new york central railroad employee recordsdios escoge a los que han de ser salvos

1, 1966; See also box 23, Code No. 29, 1920 - Oct. 14, 1921, Code No. 22-2, pt. 13, 1921 - Oct. 22, 1921, Code No. 1; Oct. 19, 1958 - Apr. MC-171-14-89; Apr. 2; Apr. in re Rules governing working conditions, U.S. Railroad Labor Board - Correspondence, American Railway Express Co. - Shop Employees - Negotiating rules and 11; Apr. New York Central 7621 switching in North Anderson, Ind. 27, 1921 - Aug. 17, 1921, Code No. 8-203; Jan. 14, 1928 - Sept. 14, 1929, Code No. 35-216, pt. RED request that ICC require railroads to comply with inspection and safety rules; carrier 24-19-B, pt. Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Society: Search this groups database of more than 43,000 railroad photographs, and browse the online gallery of 600 images. 4, 1926 - Oct. 29, 1926, Code No. 11, 1942 - May 29, 1942, Code No. MC-451-14A-199; Jul. 1; Jan. 16, 1942 - Sept. 24, 1943, Code No. Detroit Union Railroad Depot and Station Co. Series IV a: International Organizations, American Federation of Labor 22-126, pt. officers; letters presenting yearly issuance of RED credential cards (authorizing person to Northern Railway, and Canadian Pacific Railway. MC-0-14-68; Apr. 35-63-B-3; Jul. 11; Feb. 23, 1944 - Dec. 4-5, 1946; See also box 24, Code No. 6; Jun. 8-271, pt. 24, 1952, Code No. 2; Jul. 5; Jul. MC-414-14A-42; May 7, 1921 - Aug. 5, 1921, Code No. 35-63-A-27; Jun. 30, 1921 - Mar. Financial Material, Nickel Plate, New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Saulte Ste Marie Railroad, Convention Invitations of Railway Employees' Department, 1938 Convention - Hotel and Hall Headquarters, Reservation of rooms Railroad History CollectionVirginia Tech University Libraries: Virginia Tech has pre-1930 records from the Norfolk and Western Railway and Southern Railway, as well as their predecessors and early subsidiaries. petitions seeking exemptions from certain provisions and rules for the ins, Code No. 35-127; Mar. 13528 - Investigation of power 23-46; Feb. 2, 1922 - Apr. between management and employees, Hamilton, Ohio, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 12, 1963; See also Box 13, Code No. 13, 1926 - Sept. 11, 1926, Code No. MC-211-14A-28; May 5, 1921 - Jul. 21, 1961 - Oct. 29, 1962, Code No. 1; Mar. 22-41, pt. 8-271, pt. 4, 1926 - Nov. 16, 1926, Code No. MC-0-14-103; Nov. 16, 1922 - Mar. 9, 1927 - Feb. 25, 1937, Code No. 2; Feb. 17, 1948 - Apr. 13, 1922, Code No. Established in the mid-1930s, this agency administers federal retirement benefits to the nation's railroad workers and their families. 11; Jan. 10, 1962 - Dec. 21, 1964, Code No. 8-156; Apr. The bulk of this collection consists of the records of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, [ca. 30-78, pt. 12; Dec. 19, 1956 - Nov. 29. 2, folder 2; Feb. 5, 1941 - Apr. Records, 1912-1983. 35-166-3, pt. 3; Apr. MC-53-14-97; May 8, 1922 - Nov. 23, 1923, Code No. and Quincy and Spokane, Seattle and Seattle System, Consolidation of Norfolk and Western Nickel Plate and Wabash Finding aids and archival metadata from the Penn State University Libraries are made available under the CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. 2; Jan. 6, 1941 - Oct. 31, 1946, Code No. 35-311-1836, pt. 29-1225, pt. concerning agreement revisions, jurisdictional disputes, classification of work rules, MC-65-14-43; Feb. 17, 1922 - May 31, 1922, Code No. 13, 1926 - Oct. 29, 1926, Code No. 11; May 4, 1955 - Oct. 8, 1957, Code No. ; Nov. 9, 1946 - Dec. 5, 1951, Code No. MTA Metro-North Railroad is a dynamic organization, operating out of the jewel of New York City, Grand Central Terminal. 2; Jul. This collection is primarily the correspondence (carbons and originals), of the RED SELECT THE TYPE OF TIMETABLE YOU WISH TO LOOK AT. Louisville KY New York Central Railroad train car, Louisville KY This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S . 121 - Texas and Pacific Railway, Railroad Employees Dept. Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Automatic Block Signal Systems, etc. U.S. National Mediation Board. and Correspondence, System #6 - Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad - Minutes and 1; Oct. 24, 1934 - Apr. 1, 1934 - Mar. MC-27-14A-49; May 7, 1921 - Feb. 10, 1922, Code No. The following request has been added to your queue: You may continue to request more materials, or proceed to your request list to review your requests and check them out to your Research Account. inc. Some of the more unusual items in the PRR collection include:-Box 373, file 2607 contains a list of all Class I, II, III and Switching & Terminal Roads in the Eastern Region in 1934. Erie, Interstate Commerce Commission - Ex Parte No. 1, 1926 - May 9, 1930, Code No. 19; Jan. 1965 - Nov. 30, 1965; See also box 24, Code No. 5; Oct. 31, 1940 - Jul. 8-212, pt. ; May 1, 1948 - May 1, 1950, Code No. There is a possibility that information may be located if you contact: US Railroad Retirement Board MC-26-14-1; Jan. 29, 1921 - Apr. MC-193-14A-140; May 26, 1921 - Aug. 30, 1921, Code No. Company, Kansas City, Mexico and Orient of Texas Railroad, Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield Railroad, Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer Railway, Louisiana Railway and Navigation Company Railroad, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railroad, Pierre, Rapid City and Northwestern Railway, Pullman Company - Negotiations for new agreement, Pennsylvania Railroad's refusal to treat with System Federation labor appeared and began to flourish throughout the first decades of the 20th Century. American Federation of Labor (AFL) - a cooperative effort on the part of seven national shop The Pennsylvania Railroad Company was incorporated in 1846 and grew rapidly in the late 1800s, eventually controlling over 800 subsidiaries. 4; Feb. 1, 1935 - Oct. 9, 1946, Code No. Metropolitan Transportation Authority hiring Locomotive Engineer 1; Mar. 16, 1934, Code No. 6, 1922, Code No. Pennsylvania State Archives Presidential Files (1899-1968) Files of the secretary and treasurer Employees' Benefits 20.200.1 Designation of central and field organization. Also, constitutions, contracts, relevant legisla, Code No. 35-209, pt. - Union Affiliated with the AFL, 1912-1961, Series Vb: American Federation of Labor, Departments Other Than This 2; Jan. 3, 1945 - Dec. 1969, Code No. 22-117, pt. brakes and appliances for operation power brake system, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - Railway Mail Employee personnel files for retirees from 1962 (Boxes 627-630) are restricted. MC-447-14A-178; May 21, 1921 - Aug. 3, 1921, Code No. 14A-1; Jan. 21, 1919 - Sept. 18, 1921, Code No. 29, 1946, Code No. New York Central RailroadThe only New York Central material in the collection is a few annual reports and ICC reports and files from the Secretary's office concerning NYC subsidiaries that operated in Pennsylvania. 35-112, pt. MC-174-14A-190; Jun. 2; Nov. 4, 1941 - Dec. 15, 1964; See also box 16, Code No. 22, 1936, Code No. 10, 1947, Code No. Each entry includes the workers name, position and location; the date on the document; the nature and source of the letter; and other information. 171, Emergency Railway Legislation, etc., 1928-1970, Series XVII: National Railroad Adjustment Board - Legislation, Correspondence, Reports, 11, 1945, Code No. 35-166-3, pt. Bethlehem Steel CorporationThis is the smallest record groups and consists of the Cambria Improvement Company minute book for 1951-1965.8. MC-80-14-82; Apr. 3, 1921 - Sept. 7, 1921, Code No. 22-17, pt. There is a possibility that information may be located if you contact: US Railroad Retirement Board 844 North Rush Chicago, IL 60611 35-328-K-Comm., pt. 7; Apr. Available for all of the companies (except Bethlehem Steel) and a great many subsidiaries.CorrespondenceCopies or originals of letters sent and received. 