerLink" attribute is not found in node "metadata>description" /callsign [text] - Sets the player a callsign on database. Still works, is not laggy AF.. the script runs on a 500ms tickrate and does nothing except check for peds that are police and give them a blip if they are in a vehicle. Appelez-nous sans frais +1 (601) 509-1705. @poepsnol38 Hoe denstalleer ik deze mod? @sas994 I love the lore friendly mods. Located under Sandy Shores Police Station Interior Map Editor Subido por primera vez: 27 de septiembre de 2018 ltima actualizacin: 15 de octubre de 2018 Descarga ms reciente: hace 8 horas KevinLove. @jeremie dreux @jeremie dreux @jeremie dreux @jeremie dreux Hello? [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package version: "1.0" Please make sure to post any suggestions for blips to add as it runs off that, How would i go about grouping certain blips together? /911a [message] - Sends an anonymous report to emergency services (gives no location). @William Halverd No unfortunately I tried on my side and it does not work in LSPDFR mode .. too bad ( You want it to be customizable? All Fire stations Not tested, i dont use RPH. (bestand 1 is succesvol geinstalleerd). It's easy! whitelisted Short description of the bug. @BelikeDaan Weet je al hoe je het moest verwijderen. [11-6-2016 0:05:43] [7720] INFO -> Install options. Waar staan de bestanden van de mod? DO NOT THANK ME , THANK @Vespura. YMAP for FiveM servers. i want to use to change davis only what number are the police stations 1 to 5, Do you know how to fix the standards walls of gta5 textures? The list in the picture he got from decompiled scripts. All Rights Reserved. ziet er wel mooi uit maar hij crasht veel kan ik het verwijderen zo ja hoe? Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - City, Town and Village of Download: blips.lua (5.9 KB) Go to: server.cfg and add: 2. radar_lower. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. I figured out a way to add/push text components so they are used as localized strings, testing it with blips soon but it works for display help notifications and other UI stuff Rockstar uses. [Release] Police Blips [OneSync] - Releases - Cfx.re Community [11-6-2016 0:07:42] [2016] INFO -> Show install options dialog before installation [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [2016] INFO -> Current GamePath: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\" u here bro? Water police In terms to the nil values, you can replace those with webhook links and they will log clock-ins and clock-outs to that channel for the player. Los Santos Police Department : https://discord.gg/Ejq4mjtS Chief Jonathan Vance Unforgiven#0101 . P.S. Keep it up! If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. I've also included a script to check the nearest vehicle's window tint (I will maybe continue on expanding this script with similar features). their own activities please go to the settings off state, please visit. Does not work when put into five m. Also getting the La Mesa falling through floor bug @MasterKiloRen99 yes because open all interiors does not open every single interior on the game eg houses so yes it is, Mafia 2 Joe apartment style [SP & FiveM], This mod opens all the police station of Los Santos by already existing interior of police. http://gtaforums.com/topic/803036-blips/?do=findComment&comment=1067637450. North Rhine-Westphalia Police - Wikipedia Enjoy. Features Works for any framework (as well as no framework, of course) Easy API Installation Download from here. (The white boxes with black lines is from Open Interiors). /clearcasings - Clears nearby bullet casings. Le Banger Police Department MLO V1 sera les scripts uniques pour vous. All Banks Thanks in advance! so how do I actually add blips or teleport points to this for FiveM? The world's largest fivem & ragemp & gta 5 development community. 0. radar_higher. Are you sure you want to create this branch? There is also a /cops command so you can check to make sure all the people who are using /duty are actually on duty and in RTO (on your discord server voice channels I assume), then . Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: 4.136 tai v , 50 MB 51 30 50 North, 7 27 55 East. FivePD - Police Station Blips - [SOLVED] Support - GTAPoliceMods Can only access lobby of Davis station, but no other rooms/offices. Casino, This shows the PD, FD, Hospital, and Bank. This may occur if investigations become difficult e.g. Banger Police Department MLO V1 | Buy The Best Quality Scripts This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Thanks! As sometimes I get pulled over by FIB using those mods and they don't show on the radar until they start chasing me. /paytow [id] - Makes payment to the tow driver. The strings could be stored within the GTA V program itself. Put the EmergencyBlips folder into your server's resources folder. You signed in with another tab or window. Blips are customizable as for colors and possible pre-fixes. Are you sure you want to create this branch? hoe kan ik deze mod uninstallen kan je een uninstall oiv maken ? i am first and thank you for amking this i need it I only need that one . That would be possible you would just need to figure out how to detect if someone changed their job, and what their new job is. If that fails, possibly an ini where the player can add model hashes to be flagged as a cop to have a blip added. Geographic Information regarding City of Dortmund. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Loading package Seems he is another person who doesn't like to view the description. Features /unjail [id] - Takes the player out of jail. Can you tell me which one it is in the file and can you fix the above mentioned, building in the middle of the street at some angles? McKenzie Airport Example shown below. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Reading package info Your mods are legendary! in previous GTA4 can just use blip.name = "custom name", donno why cant be happen in GTA5. Though, they look so out of place in Los Santos @GTAV Noob Modder117 Ye, I never expected to drive them in Los Santos. 1.0 . If you think this file should not be here for any reason please report it. This method is cool if you find a good localized string and get lucky but adding strings like that Tank one is not good/effecient at all because some people don't want to mess with RPFs just for one or two strings. Could you please tell me which files are for the vespucci police departmend? Ymap - GTA V Interior: Mission Row Police Department but nothing is showing for me any help is appreciated! If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. He made my life a whole hell of a lot easier :) You can find his API this uses over. By using GTAForums.com, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Loading package from "C:\Users\Dannis\Desktop\gta mods\Politie Bureaus Mod\NL Politie Bureaus2.oiv" [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] ERROR -> The "displayName" attribute is not found in node "metadata>largeDescription" Yes, i asked him, he said there is actually a name called AnimalArk in the game, but somehow rockstar removed it. See https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Blips for blip color codes (at bottom). https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Blips. sign in All Police Station open SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com Is there a specific text file it looks at? hier is de log die hij aangeeft: Ekip yesi Aryorum - FIVEM | Los Santos Police Department | Ekip To install, simply extract the folder "blips" (inside of the master folder) to /resources. Check Commands section. Please make an updated one. Police Job & Evidence System For QB-Core :police_officer: :policewoman: Make software development more efficient, Also welcome to join our telegram. Hey, issue with current version. changes 1.1 - Changed cheat string detection tick rate to 5ms. The text functions did that to, and you had to use _ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_STRING("string") to set the "STRING" thing. - Some optimisations. The script shows blips of all police units (for colleagues). So for example mechanics wont see the Casino, or Policemans wont see race track . /flagplate [plate] [reason] - Flags the vehicle. All of our members are responsible for what they share. Below is an example of adding another role to the list and giving it the color yellow. https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/animal-ark-shelter, http://gtaforums.com/topic/799123-v-modifying-pc-gxt2-files-w-gxt2tools/. Please fix. doesn't seem to work anymore. (compatible for use with PullMeOver) Type "patrols" in cheat code box to toggle, on by default. GTANet.com 2001-2023. [11-6-2016 0:07:42] [2016] INFO -> The "mods" folder installed FiveM Store, LLC. Go to: " server.cfg " and add: start blips blips.rar (2.0 KB) Below are a few of the blips that it adds: Sandy Shores Airport McKenzie Airport Los Santos International Airport All Police stations All Fire stations All Hospitals and Medical Stations NIET installeren. PoliceEMSActivity - Badger Docs Let me know if it doesn't and i can possibly do something else to find them. Instructions: Go to where you have the files, and replace client.lua with the one above. La Mesa Police Station. Sandy Shores Police Station [ YMAP / XML / FIVEM ] 1.1. FivePD Unloading Issues - Patch Issued 0 FivePD - Police Station Blips Asked by Sneaux, July 18, 2020 Share Followers 3 Reason for Locking Answered By TheCipher01, on 07/18/20 05:39 PM. Fivem Blips_Tool // Polizei GPS // Polizei Einheiten Koordinieren You want it to use discord for the permission basis of it? [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package contains changes for RPF archives Sandy Shores Police Department MLO V2 I have a special request. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package target: "Five" All Police Station open SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com All Police Station open SP & FiveM 1.2 Download jeremie dreux All Versions 1.2 (current) 40,827 downloads , 16.4 MB September 05, 2019 1.1.2 3,173 downloads , 9.36 MB July 31, 2019 1.0 576 downloads , 7.58 MB July 29, 2019 More mods by Pomme: 224 9 WorkerPlace [YMAP / Menyoo] 1.0 By Pomme Oh well, I have the script for you. Blip-Tags (using /bliptag to list them out - /bliptag [id] to change): Using /cops to list the online players on duty: Change the 1s to the corresponding discord roles' IDs you want it to represent. So far, this is the best mod I've ever downloaded. Emergency Service Blips for FiveM brz0za. When you say. "It looks like it uses the "blipname" string to search through a text file, from which it gets the actual string which will be used as the name." Also, I would recommend removing these from the hospital section, as they are not hospitals. A GTA V (FiveM) script that allows script developers to easily add blips on the map only for certain players. I don't think you can set it to a custom name. Too lazy to search through the whole list for just the strings, or write a program to do that, so I'll just give you the whole list (the one I sent the picture of a couple days ago). Ne perdez pas votre temps tester et. Not sure how this would work if you use custom models, though if they are just replacements of the original police ped models it shouldn't be too difficult. 