apostle joshua selman prayer pointsdios escoge a los que han de ser salvos

4). Thank you my Lord for the sinless blood you shed for all man kind so that we may be saved. Say these prayers in faith over Nigeria.Even if you are not a Nigerian, intercede for the Nation and ask that the purposes of God will be established over the Nation of Nigeria. Access to the heart of kings and nobles. 16. (Walk around) As I walk upon this ground, wherever my helper is, I call you by prophecy, come into my life. In the name of Jesus, tonight I declare a fresh re-connection to the ministry of the Holy Ghost. About Apostle Joshua Selman. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. How To Invest Money To Make Money 2016 Invest Your Money Wisely Earn $50.000 In Month ! (Call someones name) By the power mandated upon my life, I call forth favour upon your life. In the name of Jesus, I release all family idols from both sides of my parents. Every season of spiritual dryness with no power or manifestation of God; I decree and declare, that season ends and a higher dimension of spiritual power rests upon you now, in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, I announce that victory is mine by the grace of God. Your email address will not be published. May grace and peace be multiplied unto you in Jesus Name. Father, I accept this robe of favor today. 11. I speak to you, every tongue that rises up against you falls in judgment, in the name of Jesus! 7. Father, open my eyes to see the challenges ahead of me and provide me with a strategy to fight them, in Jesus name. Father, today I receive this mantle of favour. Say the declarations with faith in your heart and respond with Amen. I command you, mantle of favor; begin to speak; speak to the North, South, East, and West. In the name of Jesus, All my family members (Call their names), I stand as an altar and I bring you out of this dungeon. 22.SPIRIT OF THE LORD! Eternity Network International----- Video original and produced exclusively by Christocentric Message. God bless you. In the name of Jesus, return every arrow of prayerlessness hurled into the crowd by the enemy. Say these prayers in faith over Nigeria. ePN, 13 HOT PRAYER POINTS TO PRAY EVERYDAY IN 2023 APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN, May You Receive A Clear Direction For 2023! Required fields are marked *. Content Removal - DMCA. 9. Lord I open the gates of my destiny to favour. 4.OIL OF GREATNESS FROM ABOVE,REST ON ME IN THE NAME OF JESUS. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. In Jesus name, the powers that stopped my parents will not be able to stop me. Praise him with a dance. For anyone trusting God to get through a difficult situation, may this be a new beginning for you, in the name of Jesus! In the name of Jesus, I was liberated from every power that had pursued my parents. Wherever they are, I utilize the Earth as a prophecy token to find my aid, spiritual, economical, etc. Every demon in my foundation resisting my divine favour, catch fire, in Jesus name. 0 Lord, in the name of Jesus, redeem me from every valley of limitation Ive been placed into. 2. Acts chapter 4:31, we saw this in the life of the apostles so even in the new testament, fasting and prayer were part of the church. I command you to attract to my life people, opportunities and resources in the name of Jesus. In Jesus name, I command that every evil mark on my family be removed. HELP ME NOT TO LIVE A WASTED LIFE IN JESUS NAME. O Lord, in the name of Jesus, remove me from every graves where I have been kept. In Jesus name, I take control over principalities and bind every strongman tied to every aspect of my life. [Live Video] SPECIAL MIDNIGHT PRAYERS JUST FOR YOU | Apostle Joshua In the name of Jesus, I break all marriage curses cast on my family by any domestic adversaries, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. ISAIAH 41:10 2.MY FATHER MY FATHER! In the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit I ask that you manifest yourself once again in my life. Access to the heart of kings and nobles. IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS, SPIRIT OF WISDOM,REST ON ME ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE. May your eyes and mind be open to understand Scriptures and spiritual mysteries, in the name of Jesus! Lord, please come back to this topic of limitation in my life and family one more time. That favour will bring speed to my life in Jesus name. People of all walks of life, even strangers. My Father (2X), As I Begin To Pray, Bring Into My Life People That Will Attract Your Blessings Hebrew 2:11 2. (Walk around) As I walk upon this ground, wherever my helper is, I call you by prophecy, come into my life. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 47. Read: 15 Prophetic Declarations For November By Apostle Joshua Selman 5. Thank your lifted. December 2022 Prophetic Prayer | Apostle Joshua Selman 5.MY FATHER MY GOD!AS I PRAY NOW INTRODUCE ME AFRESH TO THE SUPERNATURAL IN THE NAME OF JESUS. 14.MY FATHER MY FATHER! 63. