10 russian warships off uk coastdios escoge a los que han de ser salvos
He said the countries were 'united in their resolve' against Russian aggression. If you remember in WW2 GERMANY wanted to invade us, and we used means of blow up tanks etc to deter them. The Sentinel 2 satellite image, taken at 11:47 local time, shows at least 14 vessels. 'Our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation,' said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. An good opportunity knoks coming soon, to sink the Russian fleets in the Med, lol!! "Despite the increase in Russian activity, both on the surface and underwater, we are always ready to respond.". 'They discussed U.S. and international security and economic assistance to Ukraine, and the Secretary expressed appreciation for Ukraines continued calls for a diplomatic solution, stressing the need for Ukrainian unity in the face of the Russian threat,' Price said. It can be logically assumed that KALIBR capability willRead more . 2014-2021 UK Defence Journal, all rights reserved. Not training troops. To Decimate is as you put Dave 1 in 10 ,50% is half which is Dimidium, Cheers Tommo my googlefu is poor however, my google translate fu was non-existent , Over the last third of a century the pollies have dimidiumated the British Army . The . https://www.janes.com/defence-news/naval-weapons/latest/turkish-navy-commissions-first-intelligence-gathering-ship. Final talks on NI post-Brexit deal as UK PM meets EU chief - No 10. You guys need more ships me thinks . Ireland tells Russia live-fire naval exercise is 'not welcome' Syria is not a big news story for Putin. Giving his annual speech to the Royal United Services Institute, the Defence chief said: They are flexing their muscles in our own back yard with an ostentation they have not displayed since the Cold War. READ NEXT:Army poised to send 'game-changing' tanks to Ukraine to smash RussiaBefore and after maps show Russia's territorial losses in UkraineUK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontlineCleverly under pressure over German spy - Britain battles 'silent war'Putin replaces 'General Armageddon' after three months in top job. one area that peeves me is that we no longer have the facilities to build produce the equipment fast enough. The volume of gas supplyable through Nordstream 2 is roughly equivalent to the entire energy use of UK or another large European country. I can see why you next comment was For starters. As to Corbin(Corbyn) and American born Johnson, well in my opinion Corbyn is poison and Johnson is a clown beyond redemption Regards Geoff(who is btw an ardent Americophile), Douglass post about this being Bidens fault instead of Putin and his yes men is just not true and I dont think its the time to encourage them. The assessment put the number of rebels within Ukraine who are loyal to Moscow at 35,000 and estimated Russia has a further 3,000 military personnel within Kiev's territory. The core of the Russian navy's Northern Fleet has been observed manoeuvring in and around Irish-controlled waters in recent days, ahead of planned live-fire drills. I agree with your 10 year rule. The Turks the bosphorous cutting off vital Shipping routes to Russia. Under international law of the sea, innocent passage permits a vessel to pass through another state's territorial waters so long as this does not affect its security. HMS Lancaster joined Severn tracking Steregushchiy-class corvette Boikiy in the Channel and using its Wildcat helicopter to gather intelligence. Were you not barred a couple of years ago from this site? Britain disputed the Russian version of events, with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab calling it "predictably inaccurate". I didnt think anyone could be worse than Trump. Pity we dont have an enormous fleet of attack submarines to take out surface ships. The Ivan Gren-class can transport 40 BTRs or IFVs and 300 troops. Russkie pension, weekly bucket of spuds and one litre of 2 stroke. We must stand with our Ukrainian allies., Biden has also authorized $200 million in additional support to meet Ukraines emergency defense needs, according to a U.S. State Department spokesperson. NATO should have gripped the Balts, told them the purchasing would be led by Poland and created a unified equipped group of countries enjoying scale of purchasing. How would you like me to paint Corbin and Johnson with the same brush? And it will be forthcoming if I am wrong as I hope yours will be in reverse. But at various times four navy frigates were deployed. I have faith in the crews and TTPs, I have limited faith when the top brass dispense with offensive capabilities that the USN and every other major navy endorses. The warship is feared to be loaded with 7,000mph hypersonic missiles with a range of over 600 miles. French President Emmanuel Macron has offered to send troops to Romania., https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60077776. Britain said Russia was