maelstrom wanderer edh competitivedios escoge a los que han de ser salvos
Often, if youve gotten to the late game, something has generally gone wrong. Have the token Dualcaster copy the original epiphany. Yidris rewards you for playing multiple spells in a turn, obviously from hand, and can quickly steamroll your opponents if given the chance to connect via combat damage. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I put in all the usual cards youll see in every other Wanderer deck; Avenger of Zendikar; Rite of Replication; Jokulhaups, Apocalypse,all the other mass destruction spellsand of course dragons, because why not? Dream Halls - Used to abuse Maelstrom Wanderer by ditching a card to cast him, and to combo off if I run out of lands. Going through cards like [[Kioras Follower]]->[[Pestermite]]->[[Fatestitcher]]->[[Zealous conscripts]]->Unearth Fatestitcher -> kiki Jiki But, Vannifar can make simpler plays like tutoring dockside by killing a bird. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. 11 - 0 Commons. However, the amount of free wins you can gain off this card is ridiculous and should not be discounted for just that reason. Warstorm Surge/Purphoros: Ill generally drop Purphoros if I have nothing else to do, because hes indestructible, so I have little fear of anyone actually dealing with him. Not to mention that this is some of the best draw in the game Will eventually be replaced with Scroll Rack. The Problem with Wanderer is why you would prefer him over the First Sliver? Intuition: Choose the opponent who hasn't seen the Food Chain soft combo before and stack it against obvious threats they've seen win games like Tooth and Nail and Consecrated Sphinx. The only problem is if you hit it while you have a Zealous Conscripts on the field, as it will kill them too, but if you do hit it, just tuck and continue on. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Infinite nonland permanent bounce, Cast Sublime Epiphany on any target choosing to have an opponent draw a card and clone a creature. Attention! Cast Maelstrom, hit this, tap 2 extra mana to entwine, fetch up Kiki-Jiki + Deceiver Exarch, DEN + Palinchron, Misthollow (if you have food chain out), Kiki + Eternal Witness (if you have Time Warp/Walk the Aeons in your grave). The goal is to cast your commander ASAP. Rarity (main - side) 38 - 0 Mythic Rares. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. hilti spray lubricant; steamboat restaurant in pearland; tracks bar and grill menu near london; columbia university forensic psychology You may opt-out at any time. So thats it! [[Tibalts Trickery]] and [[Mana Drain]] refund your spell, while [[Red Elemental Blast]] and [[Pyroblast]] can also destroy blue permanents. Add to folder Copy. How can he hold against other competitive commanders? Started in Amsterdam, through Cologne, Blopenz, Rudenheim, Strasbourg and ended in Basel of Switzerland. The difference is Sliver will just be stronger due to having B for tutors and W for Silence effects. Tutoring for combo pieces at the same time will make it so that you can at some point just untap and win. Sac Wanderer for GGGGGGGGG (9 green). These allow you to cause serious problems for players that otherwise thought they could proceed unimpeded. the Maelstrom deck fails to thrive. The spell you cast due to the first cascade ability will go on the stack on top of the second cascade ability. Updated Feb 28, 2023 by xequemate using our MTG Deck Builder. My current list and the one Ill be running for Marchesa is here: Contact | + Shaman of Forgotten Ways - Biorhythm on a stick. Oracle of Mul Daya - Playing lands is great. Nov 25, 2021 Welcome to the second Commander Showdown! Drop roadblocks to discourage people from attacking you with things like Lotus Cobra, Glen Elendra Archmage, Wood Elves, etc. Generally you should have enough answers and tutors to put together a general defense, and worse comes to worse, you always have Wanderer himself; a 7/5 can hold its own in combat most of the time, and all it takes is 3 hits. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network,,,,, Maybe even a temur sabertooth as this goes infinite with docksite and helps you get your wanderer back once in infinite mana mode. Its for this reason I like cards like Hull Breach and Decimate, because it gives us the reach to hit multiple opponents simultaneously, shoring up some of the weakness of what is probably the second-worst color pairing (the first being red/white/black). I kept the deck's CMC < 8 to ensure every cascade hits. I definitely would like to slowly build the deck up to be somewhat competitive, but I mostly play casual. I've been on this subreddit for a while now, and I've noticed that no one (so far as I've seen) has made a primer for the Maelstrom Wanderer, so I decided to work on it. This annoying message will go away once you do! Also, could someone link a competitive list? RUG (Temur). Jodah, Archmage Eternal EdH deck. Maelstrom Wanderer is an 8 cost 7/5 Temur Legendary Elemental Creature that grants your creatures haste and has cascade, cascade. + As more testing and tweaks are made, Ill add additional cut cards here as well; for now, this is the most updated list I have. $104. Maelstrom Wanderer cEDH (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - TappedOut Save. Terms of Use | They are both looking to assemble FC + Squee/Misthollow/Scourge and infinitely cast their commander to cascade into a win. That spell will resolve before you exile cards for the second cascade ability. Needs to be tested. Hopefully putting this primer out there will get some discussion going, and we can find the ultimate list for this build. Wanderer can have several key cards removed (via Praetors Grasp, etc) and still win without a problem. Competitive Maelstrom Wanderer EDH. A well-timed Tormods Crypt, Leyline, or even a Bojuka Bog will stop the entire deck from not only functioning but removing all possible win conditions at the same time. Attention! There is very little, if any fast combo, and I still dont believe that Wanderer can defeat something like a highly tuned Gitrog deck, or Ad Naus Sidisi, without actively mulliganing to countermagic. Complete Comment Tutorial! First of all, here is the deck. The ones that I run are Kiki/Exarch and Food Chain. Barring opponent shenanigans, an end-of-turn Long-Term Plans lets you set up your cascade perfectly, getting you any card you need to finish comboing off. One of the strengths of Combo Wanderer is its ability to sit quietly, unassuming, stopping any majorly annoying plans from seeing fruition until you can pull the trigger on one of your own combos. I hope this has given you at least the beginnings of an idea on a different take on Maelstrom Wanderer; its actually a lot of fun to play, uses what I would consider the easier win conditions in competitive EDH, and can definitely give any deck not on its toes a good run for its money. [EDH] Maelstrom Keruga (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder: Yidris is also a Maelstrom general, and hes even a combo general, but his focus is much more on storm than anything else. Karn Liberated - Used to take out problem permanents and disrupt hands. This annoying message will go away once you do. Feeds | Casual Maelstrom Wanderer - Ramp (EDH) (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - TappedOut 1x Maelstrom Wanderer; 1x Orzhov Advokist; 1x Portal Mage; Instant (2) 1x Illusionist's Gambit; 1x Volt Charge; Land (11) . However, this is a flex slot. The reality is that paying 8 mana to play the slots isn't a reliable wincon. . Youre not trying to make yourself impenetrable, youre just trying to gum up the works while ramping yourself. r/EDH My modular . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Tasigur Control | Maelstrom Beats | UBx Doomsday Storm. Complete Comment Tutorial! Drop everything and anything you can to increase your mana count, because your decks singular purpose in life is to drop Wanderer and pray. Date added: 3 days: Last updated: 10 hours: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. Cyclonic Rift - This is quick removal, and if we draw it, a one-sided board wipe. Youve got yourself a bona fide Maelstrom Wanderer deck! Consecrated Sphinx: The Sphinx is a good card to ramp into and drop early, if you have it. Maelstrom Wanderer. Ramp hard. To any Tier 2 competitive deck, Wanderer was a joke. In most builds, your early plan for Wanderer consists of one thing: Ramp. Since aggro is out of the question for a deck like MW in cEDH, you have to go combo. But really, your early game plan involves delaying people, blowing up particularly troublesome artifacts or enchantments, and otherwise tutoring for either lands or combo pieces. And, he's too cutthroat for casual. I'm goldfishing my Maelstrom Wanderer deck as I type this, well not really as I type this but slightly before typing this. After playing around with Surrak, I eventually got my hands on a Maelstrom Wanderer and switch out my commander because who doesn't love casting spells for free? Sidisi is fast and resilient, but has one glaring weakness: its reliance on the graveyard. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Combo Wanderer has two immediate weaknesses that come to mind: Fast combo/control: Zur, ANT Sidisi, Yisan, Tasigurthese decks can pretty much ignore what were doing as they either develop their own board, or just combo off without caring. As long as you understand this Maelstrom is fun to play. I have no issues with budget, and i'm looking for a list to take to the edh events at GP Atlanta. Future tweaks to the decklist will be things like tightening up the mana base (seeing how low on lands I can actually go before impacting draws); improving the artifact mana base with things like Mana Crypt, and upping the amount of reactive spells like countermagic. Gamble can and will make you discard the card youre looking for. Bring To Light will roundabout tutor for Misthollow (via Manipulate Fate), or one of your creature combos (via Fierce Empath/Imperial Recruiter), but again, no Food Chain. 7 - 0 Uncommons. I have rarely won after a cast of Wanderer on turn six or seven that didn't hit an extra turn spell, Bribery, Wildfire (situationally), or Consecrated Sphinx for example. 5,044 reviews #108 of 1,699 Restaurants in Cologne $$ - $$$ German Bar European. You can always play the more traditional Wanderer build and just ramp for the first few turns; that will still benefit you in the end. [[Vannifar]] has an infinite win line with maelstrom out and can get it from any creature on the battlefield. Contact | Keen Sense - This is a relatively new addition to the deck, but I added it since A) it does go infinite with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and B) I like drawing cards. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Ramping to Wanderer was all there was, and if I didnt hit Wanderer early, I probably wasnt winning that game. Solid tier 2. Commander Showdown Yidris vs Maelstrom Wanderer. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. I played him for a year and a half and never could beat tier one decks without a solid fuck up on thier part or really good luck. I have no issues with budget, and i'm looking for a list to take to the edh events at GP Atlanta. Press J to jump to the feed. You may enjoy playing Combo Wanderer if you: Like having a win condition safe and sound in the command zoneEnjoy interacting/reacting with your opponentsLike when a game ends the same way 90% of the time. Copied to clipboard. I certainly CAN recover from losing a tutored-for card, but its a huge liability and often not worth it. Because we are not a big dudes version of Wanderer, we can afford to run disruption, vastly improving our early game against other competitive decks. But, it is one of the few free counterspells that I would deem worth it for 3 mana. It also draws a lot of hate, but you can usually get at least 2-4 cards out of it and it draws a removal spell, so thats something. Xenagos, the Reveler - Xenagos comes with a bit of built in protection, plus he helps ramp, which is great when your commander is an eight drop. RUG generally speaking does not have the best tutors in the game, but what we do have, we can use in very creative ways to get what we need. If you turn your deck into a Food Chain / Twin wanderer deck then you can compete against tier 2 decks. Being able to tutor out 2 creatures is wonderful. Frh am Dom. I will be glad to hear your comments and ideas, as well as if someone tries to test it in their cEDH pods. Maelstrom Wanderer (Decklist) - EDHREC All rights reserved. I play exclusively EDH now, with the occasional delve into Legacy if the event feels right. Just need that one artifact gone? Edit #1: Updated the list to what I have as of 23-06-2016. If you hit late game, things have definitely gone awry, but that doesnt mean you cant come back from it. Maelstrom Wanderer cEDH : r/CompetitiveEDH - reddit Same with any other aggressive creatures, such as Avenger of Zendikar; there is no secondary plan of winning through big cascades and attacking. Sliver has different pattern of play, I want to try a goodstuff cEDH conception of deck and optimise it as much as possible. Enablers: The single cards or strategies that can just auto-win the game. The Artifacts: As you can see, the artifacts aren't a large chunk of the deck, and are mostly just the standard ramp package. Infinite mana of all colors; notably, not just limited to creatures like Food Chains mana is. Maybe you find some inspiration and synergies. The individual strengths of the cards and synergies between them do not put control or power into your hands besides a generic beatdown plan. Wanderer does not have this weakness, and not only has multiple combos available to it, but the deck isnt reliant on 1 or 2 strategies to win the game. Complete Comment Tutorial! It is not geared towards cedh but it is tried and tested to be about a 65-70% win rate in my high power paper meta. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. . Purphoros, God of the Forge - Used to get around people that have pillow forted themselves with hexproof and the like, when combined with almost any of my combos, he will win me the game. You can cast it on turn 2 and immediately pull out Misthollow/Scourge and 1 or 2 other cards (usually Selective Memory and/or Foresight), drawing a card, and making sure the second piece of your combo is safe and sound in Exile until youre ready for it. This annoying message will go away once you do. Terms of Use | Maelstrom Wanderer Commander Deck Guide - Draftsim As such, dont feel bad about using Sylvan Library to full effect, drawing three cards a turn. I began playing EDH around 2012 or so, and it very quickly overtook every other format for me in terms of fun and complexity. Specific tutors can find you what you need, but of course have RUGs peculiar little twists with them: Bring To Light, Foresight/Manipulate Fate, Gamble, Selective Memory, Impulse, Intuition, Long-Term Plans and Worldly Tutor all either search for specific types of cards, OR have the very strong possibility of screwing you over when theyre supposed to help you. OPs looks like a high powered edh deck. See our privacy policy. Maelstrom Wanderer Commander Decks - MTGGoldfish How do you feel about Maelstrom Wanderer? : r/EDH All it does it make me a target. Palinchron - While being a major combo piece, he has built in evasion, and can help us cast more spells. Imperial Recruiter: Finds all your utility critters as well as (as usual) half your Kiki/Conscripts combo. For these reasons Im always on the lookout for better tutors, in particular cards that can search out Food Chain, among other cards. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. I'm not a huge fan of that tier list because it ranks commanders based on the commander itself. I feel I don't really have to explain this one, since most of you know what it does, but I will anyways. 1995-2023 Wizards. This was about the time that Khans of Tarkir came out, and I immediately fell in love with the Temur. I see your deck while browsing Moxfield, interesting conception, dont u think about trying [[Lurking Predators]] in it? Goal of the deck is to cast general as fast as possible, and win at the spot with a few good cascades or trying to resolve food chain combo, or dockside + sabertooth combo for infinite mana and overcasting all spells in the library with your commander. So what's the communities experience on this commander? Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts: Kiki/Conscripts create infinite attacking tokens, swinging at each opponent simultaneously for infinite damage. Hi everyone! Terms of Use | Feeds | He seems to also be crushed by any kind of stax, since his ramp would be slowed down. And cascading once can put a lot of value in your hands but, if it doesnt threaten the win, your opponents can come back. maelstrom wanderer edh competitive - Review. Mid Game: Tutors and removal. These are pretty typical, but for reference: Tooth and Nail: If unanswered, will win you the game. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Complete Comment Tutorial! The goal is to cast your commander ASAP. Sylvan Library, Frantic Search, and Brainstorm type cards all act to expose more of our library. Double Cascade.Sac Wander the last time for GGGGGGGGG. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Generally speaking, my game plan has always been to play the thorn in the foot, with multiple removal spells, counters and speedbumps, while simultaneously ramping until I can either drop a combo piece or come out of nowhere with the win. Duplicant is a bit expensive, but again, synergizes with Food Chain, gets rid of Eldrazi like a champ, and works well with the other creature-based strategies in the deck. River Rhine (Cologne) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go - Tripadvisor You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. DMCA requests | It's too easy to disrupt his ramp which shuts his plan down entirely, and even the fastest lists which can power him out pretty reliably by turn 5 or 6 do so by sacrificing all their early game interaction to dump all their dorks and rocks onto the board. Commander / EDH Current testing has dropped me to the minimum of Force of Will and Mana Drain (with the added bonus of ramping to Wanderer), but ultimately I think the correct number is somewhere around 4-6 counterspells. On the other hand, we also have tutors such as Manipulate Fate, which is perfect for our deck. [Primer] The Maelstrom Wanderer : r/CompetitiveEDH - reddit Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So being creative with your card choices is paramount, as is getting as much bang for your buck