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word, Your email address will not be published. The grace to travail in prayer until you touch dimensions of spiritual reality, receive that grace now, in the name of Jesus! 3. Decree And Declare Prayer Points PDF (Free Download) Prayers To Defeat The Snakes In The Dream - DreamsWithJoshua In the name of Jesus, every attack on my prayer life, spiritual life, consistency,, in the name of Jesus, be destroyed now. Eternity Network International-------------------------------------------------------------Video original and produced exclusively by Christocentric MessageSpeaker: Apostle Joshua Selman-------------------------------------------------------------Full Video: Subscribe to this YouTube channel and hit the notification bell to be notified whenever we upload a new video: https://www.youtube.com/christocentricmessagehqYou can download free unlimited audio messages of Apostle Joshua Selman from their website (link below)https://t.me/christocentricmessageWhen making these videos, our purpose is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.NOTE: Christocentric Message is not in any way in Partnership with Eternity Network Internation, Neither do we represent themCONNECT WITH US Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/christocentricmessageInstagram-https://instagram.com/christocentric_messageTwitter- https://twitter.com/MChristocentricTelegram- https://t.me/christocentricmessage------------------------------------------------------------------------Please to connect directly or officially with Apostle Joshua Selman or His Ministry kindly use the following Official Social Media Handle:Public Relations:+2348147214444+2349077777853+2349150227448Counseling/Prayer:+2348075770001Protocol:+2347087777765Media:+2348100289892Finance:+2349065996660Instagram: (@Koinoniaglobal)https://instagram.com/koinoniaglobalFacebook:https://facebook.com/koinoniaglobalTwitter:https://twitter.com/koinoniaeniYouTube:https://YouTube.com/c/koinoniaglobal----------------------------------------------------------To easily get messages shared on this page, search for these:apostle joshua selmanapostle joshua selman sermonsapostle joshua selman 2021apostle joshua selman worship songsapostle joshua selman prayerapostle joshua selman liveapostle joshua selman midnight prayersapostle joshua selman messagesapostle joshua selman praying in tonguesapostle joshua selman songsapostle joshua selman holy spiritapostle joshua selman wife and familyapostle joshua selman tongues of fireapostle selman 2021apostle selman liveapostle selman joshuajoshua selmanjoshua selman messagekoinonia globalkoinonia abujakoinonia apostle joshua selmankoinonia live streamkoinonia global livekoinonia abuja live koinonia messages by apostle joshua selman Allow your fire to consume it. Apostle Joshua Selman Quotes | MIDNIGHT PRAYER POINTS Do. Your Rights. 28.MY FATHER MY GOD! In Jesus name, every fight of stagnation and near-success syndrome ends today. Apostle Joshua Selman prays for Nigeria as the general elections come up. Father, I pray against my parents unfinished and transferred battles. Joshua Selman is Currently Single But Not Searching Currently 39 years old, Apostle Joshua Selman is not married but allegedly has a woman in his life named Sandra Chinelo Areh, who has been nicknamed Selwoman. In the name of Jesus, let the resemblance fights in my life catch fire. 3). Experience exponential growth and multiplication, in the name of Jesus! Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message.For ANY Enquiry about Koinonia Eternity Network International :Official Koinonia LINES:+2348075770001 (Public Relations)+2348147214444 (Public Relations)+2349077777853 (Prayer and Counselling)+2349065996660 (Finance Department)+2348100289892 (Media Department)Facebook http://www.facebook.com/koinoniaeniInstagram : @koinoniaglobal Twitter: @koinoniaeni Youtube: @koinoniaglobal If You're led to SOW into the Ministry below is the account detail: Account Name: Eternity Network International Account Numbers: NAIRA: 0113343316 USD: 0459170230 GBP: 0459170247 EUR: 0459170089 Swift code: GTBINGLA Sort Code: 058118119 Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank Plc 101. The grace for intimacy with God, I impart that grace upon you, in the name of Jesus. 30. 55. 25. Apostle Joshua Selman, the Lord's servant is a compendium of revelation and we are tasked by the grace of God and the unction of the Holy Spirit to highlight critical revelatory points to afford you the opportunity to meditate and profit from the different dimensions of the word preached. 2021 Naija Sermons || All Right Reserved. 