aquarius sun scorpio moonmicrowave oven dolly
Yesterdays Horoscope. Plutos increasing strength will continue to destroy the crystallisations of the last 2,000 years, in various ways according to the sign that it is in. When discussing the presence of the fourth ray in USAs ray structure, the USAs first ray influence is touched upon: Ray 4. This mass negligence to assert itself in the interests of the higher principles, was aided by the fact that the Nazis persecuted intellectualswho left Germany in droves, literally weakening the mental body of the nation and its spiritual principles. Friends, The Materialistic Forces embody the planetary sacral centre, their mission is to keep Humanity trapped at this level, through money obsession, fear about lack of resources like food and the many sexually sordid expressions openly promoted in the USA paedophilia, extreme porn, sexualisation of children, bestiality, gender dysphoria confusion etc. These are signs that often pull in different directions. Monthly News from Susan Miller. When they really like The influence of the sixth ray, coming via Mars, martially applied, and the lack of true spiritual love as it is diverted into, account temporarily for themass negligence to assert itself on behalf of the oppressed and in the interests of the higher principles. Esoteric Astrology: An extensive range of articles and essays, Monthly newsletters, articles, essays and videos on Esoteric Astrology and The Hidden History of Humanity. This environmental disaster of the East Palestine Train Derailment, struck just before the Aquarius full moon on Feb.3, 2023. They may also come off as bohemian, different, or outright strange. These placements in Aries indicate bold new initiatives that can be made, complementing the rising sign (soul purpose) of courageous Leo at least in the chart set for London, the planetary throat chakra this city is ruled by Leo at the soul level. However, with Jupiter as esoteric ruler of Aquarius, Plutos transit could re-establish and re-enunciate the principles of Universal Brotherhood the mantra of Libert, galit, fraternit (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity). Moon is also the most elevated body in the chart and quincunxes Scorpio co-ruler Pluto in late Capricorn. An Aquarius moon amplifies the Aquarius sun sign's typical traits. Nevertheless as a fixed sign, Aquarius is subject to ide fixe that Pluto the Destroyer will break up, as it did on its passage through Capricorn: Pluto governs however the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. The casualties, deaths, suffering and displacement is likewise appalling the West could have made other choices but chose to blunder in bull-headed, creating chaos and misery. Gemma Arterton February 2, 1986 at 5:00 PM Denise These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Sexual, he will overwhelm any woman with his passion. Get Names, Dates, Times, & Places ! The Astrology Revolution Saturday. The This person will need to balance their sense of personal freedom with a deep and complicated internal emotional world. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. (Note, the earlier chart posted here had the wrong time, it has been changed to the correct one.). Uranus as ruler of mental Aquarius, represents innovative and creative thought that ventures beyond Saturns ring pass not. In truth, these opposing energies are necessary to make decisions that steer this native to a sense of balance. You know very well what you want, but you want many things and all at once. This can lead to inner turmoil, or it can be a source of great strength. This death is brought about by Pisces esoteric ruler Pluto the destroyer. This is a typical Pisces-Neptune trait. Some of the key Aquarius Moon personality traits include: 1. Scandinavia, has a Cancer personality the Crab, which can fall into being pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back, and to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble.16. also the 12 disciples were each zodiac? No matter what kind of relationship these natives commit to, they will have a fierce need for independence and adventure. Yes, I saw there was a couple of pieces on Global Research about that in a similar vein. This is a great paradox for one of the highest products of the Fifth Rootrace. Germanys Pisces Personality and the USA You are very idealistic and have trouble being around people who have differing views and ideas to you. Donations Because the US has gone beyond its limits with its aggression, intimidation and attempted control of many nations around the world: The sixth ray glamour of interference and meddling in the affairs of other nations has prevailed for decades since WWII, resulting in over 50 CIA-driven coups globally. A person with this placement will thrive the more individual liberty they are able to bring into their lives. Nuclear devastation or the preservation of Humanity. This may manifest as them feeling like an outcast for significant portions of their lives, but this is just a part of their journey. Often, this is because both people are stubborn but in their unique way. And in 2025, both Neptune and Saturn enter Aries, making close conjunctions throughout that year, especially in August. Neptune the ruler of noxious gases was angular in Pisces, opposite Virgo a sign traditionally associated with health and healing. Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon/Virgo Rising. is offering in the USA only, a permanent 15% discount off all titles + free books. The Aquarius moon inspires a subconscious desire for exploration, learning, and freedom of expression. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. WebSun in Aquarius represents free-spirited expression, visionary in one's approach, embracing uniqueness and valuing personal freedom. WebDaily Horoscope for Scorpio (and Scorpio Rising). As touched upon earlier, Norway had much to gain from this act of sabotage: Oslo expects to bring in about $109 billion from the petroleum sector this year $82 billion more than in 2021.!14A bitter paradox for Norwegians is the extortionate price of food and electricity how can that be, where are all the profits going? This square pattern also denotes sudden and unexpected accidents. At it highest, Neptune is connected to positive spiritual idealism and aspiration, intuition or buddhi, visionary art-music and the creative imagination. WebDaily Horoscope for Scorpio (and Scorpio Rising). The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. . Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Virgo Sun opposite Moon, Earth and Jupiter in Pisces! Your email address will not be published. Leo Sun/Leo Moon/Aquarius Rising. He writes, Stupidity is a consequence of a failure to be aware of ones own limitations, and this type of cognitive failure has a scientific name: the Dunning-Kruger effect. Pluto with his staff, resembling Shiva, a first ray deity. 1.) (Saturn is the lord of memory.). Also prominent is wounded healer Chiron in Aries in the 10th house the wound of leadership that lays precisely opposite USAs Saturn in Libra. There is much more to this story, in terms of corruption and railway maintenance negligence, but for now to note the event horoscope. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. Hence, Saturn moving into Pisces just 49 after the exact Pisces-Virgo full moon carries some gravitas! These individuals are always striving for the next challenge with a thirst for knowledge. Therein lies great opportunity for Germany, to steer a new course and be a potent leader in Europe. This four-day zoom conference is in four weeks time April 1st to 4th, just before the Aries-Easter full moon on April 6, GMT/UT. Capricorn: December 22 January 20. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It was a DOW chemical plant that was shutdown of operating a Uranium Rod production site; the new name was Spectrulite. War in Heaven by Gustave Dor. MARCH 2023. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius have the enthusiasm and zest for life that matches this natives own. We can only imagine the loss that the nation must be feeling right now especially so many young students. The author does not have time to respond to many emails from readers, so please post your comments in the section below. WebThe Pisces sun scorpio moon woman is probably someone who has an alluring aura about them. Aquarius suns are well known for their creativity and their ability to think outside the box. Many geniuses are born under this Sign. Aquarius Sun With Capricorn Moon Both Aquarius and Capricorn are deep thinkers who feel a deep sense of responsibility. Whilst you discuss this overestimation of ones intelligence, I also think that stupidity is a failure to use ones god-given basic mental faculties and intuition we have witnessed this en masse in the past few years! How you do or dont express your emotions, as well as how you deal with your emotions. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22): Scorpio your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Cancer entering Leo before Noon, you start to think about the weekend ahead and make plans. An Aquarius sun Scorpio moon will go their own way and not let anything stop them. but if you are resident of the USA, please support the author by buying here: 7 0 obj <> endobj Sun-Moon in Libra may hint at Norways involvement, opposite Jupiter in fiery Aries, dominating the midheaven. hb`````c wP#0p4 q@1C$?E2|D+ zy 7 However, the Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is all about extremes and expression. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.6. Your email address will not be published. Germany is mediumistic, as was its dictator The Piscean personality of Germany (a sign governing mediumship), accounts for the apparently fluid grasp of essentials and the inability of its people and ruling government to stand by pledges. Elevated Jupiter here represents a brazen plan that gained high profile and of course Aries is ruled by god of war, Mars. ( phosgene Cloud over N.E. Capricorn: December 22 January 20. Poland has had long term grievances with Russia and has now piled on with Pisces Germany and progressed Sun in Pisces, USA. Pisces Full Moon Webinar But it also involved the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline now well proven by Seymour Hershs recent expos (see further on), to be ordered by the Whitehouse working with other bodies such as the CIA. newsletters and articles on esoteric astrology and the ageless wisdom, Theres usually a strong physical attraction between couples that share this synastry placement since their energies are so different but complementary. These two signs balance each other., (Pisces Solar Festival: March 7, 2023. Pisces Sun/Capricorn Moon/Gemini Rising. The Pluto in Aquarius period of 1777-1798 also embraced the French Revolution (1789-1799), hence the theme of Aquarian ruler Uranus dominates revolution, rebellion, reform and radical action. Understanding the house in which your Sun is found will give even greater Indeed, the Neptunian flood of all these factors over the past ten years, could be termed WMDs weapons of mass distraction! Bear in mind that the Covid crisis conveniently segwayed into the Ukraine crisis in early 2022, taking the heat off the many revelations emerging around the pandemic and sweeping the already hypnotised masses into another look over here! Similarly in 2043, when Pluto enters Pisces (for 24 years) the sign which it esoterically rules, that will be another significant marker for the end of Pisces Pluto the Purge, putting paid to the past! When combined with an Aquarius moon, Scorpio personalities can look outside of themselves to focus on a higher purpose. His website, eponymously named, is worth exploring. %PDF-1.5 % Polands capital is ruled by Warsaw, appropriately Piscean as it was originally a small fishing town on the very beautiful River Vistula. Moon is also the most elevated body in the chart and quincunxes Scorpio co-ruler Pluto in late Capricorn. Our sun sign is typically the part of our personality that likes to face the world while our moon represents that shadow element that is just beneath the surface. Take for example when people with no medical training try to provide medical advice. 