for each card you use. The first, and generally most reliable, disrupt-proof way of comboing off is with Food Chain + Misthollow Griffin/Eternal Scourge for infinite colored mana (creatures only!). Casting cards like Foresight, making my opponents not just read the card, but actively confusing them as to my game plan. That may change in the future as I experiment with different versions of the deck and what it can do, cutting chafe and so on..but right now, I feel confident that Wanderer can handle anything that doesnt intent to win by turn 3. Help | Note that, depending on the actual card/s stopping you, you can still get around this: For instance, a player thinking theyre safe behind a Ghostly Prison will be very, very sad when you make infinite copies of Zealous Conscripts, using the last copy to steal their Prison until EOT and letting you attack for free. Krosan Grip - a near uncounterable Naturalize is always nice, especially against cards that can win your opponents the game. As a backup plan it can still win with commander damage with the likes of xenagos and pathbreaker ibex. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Its a great answer to an early Zur, as well, since a subsequent swing will just so happen to find our Food Chain, which will then eat Zur to help us cast a super early Wanderer and combo out. Most of my wins come around this time frame. Go combo or go home. RUG (Temur), Casual EDH Deck with many infinite Combos, 2) Palinchron + Dead Eye Navigator or phantasmal image or vorinclex (or flameshadow conjuring or Sneak Attack): infinite colored mana. I simple dont see it as geared towards a cEDH meta. Sac Farhaven Elf for RRRR.Cast Wanderer (from lands only), double cascade. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Sliver and Maelstrom, assuming built for cEDH, will play exactly the same. Taking an extra turn can really mess up your opponents because it, well, puts you another turn ahead of them. Comment: Important! EDHREC Home Commanders Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder As Card Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder (Commander) $7.99 $6.71 0.76 TIX 4425 decks (0.202%) Rank #108 Navigation By Theme By Budget All Cheap Expensive Links Aetherhub Archidekt Deckstats Moxfield MTGGoldfish MTGStocks Scryfall Average Type Distribution He seems much slower than other combo decks. Destructive Force - Much like Boom//Bust, this is used to help clear the field, and since there are many tiny creatures, this helps a lot. In complete honesty, most big, flashy spells have been tested and cut. Privacy statement | Maelstrom Wanderer Competitive. : r/EDH - It will definitely stomp out in high powered casual games, but you will see times where 3-5 6 mana cards will be stuck in your hand. Often it will have done its job already, and even 3 cards makes it more than worth the mana I spent to keep it up for a turn or so. The Creatures: Finally the part that is most crucial to the deck. mana (with maelstrom wanderer infinite hasty attackers), 6) Biovisionary +3 copies (with riku: get 2 biovisionaries and 2 other copies with a clone creature): Win at endstep, 5) Woodland Bellower > getting Fierce Empath > this gets Dead-Eye Navigator > then flickering Fierce Empath which gets Palinchron > flickering Palinchron for infinite mana > cast Riku > get infinite Palinchron Tockens > then re-flicker Fierce Empath to get Maelstrom Wanderer for infinite hasty attackers, 8) Dualcaster mage + Cackling Counterpart: infinite attackers same as above, cast cackling on one of your creatures and copy with dualcaster, make this on endstep of opponent for infinite tokens and attack in your turn, 4) kiki jiki combos with infinite hasty attackers (tutor both pieces with imperial Recruiter. My win rate skyrocketed. [[Deflecting Swat]] may seem odd in that scenario, and yes it will fizzle. 7) Dualcaster Mage + Sublime Epiphany: Infinite card draw for any player. Let's all work together and get Maelstrom Wanderer banned. Essentially I use Maelstrom as a finisher rather than the focus. For this reason, your initial mulligan is very important: generally speaking, you dont need to mull into rampyoure going to find it, it will happen, dont worry. Primal Command - This is another tutor used to get whichever creature I need, plus it doubles up as removal for pesky non-creature permanents and stopping me from decking myself. Rhystic is the same, providing incremental card advantage over the course of the game - it will either draw you a metric ton of cards, or it slows down your more experienced players, who will wisely decide to pay the 1 instead of giving you the card.
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