8.MY FATHER MY FATHER! Thank you Lord for a new Nigeria Amen . Lord, humble the battles that are above me, preventing me from being seen, in the name of Jesus. This is for You!! Beloved, welcome to March 2023. Apostle Joshua Selman prays for Nigeria as the general elections come up. WHATEVER THAT IS BLOCKING MY ACCESS INTO THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT,BLOOD OF JESUS WASH THEM AWAY. Apostle Joshua Selman Messages Gospel Sermons & Messages Download All APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN Messages Download (MP3) Download All APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN Messages Download (MP3) March 1st, 2023 3 Download All APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN Messages Download (MP3) AS I PRAY NOW,REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME AND MAKE ME A BETTER PERSON. In the name of Jesus, open every gate that is shutting against my destiny right now! You have entered an incorrect email address. 25.MY FATHER MY GOD! 35. 24income.co is a video blog who provide the most recommended videos on how to make money and how to invest it right for best income. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Father thank you for redeeming my life and that of my family from the dangers of today. Oh Lord, whoever must appear to change my financial destiny, I receive their ministry in Jesus Name. 13. MY FATHER, MY FATHER, AS I BEGIN TO PRAY IN JESUS CHRIST NAME, UNFRIENDLY FRIENDS, NO MATTER HOW CLOSE YOU ARE, I REJECT YOUR SET UP, AMEN. I surrender my will, desire and everything else that separate me from the presence of God. 69. If you would like to join our roster of speakers, please email us on the email address salvationhub@gmail.com. Any man who sees me must want to aid and bless me because of the mantle of favor. Lord every destiny helper that has left my life before must appear in my destiny again. In the name of Jesus, every planting that is not of the Lord in my life, as I pray, be exposed. Download Apostle Joshua Selman Books [PDF] - TheGospel.NG You can cry but please still praise. All Rights Reserved To 24income.co ENGAGE PRAISE WITH UNDERSTANDING, (. apostle joshua selman prayer points - alliemcadam.com Jesus during his physical presence with his Apostle Joshua Selman Prayer Points for Mercy, Favour, Breakthrough & Destiny Helpers Lord, one more time visit this issue of am munguriek ongom Stephen am really grateful to the man of God I really thank God the more for the great anointing upon his life that is overflowing globally, as we who are far as where I am at Juba south Sudan still being blessed by the prayer points of this man of God I do pray that may God anoint him the more and bless him more and more I love him so so much, Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. HOT MID NIGHT PRAYER POINT BY APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN - YouTube List Of 100 Prayer Points By Apostle Joshua Selman: 1. Grace to be all involved beloved. Lord any man that sees my face, let that anointing for favour be activated. Lord, Ive done my best; please aid me. Do You Have Passion for Soul Winning?? God bless you as you receive the word in Jesus' name. In the name of Jesus, every delayed blessing that should have happened in my life and was delayed because of these altars, tonight by prophecy, I call you back into my life. 29. previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 next sort by previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 next We also use some of your favorite speakers bringing their speeches to life by cinematic their speech to make it valuable to our viewers. 1. Apostle TV is here to simply inspire you! 24. OPEN HEAVEN MARCH 2023, PRAYER POINTS, DAILY DECLARATIONS PASTOR E. A ADEBOYE, Prayer Points For Open Heavens 21 February 2023, Why Your Efforts Are Not Yielding Positive Results By Apostle Joshua Selman, Powerful Declarations For Today 21 February 2023. Find them below: Prayer Points for Mercy, Favour, Breakthrough & Destiny Helpers Lord, one more time visit this issue of limitation in my life and family. jDAY 1 PRAYER POINTS 1. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Videos THE ALTAR OF PRAYER APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN NIMMAK Videos Video #1 Channel:- SBiC Connect Date Published:- 2019-November-10th Date Added:- 2021-February-9th Link Scripture THE ALTAR OF PRAYER APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN NIMMAK Isaiah 33:6 [ Link ] And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the In Job 1, a meeting was being held in the heavenlies, Satan then came and a conver- sation was engaged, "Have you considered my servant Job". Every signature of hardship and misfortune this year is buried. In the name of Jesus, every gate closing against my destiny, be open now!. 17. (Call someones name) By the power mandated upon my life, I call forth favour upon your life. I RECEIVE CLEAN HANDS AND A PURE HEART TO GO HIGHER AND STAY WITH JESUS. Thank you, Lord, for your redemptive power that never fails or diminishes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lord I open the gates of my destiny to favour. 36. I love this platform. In the name of Jesus, strike down the tree of family affliction, thou weapon of deliverance. Lord, one more time visit this issue of limitation in my life and family. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every business and helper upon the ground, be at peace with me and my destiny.

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