4.) Beethoven: Visionary Sun in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces! This can be anything from a mystery locked in the past all the way to a grudge smoldering just under the surface. Plutos passage through Aquarius encompasses the year 2030, marking the 100-year anniversary of its discovery in 1930. Scorpio is known to be quite the stickler for structure and control, but the moons influence in Aquarius allows these natives to push back against these rigid boundaries. Consider the fact that the bulk of Humanity is still astrally polarised estimated at around 75%. This can be at odds with the desire to be a little secretive. (See last newsletter.) These Dark Forces are trying to block the higher correspondence of the sacral centre the throat centre, wherein illumined, intellectual creativity takes place. Leading on from the previous section, Germany has a Pluto-ruled first ray personality and Pisces personality ruled by Pluto. Having your sun in Aquarius is a powerful air sign position. Essentially, there are several significators of death, Scorpio rising, Pisces Sun and Neptune, Pluto etc. there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. The driven freedom of the Aquarius sun can UT 12.40), Saturn Enters Pisces on the Full Moon During this time, they wont remain idle but rather use it for much-needed self-reflection and exploration. Currently there are public protests about this government policy, an encouraging development. The past 22 years of writings by Phillip Lindsay Sun in Aquarius insistence on freedom will clash with No matter what comes their way, an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is going to go and blaze their own trail. Hence also the dumbing down of the populace and severe declines in education, accelerated by global digitisation and distraction. This tragic accident occurred just before posting the newsletter, so a complete analysis is not possible. Books by Phillip Lindsay As a result, Norway has now become a major beneficiary of the sabotage, as it has taken over from Russia in supplying gas to Europe. Question: What effect will transiting Pluto in Aquarius have on the Moon in the same sign? A man with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon placement is a natural in a crowd. We are inviting co-workers from Europe and around the world to attend this digital zoom event. Hence, the ease with which the public were so easily conned by the plannedemic assault upon them, 2020 to 2023, with a major offshoot distraction into Ukraine. He sinks to the depth of the ocean of life; he descends into hell, but the gates of hell hold him not. The Sun was in Aquarius, square to Uranus in Taurus, ruling the sixth house of health. Los Maestros De Los Siete Rayos WebThe Aquarius Sun Sign personality is brilliant, free-spirited and eccentric. Essentially, there are several significators of death, Scorpio rising, Pisces Sun and Neptune, Pluto etc. Free Subscription to Newsletter WebSun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Cancer Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Virgo Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn Hence, it may have been somewhat easy for the USA to gradually tighten their grip on Germany. They can sense the emotions of others through energetic means rather than with words alone. Five rail cars of vinyl chloride derailed an extremely hazardous substance that has been proven to cause several types of cancer. The Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon can be in competition with each other. Scorpio is a water moon, making you ultra sensitive to the moods around you. Invoking the polar opposite sign of healing Virgo will also help balance the opposites upon the astral plane by the development of objective, self-critical analysis. All these factors have become particularly noticeable since around 2015, with elections in the UK and USA and the analytical data groups who influenced public perception and voting outcomes. Aquarius: January 21 February 18. Scorpio Moons are especially vulnerable to dark atmospherestoxic, heavy, stagnant, spiritually degraded. Long-term commitments may not be their favorite thing in the world due to the nature of change in both the Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon placements. Twenty days earlier, Undersecretary Victoria Nuland (of Maidan 2014 notoriety), sent the same message: I want to be very clear to you, if Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.. All stars fall under the four elements: FIRE (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius); EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); AIR (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius); WATER (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). The great battle between the planetary Dweller on the Threshold and the Angel of the Presence has been fiercely engaged and will continue for some time yet. Or want to send a thoughtful gift? WebMoon Scorpio-Moon Aquarius. Moon is also the most elevated body in the chart