18 Thng tm, 2021. All Police stations I took a short break and I will be back working and adding more on this now. Script - Fivem Blips Creator Free - How to add Blips in Fivem server Or has anyone got it working on the current GTA version? /seizecash - Seizes nearby player's cash. Or it's a corrupted script..? A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Does this still work? /depot [price] - Depots nearby vehicle. Look no further! In game it should then appear as "M1A2 Abrams", For further information, a gxt2 editor, and a how to guide look here: http://gtaforums.com/topic/799123-v-modifying-pc-gxt2-files-w-gxt2tools/, Proof that it works below added "Army Annihilator", This is the code Dilapidation and I use to make this work (C# Dot Net). @lspdfrnubie Not sure. What is Davis Sheriff's Station file name? [Release] Map Blips - Releases - Cfx.re Community That was my guess as well. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: 40.878 downloads , 16,4 MB Liberty City Police Department (LCPD) Unmarked Vehicle Pack [Add-On] - GTA5-Mods.com Hn Liberty City Police Department (LCPD) Unmarked Vehicle Pack [Add-On] Final Download SAS994 All Versions Final (current) 3.883 ti v , 50 MB 18 Thng tm, 2021 More mods by RiME557: 5.0 7.653 138 Albany Cavalcade Black Ops [Add-On] 3.0 By RiME557 4.93 So some news for those who are still wondering how to make custom blip names. Duration of minutes on tour is now included in the webhook messages! Please It seems like the only way I can access it is by doing a No-Clip. Anyway to make a version which also shows FIB blips? I have much more complex scripts that do not lag. Otherwise I will not reply. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sandy Shores Police Station [ YMAP / XML / FIVEM ] Or maybe there is another function for it. sign in Great with Betterchase and Pullmeover. Once ive added more blips then what is provided there is a huge list and its not an issue but would help a lot with cleaning it up a bit. They're all fake and virus infested, @sas994 QQmod2333QQ3300955619, (Final) Dundrear Landstalker Unmarked [Add-On], (Final) Movie Car - Gotham Police Department (GPD), RIME GalaxyRoamer RV/Motorhome [Add-On | Template | Enterable Interior], https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/dls-lore-friendly-vehicle-config-megapack-v1-0. All Gas stations qb-core; qb-bossmenu - For the boss menu; qb-garages - For the vehicle spawner; qb-clothing - For the locker room; qb-phone - For the MEOS app and notifications etc. Any dependency maybe? Police Maps Fivem Sale 61% Mission Row PD MLO 2 reviews 19,00 49,00 ADD TO CART Sale 78% Sandy Shores Sheriff Station MLO v1 20,00 90,00 ADD TO CART Sale 78% Department Of Justice MLO 20,00 90,00 ADD TO CART Sale 83% Harmony Police Dept MLO 12,00 69,00 ADD TO CART Sale 63% Police Car Patrol Blips - GTA5-Mods.com Best collections of police department map for your roleplay server. Los Santos International Airport 6 ATMs in the city /911r [id] - Used to respond the emergency alerts. the police blips for some officers at times dont show up Description of the bug. Panier. Powered by Invision Community. I thought that maybe blip_controller.c4 would provide some hints but no luck there either. I have the answer! If its laggy then thats a you problem. Here's a look at it so far. A list of all game blips as of build 2545 is shown below. 5. september 2019, I made a mistake in the file that prevents the installation of two files so I put a version 1.1.2 that fixes the problem. Work fast with our official CLI. Use TriggerEvent("eblips:remove", serverID) when you want to stop a person who is showing up on the map from showing on the map. Fivem gta 5 server sandy shores police department (MLO)You can find in: https://fivemscript.store/ It's from a program I made that searches through the decompiled scripts (like ISOFX said). [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package can be installed into "mods" folder Vinewood Police Station. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Loading assembly from "assembly.xml" Dortmund Geographical coordinates. Oh, and feel free to offer feedback, suggestions, or even contribute via the repository! Trkiye'nin lk ve tek FiveM forum adresi . So some news for those who are still wondering how to make custom blip names. THERE IS A MISSING COMMA ON LINE : 59 . ikr , they dont work i think with thge latest server artifacts, EVERYONE ! [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package author: "POEPSNOL38" Appologies all. :(. /pobject [pion/barier/schotten/tent/light/delete] - Places or deletes an object on/from ground. Hoe zet ik deze in mijn FiveM server zodat iedereen hem ziet ? @William Halverd Also, weapons and armor are now removed when someone goes off duty :), I wanna credit @minipunch for the original code I based this off of and used for the blips code. All Police Station open SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com Use TriggerEvent("eblips:add", {name = "Jane Doe", src = 123, color = 1}) when you want to make a person show up on the map for other people who have also been made to show on the map. Maybe compatible with Pull Me Over, but not with RDE. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Load package icon from "icon.png" politie buro s zijn nog altijdf amerikaans voorheen werkte het altijd ? September 2018. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: This file has been approved automatically. Domingo 30 de Setembro de . Aller la navigation Passer au contenu. All Versions. Looking for a script to add blips on the map for only certain players -- like police, or EMS for example? Yeah! Cevap yazmak iin giri yap yada kayt ol. Dependencies. Please make it show all the policemen with or without cars. /unflagplate [plate] - Removes the flag of a vehicle. Looking for JUST Davis station for LSSD. Selon les conditions gnrales de paiement de FiveM Store, l'acheteur peut obtenir un remboursement si une commande est annule pour une . You definitely should make one for all hospitals too great job. Also in the same boat, no longer works currently. Letztes Update: 15. All Rights Reserved. Located under Sandy Shores Police Station. TIA, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, How do i change original blip names and add custom blips, [HELP] how do I add blips to my fiveM Map/the gta v map, [Release] Hypnonema - Media Player Resource (Twitch,YouTube and more) [C#]. when set to police at times some blips dont show up whilst others do and if reset my job it still doest show those blips on the mini map and main map What should be happening instead? All Police Station open SP & FiveM - GTA5-Mods.com This will put the police stations, fire stations and hospitals as markers onto the map for your convience. Interior. Fivem MLO/YMAP Ymap GTA . 30 de . Police Maps Fivem - Fivem Mlo | Fivem Maps Shop Amazing mod when it did work, does anyone know of a fix? Werkt prima! Script - [FiveM] Blip Creator 1.0.0 | VAG - World's largest FiveM Recently we have received many complaints from users about site-wide blocking of their own and blocking of GitHub - kenpoman15/mapblips: Emergency Service Blips for FiveM Mijn game blijft crashen heb alles geprobeert, deze mod werkte vroeger altijd paarjaar geleden maar nu dacht ik ik download hem weer maar poepsnol heeft het complete oiv systeem eraf gegooit nu doet het niet meer. Suivez-nous. It has 1 reception, 1 weaponary, 1 interrogation room, 1 mugshot room, cells, 1 stairwell leading to the roof and the garage. XML for Singleplayer mode. Enjoy! Please [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [2016] INFO -> Current GameId: "Five" [RELEASE] ESX-nDoorLockedhttps://forum.cfx.re/t/release-esx-ndoorlocked/983882https://github.com/godgutten/Mission-Row-Police-Station-Interior-Extendedhttps:. I'm not interested in it. Race Track ive installed it. I'm working on a project with a team and we have plenty of blip names that we've been lucky enough to add however we have some custom models we've created and would like to have custom blip names for them. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package loaded successfully There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Question Sneaux [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Format version: "2.0" Konbuyu balatan NihatDeniz; Balang tarihi 23 dakika nce; 1; Etiketler fivem gabz fivem lspd fivem lssd fivem ymap fivemplay gabz NihatDeniz . Liberty City Police Department(LCPD) Unmarked Vehicle Pack [Add-On Location of file is \update\update.rpf\x64\data\lang\american_rel.rpf\global.gxt2, All you have to do is add a line like this to global.gxt2Tank = (enter text here)Example: Tank = M1A2 Abrams. Davis Sheriff's Station. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. FivePD - Police Station Blips Our Discord Server Is Now Open to the General Public! /paylawyer [id] - Makes payment to the lawyer. Will fix it and reupload. You can also add more roles too. [11-6-2016 0:05:37] [7588] INFO -> Package name: "NL Politie Bureaus - Patch" You signed in with another tab or window. Emergency Service Blips for FiveM Created by AJ Taft This will put the police stations, fire stations and hospitals as markers onto the map for your convience. to use Codespaces. The department also has a surveillance team and a target search unit. Md | Page 10 sur 12 | Boutique FiveM To install, simply extract the folder blips (inside of the master folder) to /resources. I took out the mechanic and gas because of scripts I already have (I may go through the list and get just the strings later though. This is a simple script in comparison. forum.cfx.re/t/release-emergencyblips/493022, https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Blips, Works for any framework (as well as no framework, of course). I personally am not that familiar with ESX I just figured I would let you know that it is possible - as long as you can detect when a player changes a job and identify what their new job is.

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police station blips fivem