24-19-A, pt. 3C-180; Sept. 14, 1922 - Oct. 21, 1922, Code No. 6; Dec. 30, 1955 - Jul. 8-179; Feb. 1, 1930 - Mar. 11, 1966 - Jun. The RED 3; May 1, 1961 - Apr. Each GM's staff consisted of an Assistant General Manager, Assistants to the General Manager and the General Superintendents (GS) of each Grand Division. PRR (the Pennsylvania R.R. Co.), Manuscript Group 286 18, 1929, Code No. 14210, is an independent organization and has no affiliation with any other local or national group.The Society is a fully qualified organization under 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all donations to the Society are tax deductible.Copyright 2010 - 2017 WNYRHS Inc. all rights reserved, New York Central Employee Records - Click to view Database. Get unlimited access to premium articles. 35-180, pt. 15; Oct. 3, 1950 - Aug. 5, 1951, Code No. MC-144-14A-18; May 4, 1921 - Apr. 3C-196; Oct. 23, 1922 - Oct. 24, 1922, Code No. The surviving New York Central records consist mostly of minute books, accounting records and annual reports. 8-185, pt. 35-63-A-24; Jul. 2; Oct. 2, 1963 - May 25, 1964, Code No. 10, 1935, Code No. Railroad, Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh Railroad, Chicago, Detroit, Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad, Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, Chicago, Terre Haute and Southeastern Railway, Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw Railroad, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway, Cincinnati, Burnside and Cumberland River Railway, Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railroad, Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroad, Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad, Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad, Huntington and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, Huntington and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal 16, 1948, Code No. 22-6, pt. 30-95, pt. 29-1080, pt. Saunders, Richard, The Railroad Mergers and the Coming of Conrail, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1978. 4, 1964 - Mar. 2; Jan. 1957 - Apr. 1; Mar. 27-100, pt. 35-166-2, pt. 35-166-General, pt. 3; Jun. 15, 1944 - Oct. 16, 1946, Code No. 5; Feb. 3, 1953 - Jun. 2; Jan. 8, 1942 - Dec. 29, 1964, Code No. 8-328; Oct. 27, 1933 - Mar. Hosted by LYRASIS. This The records span the late 1800s to World War II, and contain more than 500 names. Code No. 15, 1922, Code No. Language English . 2, 1965; See also Box 13, Code No. 23; Jan. 25, 1969 - Dec. 8, 1970; See also box 24, Code No. MC-4-14A-208; May 29, 1921 - Aug. 5, 1921, Code No. 8-311; Dec. 2, 1931 - Jul. New York Central Railroad Fangroup - Facebook 35-414, pt. 3C-197; Nov. 13, 1922 - Apr. 36-8; Apr. 35-153, pt. 35-158, pt. 24-19-A, pt. 1; Feb. 9, 1926 - Dec. 29, 1931, Code No. investigation of proposed group health insurance plans; the wage and rules mov, Code No. 8-212, pt. 35-95, pt. 35-90, pt. Abandoned, Office of Defense Transportation - Railway Manpower, Physically Handicapped and Vocational Rehabilitation, Stabilizing Wages - Price Control - Executive Order 9250, G.I. 29-1080, pt. 16; Jan. 14, 1959 - Jun. 16-18, pt. Railway, Big Four (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis 7; Oct. 24, 1950 - May 24, 1954, Code No. 2; Feb. 7, 1963 - Sept. 3, 1964; See also Box 13, Code No. MC-156-14A-85; May 17, 1921 - Dec. 7, 1921, Code No. 22; Jan. 8, 1968 - Dec. 3, 1968; See also box 24, Code No. re: Addenda Clerks' National Agreement, Forwarding Special Delivery Letter to E.H. Fitzgerald - Cincinnati, 2; Jan. 12, 1960 - Aug. 30, 1961, Code No. MC-13-14A-147; May 26, 1921 - Oct. 26, 1921, Code No. 5, 1921 - Apr. 35-311-1986, pt. 10, 1943 - Oct. 14, 1963; See also box 17, Code No. 29, 1938 - May 5, 1964; See also box 19, Code No. The Central Region of the PRR was a result of the unification and placed all Pittsburgh area facilities under one management. 