giving an inaccurate account of the incident. the russian method of fitting a gun,torpedo cruise missile wherever it can fit gives them more powerful vessel than it was designed to be. Estonia is sending Javelin anti-armor missiles while Latvia and Lithuania are sending Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and related equipment, according to a Friday statement by the countries defense ministers. The ships have included a surfaced submarine, a destroyer, a corvette and a patrol ship along with their supporting tugs and supply ships travelling in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and the West Coast of Scotland. The Coast Guard said the ship is . Dont forget its got a great habit of hitting other random stuff like holiday homes or your best mates frigate. Helicopters for the littoral, Nuclear boats for larger vessels. The Royal Navy said it is tracking the frigate and the tanker movements with an HMS Portland frigate, as it could carry what is considered to be one of the world's deadliest weapons. Australia just signed an agreement with UK Defense minister to dedicate Wharf and logistics to readily accommodate Royal Navy ships basing them selves there . I think youre forgetting the Enhanced Forward Presence incl Canadians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Romainians, Slovaka, Czechs, Danes, Norgies, Albanians, Slovenes, Italians, Germans, French and may have missed one or two just saying like. I am generally centrist and an issues rather than party man and had high hopes for Biden. On 19 July 2020, another explosion hit a power plant in Isfahan Province. Supplying intel and light weapons will not change the outcome much , Russia will win regardless of the losses shell receive. The ships - which included a . We should grant him that and make it a reality. And even 2 or 3 Astute boats would give any fleet a serious headache. Will Stewart Putin might be doing maskirovka. Will Stewart whats next a russian build up around the baltic straits?or the chinese off tiawan? UK could learn a few things by this process and not immediately scrap stuff. WW1 & WW2 were not just ended by fighting but the economic ability of Germany to out produce the allies. However, the IDF has a long standing policy of refusing to confirm or deny allegations ofRead more . Agree but the Russians view is that any weapon in hand can be used against an enemy and therefore gets kept. It comes after UK dfence chiefs said yesterday they fear Putin will opt for the 'nightmare scenario' of a full invasion of Ukraine as tensions rise towards tipping point. They can receive Comms 24/7 without having to come to PD, they do not surface to receive Comms, so no difference between a ship receiving an update or a SM. Plus, RN experience has taught us we use helicopters in the littoral with Stingray, Martlet and Sea Venom, and hunter killer boats for larger warships. In comarison with previous pictures those ships are sailing well loaded. Which begs the question why? 'Grateful for [US's] political & security support. A longer-range version would also be welcome, Ive discussed the advantages short to medium term of NSM/JSM as well as Block V Tomahawk, particularly now that both Russia and China have joint interests in the North Atlantic. For use in the littoral, these also need to be smart weapons, able to accurately discriminate between types of ships not good to go sinking the wrong ships! Because I dont have anybody living on the USA/Canada so I dont know the situation. Thats an oversight. Im not sure to be honest. According to French newspaper La Voix du Nord, another Russian tanker appeared to be heading to the Atlantic Ocean, sailing along the Boulonnais coast on the Strait of Dover, 20 miles away from Great Britain. Just been channel hooping with various News outlets and what I can gather is that the Ukrainian public are just getting on normal Living , it would seem that the 24hr News channels are too blame for the So called tensions just like a certain plot for a James Bond movie with Johnathan Pryce as the TV mogul who wants too start a War for Ratings. They may be old but the Russians have used some of them very hard on the Russia/Syria Syrian Express run. The Iranians are being bombed at will. Who is bombing the Iranians? Russia has brought in new forces to Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014. A capability upgrade as and when needed, might well happen. It had been thought Mr Putin would choose the 'simple option' of sending troops into the Donbass region in south-eastern Ukraine and then negotiate for it to become an independent state, providing a buffer between pro-western Ukraine andRussia. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russia's Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a "show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts" General . As for unvaccinated drivers not being allowed to cross, well who wouldnt want to keep the chronically stupid out of their country? These vessels are more than likely head to Syria to onload stores. No warning shots had been fired and no bombs had been dropped in the path of the Royal Navy destroyer Defender, it said. "Even with the pressures of Covid, we remain at short notice to respond to threats both in home waters and around the world. Romania, in particular, has sounded the alarm over Russian activities in the waterway, and has gone on a $10 billion spending spree since 2014, buying U.S. F-16s, rocket artillery and advanced. The conflict in Donbass has killed 15,000 people, Kyiv says. Assassinations of nuclear experts. Without OHT you are randomly chucking missiles out down a bearing and hoping the target is somewhere within the seeker head basket for the terminal homing. Should be a 10 year rule everything gets stored for at least 10 years in case needed. I think most would agree Trump was a very poor President and Joe Biden has not covered himself in glory. Biden is standing up to Putin in every way logical. I thought you might of recovered somewhat, after that meltdown you had a couple of years ago? In new training drills yesterday, three dozen Russian warplanes including Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft and MiG-31 fighter-interceptors flew from airfields in Perm, Krasnoyarsk,. Its not as easy as it seems, accurately targeting the correct vessel in high shipping density waters. We are in a potentially high risk scenario all it takes is a trigger point. A mere 3 BGs in total and designed just to reassure the people of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Last night, Kiev hailed Britain for sending anti-tank weapons and troops as an 'important first step' to help the country defend itself. I apologize if you took offense with my tone, its not my normal voice. Certainly, if small, but it isnt going to be sinking any frigates or destroyers let alone a cruiser many of which are being fitted with anti shell or missile weapons. In such a febrile atmosphere, the risk of a misunderstanding or unplanned escalation is greater, and Russia could use such an incident as a casus belli. return to the tri nations agreement of 1899!! Russia is flexing its muscles in Britains back yard after ten warships arrived off the UK coast, the Chief of the Defence Staff has warned. Britain seems to be the only Western power doing anything regarding the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. If the RN really wants anti ship missiles, we would get them. Missile attacks would take advantage of Ukraine's weaker anti-missile defences. Kyiv might also be provoked into attacking by the separatists who could then ask Russia to send troops to help, he said. if 25% could actually get out of harbour before breaking down! It seems a good time to propose it in the commons. I would have personally expected more from an accomplished person such as Merkel and her predecessors in making sure there is no reliance on anything from a potential enemy, but as the Germans can be smart, they can be equally daft. do you have the recipie for this distillery? With 4 missiles in each bay of an F-35 (like the 1000lb GBU fits into), says that the warhead cant be that big, say like a Hellfire or Brimstone around 15kg. ', She said it mimicked the playbook used when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, and included social media disinformation to show Kiev as the instigator of violence. The Kremlin also deployed servicemen to Belarus this week, ostensibly for major military operations with the country, sparking fears in neighbouring Lithuania. Ryabkov, referring to Moscow's version of events in which a Russian aircraft bombed the path of the British destroyer, said that in future bombs would be sent "not only in its path, but also on target.". and Royal Navy ship off Crimea sparks diplomatic row between Russia and UK The US CSG in the med training with Italy and Spain no doubt this is positioned close by aswell. Also known as SPEAR capability 5. Several European nations have now moved to bolster Natos military deployment in eastern Europe. If allowed to go unchecked, this will only serve to embolden both Putin and Xi, so interesting times ahead for all of us. Trump was an idiot and poor president. Military analysts said even if it overwhelmed Ukraine's army, which is half the size of its own, Russia could face guerrilla-type resistance, making it hard to hold on to captured territory. Their Intel also saying that they see no particular problem. kill chain is very complex to find, track, and then engage a warship at range that doesnt want to be shot at. Iran if anything will be taking the opportunity to cause issues whilst US attention is firmly off the region. Severn was also on patrol as the Vice-Admiral Kulakov sailed through the Channel. British Defence Minister Ben Wallace accused Russian pilots of conducting unsafe aircraft manoeuvres 500 feet (152 m) above the warship. Hope the Turks can hold them up over their passage through the straights and send Putins timetable skew-whiff. Billboard in Dnipro, Ukraine with the statement written in Russian. In his annual Defence speech, General Sir Nick Carter also said it was 'too early to plot the demise of the tank'. It is certainly andy reeves again! Food, the are a exporter of food. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. THE Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships stalking Britain's coast in the past two weeks. There are only 4 sets available for the Type 45s taken off the Type 22 Batch 3s. It has a much wider capture angle. Agree, that is the most likely route. Russian, US, French and UK warships spotted off south coast by Defence LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea. Preliminary analysis of the vessels suggests 3 groups. Stand by to be surprised. Comms on a dived Astute very limited. I have little doubt that corruption in Russia has led to some pretty shoddy construction. 14:30 GMT 20 Jan 2022. Its all well and good having such weapons, but they arent much good without good accurate targeting information. Still better than a 4.5 gun. The vessels were found by Naval News with the help of Damien Symon, an independent defense analyst. F35 will also receive SPEAR 3 which also has anti ship capability. At the same time, it has stepped up social media campaigns portraying Ukraine as aggressors. https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/01/us-sends-more-military-equipment-ukraine/361042/ With the clown we have as PM? The 210-sailor warship left the port of Murmansk in northwestern Russia on January 6 for the Lofoten Islands in the Norwegian Sea. Putin's plot to send warships off Ireland coast sparks 'deep concern Global Britain is an illusion. Could you tell me what youre drinking? pic.twitter.com/NDzRz2MwqU, Ministry of Defence (@DefenceHQ) January 21, 2022. 210 comments about a decades old routine RN escort operation. First Sea Lord Admiral Tony Radakin said: "This is why the Royal Navy is at sea every day, protecting the UK and our interests. My point still stands EFP is a deterrent/trip wire force to prevent Russia thinking she has an option to interfere in those countries. The explosion inside an oxygen factory in the town of Bandar-e Mahshahr, south of Tehran. Whilst we (NATO) wont be firing shots, theres a massive amount that can be done with regards to intelligence and weapon supply that, arguably should have been done a month ago. His advanced years are often publicly evident in his performance. A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. By Sam Greenhill Chief Reporter for the Daily Mail. The deployment was cited in Ukraine's intelligence report which said Belarus 'should be considered as a full-fledged theater of operations that Russia can use to expand aggression against Ukraine.'. US is now flying in warlike items to Ukraine. Most of its armour is 25+ years old, its tube artillery is a similar age and is seriously out ranged by modern Russian systems and they have just announced a cut in numbers to about 75,000..! NOT, should have out an archer. Its not a valid comparison in 2003 the Russian was in a post Yeltsin mess and in no way capable of acting as a deterrent to US forces. . Agreed. Thu Feb 3 2022 - 19:50. As for Corbyn and Johnson, I generally agree I just wish people could see its kind of theRead more , Hi Ron-no need to apologise, I enjoy your posts and know that things for all of us can get robust at times. We have historically supported the underdog in the face of the invading bully. The Kremlin quickly denied it was preparing a provocation. No Typhoons in Romania at present, but USAF F-15Es there. The reason they were happy to get rid was cost. The Russian ships sheltered from bad weather within the Baie de Seine, Northern France, where Severn was joined by allied French navy ships and aircraft. Mr Prystaiko also slammed Berlin for pushing ahead with the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that will circumvent Ukraine. Sheer incompetence being the only major navy in the world to not have AsUW capability beyond a 4.5 pea shooter. Who do you think got impeached by the US House for trying to compromise Zelensky? Push buttons. One can hope that cooler heads will prevail, and we start sorting ourselves out! We have Astute, which is the finest anti ship weapon in the world, along with NATO and allied nuclear boats, its enough toRead more . During the last 2 years lots of HGV drivers left the profession, as happens every year. So easy to detect and evasion not impossible but also easy for CIWS to lock onto. Certainly Ivan is getting very desperate now with the prop.! Ammunition depots. If it doesnt conform to the official line it gets spiked. THE Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships stalking Britain's coast in the past two weeks. 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10 russian warships off uk coast
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