and quincunxes Scorpio co-ruler Pluto in late Capricorn. WebAquarius sun Taurus moon individuals tend to be gentle and adaptable, but they also have strong wills that are not easily pushed around. Saturn is making its final aspect to Uranus in their long running square dance. Question: What effect will transiting Pluto in Aquarius have on the Moon in the same sign? The Scorpio sun Aquarius moon combination is well-suited for careers in the arts and sciences. Pisces, World Glamour and Propaganda It has only been in the past century that the Shamballa force has been allowed to flow directly to Humanity, the Hierarchy hitherto shielding or stepping down those potencies. And so the world witnesses the end of the Age of Pisces, Pluto taking its wrecking ball, but we all pray not with Plutonium! They have an effortless charm that can easily bring a group on their side. What does a Scorpio Moon sign bring to this combination? As it is the conjunction aspect of Pluto over the natal Moon, it may be highly powerful and emotionally charged, especially when it comes. The Leo ascendant is in close synastry to Jupiter in Britains horoscope. It is worth mentioning that this position of Sun and Moon in Scorpios and Aquarius brings great changes, rough and relatively frequent, and Canada). Note that the waters of Aquarius feed the waters of Pisces the fishes. Most likely a 4th ray soul, from the soul of the nation. However, you also have a lot of creativity and originality. However, you are both quite fixed in your own ways and are not always receptive to changing unless it is on your own terms. But the Aquarius free spiritedness and unconventionality may be tempered a bit by Capricorns rigid and reserved nature. H.P. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius Crosses the Aquarian Moon. Have you been meaning to get an astrology reading but have not got around to it yet? The Scorpio Sun Scorpio Moon man is charming, convincing and dangerous. Learning to listen to a friend is a great way to mitigate some of this stubborn streak. Yesterdays Horoscope. Like any sign, planet or ray, Pluto has a higher and lower expression passing through Aquarius: A lower Aquarian expression utilising Uranus-ruler the planet of science, might manifest in further ruthless, technological and totalitarian exploitation of the masses digital IDs, constant surveillance, franken-vaxxes and data harvesting all the Brave New World scenarios that have been touted in the past few years. In the explosion event horoscope near the Danish island of Svaneke, the Sun and Moon were in Libra, one hour past the new moon of Sept.25 at 1.03 am on Sept.26 a time chosen that offered the cloak of darkness. The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. This means that an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon will often find themselves learning lessons the hard way. We could also add to this, a collective guilt the German nation still carries after the shocking events of WWII, still not fully healed within the national psyche. (Dramatic music Beethovens da-da-da-dum!). These are two placements that can be at odds with each other. including the free online video, The Hidden History of Humanity. Related Article: 12 Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Personality Traits 2. Hidden History of Humanity, Word is that the liquid cargo on the rail train in E. Palestine came from Madison IL. The Sun in astrology symbolizes the core essence of who you are your individuality and sense of self. 17 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2E4A026B48D3ED438B5789DB83202AAE>]/Index[7 22]/Info 6 0 R/Length 66/Prev 42678/Root 8 0 R/Size 29/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream And so in the 2020s, dissenting intellectual voices are being silenced by US-based Big Tech, with tentacles reaching into every nation. Hence the vast numbers of Germans who come to the States in order to escape from the personality activity of Germany as it expresses itself through its first ray destroyer aspect.11. With a Scorpio Sun Scorpio Moon, aside from creative avenues of expression, you can excel in any career involving detection and analysis. But he still wants a traditional relationship. If your moons happen to fall in the same element, you will have greater emotional intimacy. The battle rages . This has resulted in a dumbing down of the population to the point where the development of independent, critical thinking has been blocked or vastly diminished, with education standards falling and zombie-like cell phone addiction. Scorpio is rising in this event chart, with its ruler Mars placed in Gemini conjunct the Moon in the sign of transportation. An Aquarius sun Scorpio moon will often carry more than their fair share of secrets. Moon in Gemini is void-of-course, trine to Gemini ruler Mercury in late Aquarius conjunct Saturn. WebThe Scorpio sun Aquarius moon combination produces an individual who is full of surprises. Pisces, World Glamour and Propaganda Together, these two great Aquarius soul nations, USA and Russia hammered the final blows that ended WWII. As stated earlier, Pluto will be passing back and forth from Capricorn to Aquarius until Nov.19, 2024 when it fully enters that sign. As with all signs, rays and planets, Neptune has a lower and higher expression. BASF to cut 2,600 jobs as energy crisis puts Germany on track for recession. Despite these difficulties, the pair have a lot to offer each other. The effect has been widely written about, and investigated empirically, with hundreds of studies published in peer-reviewed journals confirming and analyzing the phenomenon, particularly in relation to the dangers it poses in certain contexts.
aquarius sun scorpio moon
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