13, 1926 - Nov. 8, 1926, Code No. 24-19-A, pt. 24-19-A, pt. 9, 1958, Code No. MC-439-14A-150; May 31, 1921 - Mar. The Brooks A. Bentz Railroad Collection consists almost exclusively of materials associated with the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, including passenger and employee timetables, a parlor car wine list and dining car cafe menu, information about the railroad equipment provided for railroad employees, information about the railroad's merger with what became Penn Central in the . AFL conventions proceedings, etc. The Railroad Retirement Board was set up for railroad workers just as Social Security was established for other employment categories. 3; May 1, 1937 - Sept. 29, 1937, Code No. Coordinations, Seaboard Airline Railroad - Merger - Atlantic Coast Line 8; Jan. 2, 1945 - Jul. 9, 1934, Code No. 28, 1922, Code No. Railroad, Consolidation - Colorado and Southern Railroad - Ft. Worth and Denver Lines, System Federation No. MC-112-14A-87; May 13, 1921 - Aug. 5, 1921, Code No. 36-2; Jan. 7, 1924 - Mar. 22-20, pt. 24-19-A, pt. 2; Dec. 13, 1933 - Jan. 27, 1934, Code No. MC-443-14A-196; Jul. MC-173-14A-148; May 30, 1921 - Jul. 35-63-C-1; Jul. 1; Jan. 12, 1940 - Nov. 1, 1956, Code No. between management and employees, Mount Clare Shops, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan MC-29-14A-67; May 13, 1921 - Jan. 30, 1923, Code No. 35-311-351, pt. 35-328-E, pt. 6; Jul. Special Circular to the General Chairmen on Railroads where workers 2; May 28, 1941 - Dec. 19, 1952. 1; Jan. 31, 1922 - Apr. between management and employees, Storrs, Ohio, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan (Charles Bernard), 1895-1980, Holland, Spessard L. (Spessard Lindsey), 1892-1971, Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978, La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1895-1953, Lehlbach, Frederick R.(Frederick Reimold), 1876-1937, Lozier, Ralph F. (Ralph Fulton), 1866-1945, Major, Samuel C. (Samuel Collier), 1869-1931, Martin, Thomas E. (Thomas Ellsworth), 1893-1971, O'Konski, Alvin E. (Alvin Edward),1904-1987, Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945, Schall, Thomas D. (Thomas David), 1878-1935, Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing), 1900-1965, Wadsworth, James J. 4, 1923 - May 4, 1943, Code No. Discover the best genealogy records using the tips and strategies in this guide, which shows you how to find and use census records, birth records, marriage records and more. 1; Jan. 22, 1934 - Nov. 1, 1946, Code No. 16-9, pt. 1; Jun. 2, 1941 - Dec. 26, 1945, Code No. was active as in organizing, collective bargaining, legislation, apprentice training, political From the description of New York Central Railroad Company records, ca. MC-10-14A-16; Apr. 1917-1961, Series XXVIIa: Executive Council - Minutes and Correspondence, 1921-1961, Series X: Department Circulars - Informational Circulars Sent to General Chairman on Systems 2; Jan. 12, 1940 - Dec. 23, 1970, Code No. MC-436-14A-207; Apr. MC-30-14-49; Feb. 26, 1922 - May 29, 1922, Code No. 20, 1965, Code No. ICC Railroad Valuation Records | National Archives 1940 - Apr. 4; Jan. 15, 1934 - Dec. 4, 1935, Code No. 20-27; Jul. The titles are usually rather vague. MC-79-14A-122; Apr. invocation, Code No. The file includes lists of mines and reports of activity and strikes.-Box 111, file 3428 contains letters from 1923-1936 inquiring about photographing facilities on the West Penn Grand Division. 23, 1931, Code No. MC-125-14A-132; May 27, 1921 - Aug. 6, 1921, Code No. the 1947 establishment of Railway Labor's Political League; analysis of Congressional voting 10; Apr. 4; Aug. 30, 1933 - Feb. 1, 1934, Code No. 14, 1922, Code No. 27, 1922 - May 25, 1922, Code No. Locating Railroad Employee Records - Genealogy Today 7, 1925, Code No. 1919-1933, Series XXIII: National Rules and Working Conditions Agreements Between Employees Represented 3C-189; Sept. 8, 1922 - May 25, 1923, Code No. MC-190-14A-138; May 24, 1921 - Sept. 9, 1921, Code No. 24, 1922, Code No. (NRAB) - filing procedures, individual representation before the Board, Code No. 2; Jan. 28, 1932 - Dec. 21, 1931, Code No. - Minutes, Stabilization of Employment Questionnaire - Official

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