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Choose a name that accurately reflects the purpose of the team. It Puts the Disc in the Basket or it Gets to Throw Again. Hockey, Funny Team Names All Discs - The most comprehensive list in Disc Golf. 11. Banned in 2 stadiums -So far:3 in the future. Sometimes you have to laugh simply to stop crying. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; And that's when things got knocked into twelfth gear. Complete & Putter Chaos. The objective of this flying disc game is to throw a disc at a target in the fewest number of tosses. Most of the time we're giving out "gimmies" left and right just to be friendly and speed up the game. Intentional Losers: They do not care about winning or losing. If youre looking for the best disc golf team names, look no further! Work together with your team to find an idea or name that matches how you feel about disc golf or how you play as a group. Peaky Putters: They are awesome at putting. CHING Sports. I Miss the Hole Nearer Now. There are now more than 13,000 courses worldwide.[3]. If youre lucky enough to play with one or two people in a tournament youll need a name that beats out the competition!if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'discingdaily_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discingdaily_com-medrectangle-4-0'); I find the funny names are usually good for a few laughs around the community, so Ive made sure to add a good number of funny disc golf team names. Hockey No Fairways: Beware, they might cheat. Daydreamers: You will always see them lost in thoughts. Top 20+ Disc Golf Team Names 3. Dance, Team Names got our club's birthday bash on the horizon and want a great name! (Throwing an ace when you're alone on the course) They go exactly where you throw them. At Guerrilla Tees we love throwing disc as much as the next warm-blooded American and are constantly working to expand our online collection of cool, offensive and funny disc golf shirts. On the other hand, the name of your golf team can be created by using certain funny words. Read the list out loud. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); He didnt throw with much distance but was accurate and plodded along consistently and didnt waste much time. We do nothing, Jon Snow: They are not familiar with the concept of making efforts. I Swing Both Ways. Dicks with Flicks. Eat. Disc Golf Team Names - 2023 [Dr. Odd Name Ideas] With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Disc Golf animated GIFs to your conversations. 35. 73. Share the best GIFs now >>> Thank you for watching our Best Disc Golf Commentary Moments of 2020 compilation featuring Jeremy Koling, Paul Ulibarri, and Nate Sexton from the 2020 profes. If you havent before, Google disc golf course near me, buy a disc, and youre good to go. 41+ Funny Disc Golf Team Names (For Doubles & Triples) It makes the limbs fall off any tree it hits. Golf might look like a simple game but trust me, it is not. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Golf can be soul-crushing. Having the perfect name for your team is a super fun part of participating with others. A clever team name would differentiate your team from the competitors! in a doubles tournament once, Funniest/weirdest thing you've seen on the course. 59. Puff Golfers. Odd Name Ideas; 15 690 Golf Team Name Ideas And Suggestions; 16 41 Funny Disc Golf Team Names (For Doubles & Triples) | Discing Daily; 17 120 Creative Ladies Golf Team Names Ideas; 18 550 Cool And Catchy Golf . 36. 97. Dixie Flicks. As you can see in the examples above, the tournament names on the left are clear and concise and convey the purpose of the tournament. But once you say them out loud, you'll quickly realize just how hilarious they actually are. 4. Defense of Grass Destruction. Home Slogans 51 Best Disc Golf Slogans and Sayings. 20. Following listed group names inspire spirit, awe, creativity, fun, and meme. If your team name is interesting enough and everyone in the crowd cheers for your team, then, believe me, you have already won half of the game. Part-ee Freaks: Some party animals out here. : Probably not the result they were expecting. You can use gear like discs or even words like putt or flick that describe what and how you play the sport. These chains are made for banging. Disc Golf Addict. Dirty Golf Jokes Not For The Easily Offended! Hicks with Sticks That's A Gimmee Privacy Policy. Price: $5. Name Generator = 'block'; The old man offered one more comment, Of course, when I was your age that tree was only three feet tall.. 27 Best Disc Golf Jokes To Make You Laugh | Discing Daily If Its Gotta Be, It Starts With Me. Just Throw It. Putter Madness: They will drive you mad. 100. 45. I Traded Them for Golf Balls. Basketball Life is Better Playing Disc Golf. (Hits several trees before landing) Game of throws. 40. Predator. The Usual Suspects. When is the course too wet to play golf? var cid = '8785305982'; 4. Add puns or jokes to make your team name exciting. Grip it and Rip it. Mike is the founder and editor of Sports Feel Good Stories. var cid = '8785305982'; How about playing with your friends while also telling some well-timed disc golf jokes? There are many ways to create team names, including: Using the name of a city or famous person, Using a combination of words that have no meaning but sound cool. Chicks with flicks. Some of them you'll instantly recognize, others might be new to you. Golf is a pretty competitive and exciting game. Benchwarmers: Some lazy team members here. 46. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; 300+ Best Golf Club Names Ideas That Are Perfect for You So did I, he said, but they all wanted to go to her funeral.. Back Spinners 4. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Here Ive put together the best list of disc golf jokes and puns for you to share with others. 70. 74. Is everything OK? Bob shouts back in a nervous voice: Youd better throw me my Orc, it doesnt look like Ill get out of here with my Roc!. Hold It and also Sip It. Escape from Alcatraz. I Didn't Lose my Marbles. Watchers on the Green. By January Nelson Updated January 27, 2022. 7. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; 95. But when I do, theyre for double bogey. Funny Disc Golf Frisbee golf idea for those who play or frisbee golf. A Golfers Diet Consists of a Lot of Greens. Golf Serendipity. by George McDonald. Continue brainstorming until you find a good name. Shortlist the team names you have in your list by removing names that dont sound good enough. Funny Golf Team Names That Will Have You Chuckling in No Time Golf Team Names2022Funny, Good, Best, Mini & Cool. A good, powerful and funny golf team name is what keeps your team connected. The difference is that unlike regular golf, which uses a ball and clubs, disc golf players use Frisbees! var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Last but not least: This team is happy with any score. Humorous Disc Golf Slogans Just Hit It. After several minutes of debating how to make the shot the old man finally said, You know, when I was your age Id throw the disc right over that tree.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'discingdaily_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discingdaily_com-banner-1-0'); With that challenge placed before him, the youngster threw hard, the disc went up high, right smack into the top of the tree and it dropped back on the ground still blocked by the tree! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; 19. Thanks! 67. Match First, Booze After: Trust me, they are more excited about the booze. Chicks with Sticks. By mrsmitful. Movies, songs or any commonly used phrase is generally up for a play on words to lift the spirits on the course. Half of the game is already won when you have a clever, creative name for your squad or group. Best Disc Golf Discs. 76. Golf is the Sport Where Your Most Feared Opponent is Yourself. You do not necessarily need a team name that is powerful or badass, you can also choose a funny team name, and trust me, it is more thrilling than other options. 41. Add Pun or Jokes: If you and your team members have some inside jokes or if you guys love inside jokes, then add something related to that. I thought this is best community and it could turn out fun. On our end, we have supported and been involved in a few events over the years and, in the process, have watched the sport grow exponentially. Droppin Daisy. 5. 71. Golf Team Names Here are some cool and catchy golf team names for your inspiration: UnderParFect The Fringe Crew Raiders of Albatross The Chosen Ones RunAway Birdie The Ugly Ducklings The Four Hackers of the Apocalypse Hole-Shooters The Wet Wedgers Strokeologists Flying balls Chubbs Shanks-alot Ballistics My shots never lie Daredevil Discs. There was a large cedar tree right in front of his disc a few yards and directly between his disc and the basket. ", 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. I've seen "Morning wood", "Franks n' Beans", "Bear Down", "Go Bears", "Seymour Butts". The Fowl Assassins - Rules are for suckers. Here are some tips for choosing a great name for your team: Here is the step-by-step guide to naming your disc golf team: There are many factors to consider, like the teams geographic location, their purpose, and what the members have in common. +4 colors/patterns ARTIST UNKNOWN I Bang Chains Funny Disc Golf TShirt 1 $1999 FREE delivery Sat, Feb 18 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Or fastest delivery Fri, Feb 17 29. Screaming and Stroking: Thats what they are going to do in the whole game. Overtime. Clubbing At Its Besy. Repeat. 60. 6. Our list includes a variety of options, or see our tips below to create a disc golf team name of your own. Treejection. 18. Sports quotes, stories, team names, and slogans. May The Course Be With You Essential T-Shirt. E-lemon-ator League = 'block'; Theres a lot to like about the sport. Represent Canada! Everything was going fine, he said. 400+ Fantastic Golf Team Names (With Meanings) Disc golf offers a fun, inexpensive, active hobby similar to regular golf. : They are only depending on that now. If you like the rude humour, please check out our selection of rude golf jokes though word of caution, these jokes are adults only. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Baseball Never underestimate a dude who plays disc golf. Your disc golf team name should be unique and different from other teams. 77. I dont always sink 50-foot putts. A Team Above All. Par Then Bar. We like it rough: Because playing gently is boring for these guys: 53. ***** Riot. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself with a tough shot. Ballistics 5. How to pick the best golf tournament names, revealed! Winning is a Habit, Success is a Choice. Dynamic Discs wants everyone to get interested in disc golf. Choose an appropriate disc golf team name for your team or the league. Buzzz vs Compass Midrange Disc Comparison, The Best MVP Midranges in The Game (2023 Reviews). 200 Cool and Catchy Disc Golf Team Names - HypeFu 24. Football Nicknames This game will measure your nerves and is arguably the best way to focus on not making 3-putts. The Most Important Shot in Golf is the Next One. You can also use your favorite players name and combine it with something unique and funny to make your team name look interesting. Tape a Cheetah to our backs. Golf Club Names The Armed Man The Buzzsaw Aldridge's Club Sunshine Swing LV Play Green Golf Pete's Golf Club The Vengeful Five Woods of War The Frosty The Iron Gate Norman SouthPark Golf My First Golf Club Big Apple Viable Yard The Savior The Garden Of Eden Bolt Air Golf Club Wicked Weapon Yogurty's Gymxn Duffer The Big Stick Field Of Dreams The Tree Giveth. 63. If youre thinking about naming your disc golf team, there are a few things to keep in mind. 10. 88. 74. If Its Gotta Be, It Starts With Me. Stupid Tree Funny Frisbee Disc Golf T-Shirt Tee Gift Sticker. 25+ Golf Puns You Will Never FORE Get | Thought Catalog Combines 'Frisbee' and 'Golf'. To Win a Golf Match, Play the Course Not Your Opponent. The Ministry of silly Strokes: Theylook hilarious when they try to hit. } 41+ Funny Disc Golf Team Names (For Doubles & Triples) Golf Team Names: 400+ Funny Golf Tournament Names. Take Ideas from Your Team Members: Take suggestions from your team members. Underachievers Anonymous. Check out our golf disc funny selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops.

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